[01:17] @pilot out === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: N/A [01:18] (not that i achieved very much :/) [02:47] I had an idea I wanted to mention with regard to the apt esm prompting that's been happening for a while (and which I'm currently happy with but thought this was good enough to mention nonetheless). [02:48] As I remember the devs have discussed before, Ubuntu flavors do **not** support the use of Ubuntu Pro. Users who enable Ubuntu Pro on flavors may encounter system breakage as a result. It's only safe to enable on Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server. [02:49] However the messages are still being displayed for flavors. So my weird idea - what if we added a package to the archive that diverted /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20apt-esm-hook.conf to some other file so that apt didn't find it, and installed an empty version instead? Flavors could then depend on this package to silence the Ubuntu Pro ad and keep users [02:49] from possibly breaking their system, and obviously Ubuntu Desktop could omit that package so that the ad is displayed to those users. [02:50] tsimonq2: ^ not sure if you're interested in this sort of thing but just in case [08:21] sergiodj: the mantic upload is in the unapproved queue for LP: #2038834, and identical to noble except for the version number. [08:21] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2038834 in mesa (Ubuntu Mantic) "GPU acceleration via VirGL is broken in qemu" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2038834 [08:25] (the uploader created the debdiff from the noble one but I can re-create it and attach it to the bug if desired, the package was of course tested in mantic by me anyways) [09:33] so... I'm still working on gnutls and I wanted to patch the testsuite: how do I do that? [09:35] I think I have a third way which should be enough until I revamp the autopkgtest but I'm still wondering how to "fix" a testcase from the source for autopkgtest since it seems d/patches are not applied (or did I do something wrong there?) [09:56] libvpx merge: https://code.launchpad.net/~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/libvpx/+git/libvpx/+merge/455773 === seb129 is now known as seb128 [10:33] adrien: can i drop the workarounds for LP: #2006589 in noble's anacron? it seems to me that upgrades from an affected version to noble are not possible, but i want to make sure [10:33] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2006589 in anacron (Ubuntu Kinetic) "Anacron service and timer disabled after upgrading from 2.3-33" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2006589 [10:36] mkukri: not sure; I need to check in my discussion logs but I think a conclusion was that upgrades from non-LTS to an LTS are supported even if they skip some non-LTS versions [10:37] it's fixed in both lunar and mantic tho, and all previous non-LTSes are technically out of support [10:37] but i guess if we still let people upgrade from them, keeping it wouldnt do any harm [10:38] yes but you can upgrade straight from lunar to noble [10:38] or kinetic to noble for that matter [10:38] isn't lunar's anacron fine? yeah kinetic is the one that is concerning [10:38] so this should wait untile OO [10:39] yeah, if you're on lunar you should be fine; I didn't remember well but I wanted to point out that you can upgrade from a non-LTS to an LTS while skipping non-LTS releases [10:39] it's probably a bad idea but we shouldn't make it worse :P [10:41] based on my entirely non scientific glance at the version log, kinetic is the only version affected by this, but ig leaving removal till noble+1 wont hurt anyone [10:59] yes, it was kinetic (although it was the upgrade from kinetic to whatever else that was actually the issue) but you can upgrade from kinetic to noble without going through lunar and mantic, which means there is still a way to trigger the bug [11:03] yeah, i see now that it seems to be a supported upgrade path, so let's just keep the workaround [11:03] also here's a libarchive merge: https://code.launchpad.net/~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/libarchive/+git/libarchive/+merge/455777 :) [11:40] anacron merge as well (with the workaround kept): https://code.launchpad.net/~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/anacron/+git/anacron/+merge/455778 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [13:20] @pilot in === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: tsimonq2 [13:21] I'll start with anacron, since I have TIL: https://code.launchpad.net/~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/anacron/+git/anacron/+merge/455778 [13:21] $ seeded-in-ubuntu anacron anacron (from anacron) is seeded in: edubuntu: daily-live kubuntu: daily-live lubuntu: daily-live ubuntu-budgie: daily-legacy, daily-live ubuntu-mate: daily-live ubuntu-unity: daily-live ubuntu: daily-live, daily-preinstalled ubuntucinnamon: daily-live ubuntukylin: daily-live ubuntustudio: dvd xubuntu: daily-live, daily-minimal [13:21] Oh, cool. [13:22] ...I'd ask why we aren't using systemd-cron, but I don't want to encourage more systemd-creep. :P [13:22] (*shrug* who knows, it might actually work better.) [13:24] tsimonq2: there is discussion around dropping the workaround from anacron, so maybe hold out on that for a bit [13:24] mkukri: Hey! I'll give you the same message I gave someone else yesterday, which is, if you're using grab-merge (or a similar tool), an extra line is added to the changelog at the end. Maybe that was me, maybe that was you, I don't know. Just something to look for. [13:25] i used git-ubuntu for this [13:25] mkukri: Ah, cool. Could