
arraybolt3alright, artwork attempt 2 uploaded00:00
arraybolt3!!! FORCE PUSH ALERT - I accidentally pushed one of my wallpaper mods to Lubuntu/artwork a bit too early, and then about 25 minutes later force-pushed over it with the actual final version that I uploaded to the archive. If someone cloned or pulled Lubuntu/artwork in the last 25 minutes or so, I'm sorry.00:05
ubottuarraybolt3: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:05
arraybolt3thanks ubottu00:05
Eickmeyerubottu, thanks00:30
Eickmeyer... there's a syntax somewhere00:31
Eickmeyerubottu thanks00:31
EickmeyerIt used to do a trick.00:31
wxlgoogle translate says "He takes off or beauty grows old00:42
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Whoops wrong channel XD00:44
wxloh whatever :/00:44
arraybolt3About to upload a wallpaper aspect ratio fix.01:37
arraybolt3All it does is change the wallpaper mode from "stretch to fill the screen" to "zoom to fill the screen", which is closer to what KDE and the like would do.01:38
arraybolt3That should mean the end of the squashed and stretched wallpaper wars.01:39
arraybolt3And uploaded.01:47
arraybolt3Uhh... we have a "Hibernate" option in the LXQt menu? I think we always have but can't remember02:01
* guiverc smiles at the funny looking rat-like critter that just reached my box :)03:17
arraybolt3does the login screen look OK?03:20
guivercloggin myself out (on this box)... you're asking a bit there !03:31
arraybolt3lol, no problem03:39
arraybolt3fwiw this is how it looks for me: https://i.imgur.com/kj6kq6t.png03:39
arraybolt3I kinda like it.03:39
guiverci'll get to it... (went and turned on a box assuming it had noble, 23.04, 23.10, 22.04 but no noble)03:39
* arraybolt3 still doesn't know how guiverc somehow manages to run multiboot machines with each OS installation itself a combination of multiple flavors AND his computer still works03:43
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> just updated a box and looks good to me (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <arraybolt3> I kinda like it.)03:43
arraybolt3I've never been able to bring myself to do a true multiboot install on any "production" hardware.03:43
arraybolt3@Leokolb: Thanks!03:43
arraybolt3Also you should notice that the numbat isn't squished or stretched whether you have a 16:9, 16:10, or 4:3 screen.03:44
arraybolt3We should keep this change in mind for when we make new wallpapers because things that get put in the corners **are liable to get lost** (i.e., 4:3 screens will lose the right and left sides of 16:9 wallpapers, while 16:9 screens will lose the top and bottom of 4:3 wallpapers). So for new wallpapers, we have to try to get important elements in or03:45
arraybolt3near the center of the wallpaper, or test to make sure that no needed elements get lost on various different resolutions.03:45
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> the numbat image looks good in different res..03:46
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> about as good as a rat can look!03:48
arraybolt3He really is a curious little creature. I like when Mark chooses codenames that use some exotic animal no one's ever heard of before, like when he chose Kudu for kk, and now Numbat for nn.03:49
guivercI'd heard of numbat, believe I saw one decades ago at the (melbourne) zoo - but that doesn't stop me from seeing an oversized-colored-rat03:51
arraybolt3sigh, got desperate waiting for a working terminal in Noble, so I just installed xterm 😢04:02
arraybolt3in all seriousness it's really a pretty good terminal, it's just a bit... basic.04:02
arraybolt3until you start doing weird things like clicking on it with the middle mouse button04:03
arraybolt3lol, just discovered xterm has an "Unreadable" font size"04:04
* guiverc is using xfce4-terminal; though I took the problem as being I rebooted... didn't have an issue until after logout/reboot when I needed to restart qterminal...04:10
guiverc(i wanted to switch to lxqt 1.4; why I think I logged out, maybe rebooted)04:11
arraybolt3yeah, something's messed up with Apport autopkgtests and it has qterminal stuck in -proposed :(04:14
guivercyeah :(  I'm aware having noted it there yesterday I recall too04:24
guivercarraybolt3, sddm background looks good on 1920x1080 (16:9)04:31
arraybolt3nice, thanks!04:32
guivercarraybolt3, looks good too on 1280x1024 (3:4) & 1680x1050 (or something like that; 16:10) - love the numbat pic on those04:47
guivercdifferent proportions when view together (numbat looks long on 16:10, short on 3:4) but still good04:49
arraybolt3oh really? That's odd...04:52
arraybolt3guiverc: can you right-click on your desktop and click on Desktop Preferences?04:52
arraybolt3Then click the "Background" tab and tell me what "Wallpaper mode" is set to.04:53
arraybolt3Should be "Zoom the image to fill the entire screen", but it sounds like you're still on "Stretch to fill the entire screen".04:53
