
lissyxbandali, what is still blocking for NativeMessaging patch?08:24
bittinhttps://nikkasystems.com/2023/11/17/podd-224-doxing-me-doxing-you/ watching todays Bli Säker Podden before i need to head to work and update Linux Mint and reinstall Windows 1008:25
seb128goood morning IRC!09:34
lissyxseb128, hello09:58
seb128lissyx, hey, how are you doing?09:58
lissyxseb128, any experience in python to use snapd?09:58
seb128lissyx, not really, just querying the store09:58
lissyxI'd need to perform snap install steps from python :(10:02
seb128lissyx, os.system()? ;)10:07
lissyxyeah well ...10:07
lissyxproblem is that we then need sudo10:07
lissyxand so constantly having to input password10:07
seb129lissyx, shouldn't be specific to python though but rather to the user starting the command, you would have the same problem in shell10:14
seb129lissyx, I don't know the specific of your setup but you could add a polkit override to allow your user to install snaps without prompting for a password10:15
=== seb129 is now known as seb128
lissyxseb128, that seems risky to ask to people10:17
lissyxseb128, context is: mozregression support for snap packages10:17
seb128lissyx, can't you just tell people to run sudo mozregression?10:19
seb128for the snap case at least10:19
lissyxI dont think it's a good practice, and it will also trigger "snap run" under sudo, which firefox will refuse10:19
seb128and if you os.system sudo , aren't the credential active for a while like with normal sudo?10:20
seb128or is each call having a different env that makes it prompt again?10:20
lissyxno they are not10:21
ricotzhello desktopers :)11:15
ricotzbandali, hello, I see you are rebuild rustc in the ubuntu-mozilla-security ppa, please do the same for all available series, those updates will be needed for thunderbird at some point11:16
ricotzseb128, hi :), would you sponsor a prepared thunderbird 115.4.3?11:23
seb128ricotz, hey, sure!11:23
ricotzalthough a 115.5.0 might be around the corner11:23
seb128we have no hurry to update noble, it's early in the cycle, I would be fine waiting for 115.5.011:24
ricotzI see, but there are a bunch of bug fixes still11:25
ricotzI will prepare one and let you decide11:25
ricotzseb128, https://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/thunderbird/11:31
ricotz(git branch is locally prepared)11:39
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
seb128ricotz, uploaded, feel free to push the vcs12:22
ricotzseb128, thanks and done12:32
seb128ricotz, thanks!12:33
lissyxseb128, I was wrong, sudo works19:56
=== ahasenack_ is now known as ahasenack

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