you add a comment on there, so the next pilot doesn't get confused and just upload it? [13:25] So, it was me. Nice. Hah. [13:25] yeah, one moment [13:25] Thanks! [13:25] the other two are not so controversial and should be okay [13:25] Perfect, I'll start reviewing those. [13:37] mkukri: Both uploaded. The ASCII art looks better over email. ;) [13:37] arraybolt3: Ubuntu Pro should not cause any problems for Ubuntu desktop flavors [13:37] arraybolt3: +1 ^^ what kind of issues are you talking about? [13:38] tsimonq2: thank you [13:38] mkukri: No worries! [13:39] * tsimonq2 looks at https://code.launchpad.net/~adrien-n/ubuntu/+source/gnutls28/+git/gnutls28/+merge/455781 next [13:42] mkukri: I'm sure you already know this, but your libvpx upload ended up in binary NEW. If you need anything, let me know :) [13:49] argh yeah, debian renamed the library packag from libvpx7 to libvpx8, and i assuming the soname got bumped too. sid still has both in the archive, but i assuming the eventual goal is to make everything depend on libvpx8 and drop libvpx7 [14:12] jbcha, tsimonq2: I thought the issue was that since Lubuntu packages may depend on software versions that are in the archive but not in the Ubuntu Pro archive, package manager issues could be encountered. At least one Lubuntu user attempted to add Ubuntu Pro to their system (if I'm remembering correctly) and it caused their package manager to [14:12] break, and when they asked for help on Lubuntu's forums they were told that Ubuntu Pro was not supported on flavors. [14:13] tsimonq2: we seem to think that there is no harm in getting anacron uploaded with the workaround for now (can always be removed before release). id appreciate a review after all, if you are still around :) [14:20] Hmm, looks like my understanding was flawed, so disregard everything I said about Pro. I think I found the forum post I was mentioning and it didn't break the user's system at all, it actually worked. [14:21] Heh. And all this time I've been purposefully refraining from adding Pro to my laptop to avoid breakage. I might change that decision now... [14:33] tsimonq2: btw, that gnutls change is meant to be a stop-gap measure and I plan to work on the package again [14:34] the upstream uses "make check" but that's unavailable without ./configure'ing first but there's a really large gap between the environments for autopkgtest and make check [14:34] the solution might be to sed/grep tests/Makefile.am... [14:46] I'm looking for a review of https://code.launchpad.net/~adrien-n/ubuntu-archive-tools/+git/ubuntu-archive-tools/+merge/455275 ; it's a simple change to phase some packages (starting with openssl) phase slowly but not dead-slowly like grub and shim [15:25] mkukri: re. LP: #2038834, if the Mantic package has already been uploaded then there's nothing else for sponsors to do, right? or maybe I'm misunderstanding something... [15:25] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2038834 in mesa (Ubuntu Mantic) "GPU acceleration via VirGL is broken in qemu" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2038834 [15:31] sergiodj: i believe that to be correct, it's waiting for SRU review [15:31] mkukri: OK, then you can unsubscribe ubuntu-sponsors from the bug [15:41] sorry, i don't see how exactly to do that. the option to subscribe new groups is obvious, but unsubscribing not so much. [15:41] hm, maybe you don't have the permission? let me try [15:42] OK, done [15:42] thanks. no permission seems likely, i am just not sure what grants that permission in the first place. is it a core dev thing? [15:43] you need to be a member of the ~ubuntu-sponsors team. now I see that my request didn't make sense to begin with :) [15:44] either way, thanks for letting me know that there was nothing else to be sponsored there [16:19] mkukri: anacron> Okay, looking. [16:20] adrien: gnutls> Sounds good! I hope to see your updated patch in the queue soon. [16:22] thanks [16:22] adrien: Uploaded, please add your Canonical email address to your Launchpad account. ;) [16:24] tsimonq2: thanks; it's actually there but I'm not using it for many things because it's using gmail and gmail is terrible for sorting :/ [16:24] I need to migrate to the canonical imap server [16:25] is that possible? id like to be off gmail too... [16:27] mkukri: anacron> Uploaded, thank you! [16:27] great, thanks [16:27] (This is the last time I'll say this: the ASCII art looks better over email. :P [16:27] ) [16:27] Of course. [16:27] yeah, it is: I should do that in january once I'm out of the armhf time_t black hole [16:27] @pilot out === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: N/A [16:27] only saw the e-mail so far so the ascii-art looks good! :) [16:28] As I said yesterday, I'll just do one or two a day (today just happened to be more). I see Foundations all got merges to do this week, so I'll prioritize those if I see them, and as always, I'm happy to answer pings when I'm *not* piloting. :) [16:28] adrien: thanks :D not mine! [16:31] bluca: Congrats on your fix being accepted into {jammy,mantic,lunar}-proposed! 🎉🎉🎉 [16:32] thanks for your help again [16:33] Of course. :) [16:33] For the next patch pilot: https://code.launchpad.net/~kousu/ubuntu/+source/netdata/+git/netdata/+merge/455123 may be a good starter package, even though I wouldn't upload it as-is. :) [17:04] @pilot in === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: ahasenack === sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie === jfsimon1981 is now known as jfsimon [21:04] @pilot out === ahasenack_ is now known as ahasenack [21:05] @pilot out === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: N/A