guivercstretch to fill entire screen, plus individual wallpaper... i'm using a daily (live) with upgrades applied; logout & login again  so defaults04:55
arraybolt3hrm... I wonder if you got the lubuntu-default-settings update yet (I did).04:55
arraybolt3or... did I?04:55
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> also have stretch as defaul on latest iso04:55
arraybolt3Nope, I didn't get it yet.04:56
arraybolt3I must have changed my settings manually.04:56
arraybolt3guiverc: Expect the colored rat to stop changing proportions on different screens whenever you get a lubuntu-default-settings update.04:56
guiverc_livelubuntu-default-settings 23.10.405:01
arraybolt3yeah, that's the old versoin05:24
guivercthat's actually good to hear  (reason for it!)  ...  thanks arraybolt3 05:29
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> 👍️05:29
guiverc_livelubuntu-default-settings is now 24.04.1 but I don't see a change on screen; the 16:10 wallpaper & 5:4 still appear to have same image; wider monitor appears to have a stretched version of same animal on 5:4 (the animal on 5:4 appears taller)07:21
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/4295392d/file_10128.jpg12:04
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Kicking off a respin. New ISO in about an hour should have a fixed terminal12:04
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> So 20231117 and on12:05
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> Qterminal working in noble.12:11
LimeOnHello o/ . Just for context: i have noticed some time ago that the lubot does not displayed properly tildes. This is used in spanish channel, for example. When i wrote in the IRC side, the displayed message in the telegram room showed the tildes uncorrectly13:03
LimeOnI have checked a few minutes ago and they seemed to be displayed properly, but i guess it would be wise to at least mention it, in case it would appears again13:04
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> LimeOn: Feel free to idle here, you're welcome to stay :)13:05
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> *drops the nukes on @teward001*13:05
LimeOnthank you very much, i will keep the bouncer around :)13:05
LimeOni imagine some good chats occurs here, so i expect to learn a bit too :D13:05
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> @teward001: Gooooooooooooood morning! HERE IS YOUR COFFEE! See the above issue :P13:05
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> LimeOn: It's quite entertaining but slightly high-traffic, so I'd mute notifications unless you're pinged ;)13:06
LimeOnok, i will try to ping in case i have someting important to say ^^13:06
LimeOnimportant as urgent, fast or high-priority13:07
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> LimeOn: Out of curiosity, would you ever be interested in joining our QA team? Really important stuff to make sure the release goes out. No huge commitment, we ping you when we need you, if you can't help that time maybe you can help next time :)13:07
* guiverc confirms qterminal opens... haven't had it in a few days; thanks tsimonq2 13:07
LimeOni am not sure if QA is 'quality assurement' or questions & answers ^^13:08
guivercQuality Assurance (Q&A is what I expect for Questions & Answers)13:09
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Quality assurance. Basically, we say, hey LimeOn, could you help us test this package or this ISO? Otherwise, we have plenty of work to do in terms of just checking boxes, if you find yourself with a spare hour and don't spend that entire time reading backlog of this channel :P13:10
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> (That being said, you can find some cool gems in here. :P)13:10
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> It's an open offer, for you and anyone else interested in helping, by the way13:11
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I've always liked the idea of a +2 or more on a test - not mandatory but helpful13:11
LimeOnhmm, theres a problem with that, i may have not said it already, but i am not using the lubuntu distro a the moment. I am a avid LXQt user, but i am in arch linux at the moment. I am in the lxqt project channel, and we talked a bit a few days ago ^^13:11
LimeOnrober gently offered me to be part of the support branch a few days ago too, but i would not like to compromise myself and then, when you need my help, not being able to do it :(13:12
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Ah, no worries. We'll eventually cross paths in terms of coordination then, I look forward to it :)13:12
LimeOnsupport=what i am being doing in the few days13:12
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> If you ever change your mind or decide to switch distros, we are here :)13:12
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Right, and I totally get that13:13
LimeOni think i will stick to the spanish support thing for the moment, but thanks for the offering :) 13:13
