[01:01] Hi, recently I find that the AC state is wrong in the battery icon [01:01] Could you help me find out how this happens? [01:03] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/b5c6cdc1/file_70536.jpg [01:04] I have plugged out the AC power supply, not it still shows plugged in. And the power profile is not switched. === ravioli is now known as ravioli158 === krupa1 is now known as krupa === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [10:13] Oh god so disturbing!! "Open start menu" > Type: "Chrom" (to get the Chromium browser up) > Press Enter > I see the icon for a brief second, then it crashes. Repeat 10 times same result... Firing up a terminal "sudo journalctl -f" to catch eventual error. And do the same procedure as before, but now it started without any issue... === warmana1 is now known as warmana [12:22] Hello [12:23] I've been wondering how to fix ubi-partman error, I'm certain that I have disabled secure boot as I've checked it already [13:04] Hi all [14:11] "kwin_x11[3316]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 33644, resource id: 29360837, major code: 18 (ChangeProperty), minor code: 0" -- when trying to fire up Chromium :/ [14:11] Whats wrong? === apos382 is now known as apos === jj5_ is now known as jj5 [17:11] dreamhawk does regular chrome fail in the same way? [17:12] I've seen similar with chrome but it works fine. So those messages /might/ be a red herring. [22:49] hola [22:49] como puedo desintlar kubuntu de mi pc y dejar el disco limpio