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Of course!13:13
LimeOni may consider the translations part in the future too, but it seems that theres a lot of help in that branch already :)13:13
LimeOna lot of spanish speakers helping in that ^^13:13
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I'll take this opportunity to say thanks to guiverc, @Leokolb, arraybolt3, and more for always being on top of QA, I *really* appreciate it :)13:14
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> LimeOn: Cool! Not sure if you can see it, but the Telegram side has close to 400 members. So, you really are making an impact.13:14
LimeOnyes, i am in the telegram side too, but i like the old-school look of the irc way haha13:15
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> LimeOn: You could totally still apply for Membership if you end up doing that consistently for 4-6+ months :)13:15
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Comes with perks, like getting to throw rocks at @teward001 on a daily basis XD13:15
LimeOnThank you!! i really appreciate it, i think its important to retrieve something back of this big work you are doing for the community ^^13:16
* guiverc adds for clarity; only 'virtual' rocks allowed13:16
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> LimeOn: We're really glad to have you around, I mean it :)13:17
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> guiverc: yes yes XD13:17
LimeOnI have to go now, i want to give a BIG THANKS again for this big proyect you have been doing in all this years, i have been lubuntu user for 2 years in my first steps in linux, so i decided to help those who are in the same place as i have been. Also, i just switched because i wanted to learn a bit more about this, lubuntu was excellent, nothing to complain ^^13:19
LimeOnI will try to keep on-day with the logs in here, goodbye, and have a good friday ^^13:20
RoberalzReturn to home LimeOn 13:20
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> guiverc: Could you boot a live ISO and see if the numbat appears too tall on a 5:4 monitor there? I'm hoping it's just that you have a ~/.config/pcmanfm-qt/lxqt/settings.conf file already that overrides the new default.14:49
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> (There's not much I can do about that if so since packaging generally can't and shouldn't mess with the user's settings, but if that file isn't there, something's awry.)14:50
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Just nuke the users settings, this is fine XD14:59
* arraybolt3 raises an eyebrow at tsimonq215:00
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I'm kidding, of course :P15:01
arraybolt3I knew you were :)15:14
arraybolt3Ugh, every single time I try to see how LXD VMs work, I chicken out. That tool may be handy, but good grief is it complicated. They have so many different classes of commands it's like navigating an asteroid field.15:16
arraybolt3Still just using QEMU manually for now I guess.15:17
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> one further confirm - terminal opens @tsimonq2 iso 17112023 (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> confirms qterminal opens... haven't had it in a few days; thanks tsimonq2)15:19
lubot[telegram] <teward001> @tsimonq2 nothing to do, known limitation in matterbridge due to various codecs in use (ascii vs. utf8 vs. etc.)16:02
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i'd need to know which platform is failing with examples etc.16:03
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> I would have to confirm it, but I think it is from irc to telegram16:05
arraybolt3@teward001: Mmm. Text codecs. I wonder when we'll end up with a patented text codec so that you can only read certain documents if you have a license.16:06
* arraybolt3 prepares to be shot with lasers16:07
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> Also, it doesn't always fail, only sometimes when strange characters appear, when I see an example I'll post it.16:07
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> (irc) <LimeOn> por qué se ha separado el idioma español en las traducciones segun la región?16:13
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> The words are qué español16:13
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> And región16:13
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> But today16:14
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> 14:18]  Roberalz:  Camión 16:14
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> [14:18]  Roberalz: Avión 16:14
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> [14:18]  Roberalz: Creo que a veces funciona y otras no16:14
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> [14:19]  Roberalz: Día16:14
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> Is ok16:14
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> XD16:14
* arraybolt3 wonders if someone has their client set to Windows-1252 encoding or something16:15
lubot[matrix] <roberalz> If it happens again, I'll tell you.16:19
tsimonq2Kay, so I'll handle some low-hanging fruit off the bat today. The packages that use lxqt-menu-data should actually, you know, depend on it. :P16:42
arraybolt3do they not?16:43
tsimonq2Nope, not that I can see.16:43
arraybolt3I added deps for those to at least two packages16:43
arraybolt3since they build-fail without it16:43
tsimonq2Build deps, but runtime deps?16:43
arraybolt3I thought $(misc:Depends) handled that or something16:43
tsimonq2$ reverse-depends lxqt-menu-data16:43
tsimonq2* lubuntu-desktop16:43
tsimonq2Packages without architectures listed are reverse-dependencies in: amd64, arm64, armhf, ppc64el, s390x16:43
arraybolt3but no, not runtime deps16:43
tsimonq2And that's because I manually added it.16:43
arraybolt3ugh, welp16:44
tsimonq2Anyway, there's that, and there's translations mucking up with the new menu, which I intend to fix today.16:44
arraybolt3guess Debian build tooling isn't as smart as I hoped16:44
tsimonq2After both of those items, I'll be keeping an ear on things, but it'll be $dayjob for (probably) the rest of the day.16:44
arraybolt3sounds like a plan16:44
tsimonq2arraybolt3: How's the connection editor coming along, by the way?16:44
arraybolt3Did some more work on it last night.16:45
tsimonq2I don't know that I'm aware of its current status, either way. :P16:45
arraybolt3I was able to get the QProcess call out :D16:45
arraybolt3so now saving network settings is done in one operation16:45
arraybolt3Anyway, so far I have the connection display dialog working perfectly AFAICT.16:45
arraybolt3It's also possible to delete connections, and I have many features imple.mented for modifying Ethernet connections.16:45
arraybolt3(only missing IPv6 settings editing, and IPv4 needs a bit more polishing)16:46
arraybolt3No other interface types have working editors yet, but I built things modularly so a lot of the work *should* be done for me already.16:46
arraybolt3(i.e., I can reuse the General, IPv4, and IPv6 tabs from Ethernet in just about everything, I think)16:46
arraybolt3anyway, it builds and runs on Noble, so if you want to test-drive it, feel free.16:47
arraybolt3(actually the connection display dialog has a bit of a bug - if you double-click on a connection name it opens the settings dialog, but if you double-click on the "last used" time it doesn't do anything - hopefully that'll be trivial to fix)16:48
tsimonq2Are we in a position yet to get it in the archive?16:49
arraybolt3Not anywhere near close :P I would like for it to at *least* fully support Ethernet and WiFi first.16:49
arraybolt3Also it sort of needs to, ahem, be able to add new connections16:49
arraybolt3I haven't implemented that at all yet16:49
tsimonq2When it's at that point, just get the packaging ready, and I'll review/upload it.16:50
arraybolt3sounds good16:50
tsimonq2arraybolt3: In the meantime, get to stealing merges when you're not busy with this ;D16:50
tsimonq2And, keep us posted. :)16:50
arraybolt3will do16:50
tsimonq2Did we also plan on doing Bluetooth editing this cycle too, you think?16:51
tsimonq2I may just take that on since I really frequently use Bluetooth.16:51
arraybolt3I hoped to, but this current project is really tricky so I'm not sure.16:51
tsimonq2Is there a Qt binding for pure x86 assembly XD16:51
arraybolt3no :P16:51
arraybolt3not that I know of16:51
arraybolt3also that's not going to build on s390x or anything so16:52
tsimonq2Or... or... hear me out...16:52
arraybolt3Go program it in COBOL if you want to tear your eyes out, at least that's a real programming language >_<16:52
arraybolt3Or INTERCAL.16:52
tsimonq2GCC supports COBOL now btw!16:52
arraybolt3I would love to see an INTERCAL implementation of something.16:52
arraybolt3My main problem with the network editor is that the APIs work in inconsistent ways and are very poorly documented, so I keep having to do way more trial and error and research than one would expect. That's what's slowing me down for the most part.16:53
tsimonq2Ah, okay. That makes sense.16:54
arraybolt3For instance, setting a cloned MAC address to a real value works, but setting it to a blank value doesn't work - the old value is simply retained. You have to convert the settings object to a weird kind of multi-level variant map, extract a different variant map out of it, remove the cloned MAC address from the nested map, then remove the old16:55
arraybolt3version of the map and insert the new version into the top-level map, then feed that back into NetworkManagerQt.16:55
arraybolt3And the way I figured that out was only because the same kind of insane hack was needed for 802.1x related things.16:56
arraybolt3And it turns out that hack doesn't work for IPv4 settings... BUT... it's OK because setting IPv4 mode to Automatic (rather than Manual) has the happy side effect of wiping the previous manual IPv4 settings!16:56
tsimonq2Fun, fun stuff. Heh.16:57
tsimonq2I actually think the project would be better served if I work more on the installer stuff, then on the update notifier stuff.17:02
tsimonq2If we get to Bluetooth, we get to Bluetooth. We already have a basic GUI.17:03
tsimonq2After that, power manager.17:05
tsimonq2That's probably going to be my List, and of course critical bugs always go to the top of my list.17:05
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Installing todays ISO - default but no Firefox on menu - doing retest and will file bug17:17
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> retested and unable to reproduce —maybe operator error?😳17:22
EickmeyerLooks like uploads are indeed back to normal.17:30
arraybolt3tsimonq2: If we don't get to Bluetooth, can we at least swap out Bluedevil for Blueman and call it good enough? The existing Bluetooth solution is * very basic, * introduces the KDE System Settings thingy as a dependency, * doesn't have a tray icon, * and doesn't to provide the needed options for certain Bluetooth tricks (playing audio from one18:08
arraybolt3computer out the speakers of a different computer for instance).18:08
arraybolt3I want to make a good Bluetooth frontend but I'm thinking of "plan B" since that may be a bit difficult.18:09
tsimonq2arraybolt3: I would have to try it locally to see if I like it, but sure.18:12
arraybolt3It's relatively nice, or at least was the last time I tested it.18:13
tsimonq2Switching over the default now. It's leaps and bounds better than Bluedevil.18:18
tsimonq2I hate that it's GTK, but it's fairly light. It should be on our wishlist to port it.18:18
arraybolt3tsimonq2: before you upload that change...18:47
arraybolt3if you didn't already...18:47
arraybolt3I think there's a bug report for KDE System Settings ending up in Lubuntu?18:47
arraybolt3If so, the change that puts Blueman into Lubuntu probably fixes that.18:48
tsimonq2I don't... think so?18:52
tsimonq2We could always check.18:52
arraybolt3It might not have been in LP after all.18:56
tsimonq2Hah, cool.19:10
tsimonq2Does anyone want to volunteer to start a 24.04 LTS Release Notes doc on notes.lubuntu.me, so we don't forget about all the cool stuff we're doing?19:41
tsimonq2(I'll give it a few days before I do that if someone doesn't, probably.)19:42
tsimonq2Also, if you have images, you need to upload them as media on lubuntu.me, or the links won't work once we go to post them. Ask a member of the LC for help.19:42
tsimonq2(People with access: it's incredibly janky, you must do the "multiple" Add Media selection, which is somewhat hidden. :P)19:43
EickmeyerIf the sddm-conf breaks anything imma send y'all into orbit.19:44
tsimonq2Why? It's an optional addon. :P19:44
tsimonq2Are you seeding it too? :P19:44
EickmeyerNo, just wanted something to yeet. Seemed like a good scapegoat. :P19:44
tsimonq2hah ;D19:45
* arraybolt3 redirects a nearby meteor to Eickmeyer's current coordinates19:51
* Eickmeyer uses Iron Shield and rolls Nat20. It is effective.19:51
arraybolt3btw random aside, can you imagine how extremely dead this whole world would be if open-source programmers could actually physically do the things we do to each other virtually here? :P19:52
arraybolt3shoot, just this channel has probably caused multiple extinction level events19:52
arraybolt3soooo, I attempted to switch to using SPICE to get my Lubuntu VM more "integrated" into my system (file sharing, clipboard sharing, that sort of stuff). Ended up not gaining any of those features AND lost dynamic resolution resizing.19:57
arraybolt3So guess what I just reverted :P19:58
arraybolt3Currently implementing IPv6 settings support in the new network editor.20:31
lubot[telegram] <teward001> yeah so fyi the matterbridge defaults to utf-8 in this setup so, cant help much there.20:36
lubot[telegram] <teward001> (so there may be odd transcriptions if a char isnt in utf8 spec)20:36
arraybolt3whew, backend ipv6 stuff done20:43
arraybolt3this weird modular thingy I'm doing is a bit like having a kernel and a userland :P there's an "engine" that talks to NM and then that engine talks to the UI, then the UI gives info back into the engine that it feeds into NM.20:44
arraybolt3Anyone else noticed this happen? https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-panel/issues/195821:31
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Issue 1958 in lxqt/lxqt-panel "Application menu occasionally 'freaks out' while trying to search for a program" [Open]21:31
arraybolt3I've seen it so many times I filed an upstream report :P21:31
arraybolt3Meant to link to that when I posted it but then forgot21:33
arraybolt3ok so my new IPv6 support is crashy if you put the wrong values in (and I don't know what the right values are!), but the UI is there and stuff sort of works.21:46

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