
MystifiedHi all, can you guys recommend a GUI app for PDFtoText ? Thanks00:15
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mra90 I noticed kernel rebuild does not utilize incremental build fully, what I mean by that is a lot of files are unnecessary recompiled again01:58
mra90examples: CC      arch/x86/boot/compressed/misc.o or BTF [M] fs/orangefs/orangefs.ko01:59
mra90why is that?01:59
mybalzitchbecause you never know what may or may not have changed02:07
mybalzitchthere's options like ccache if you're frequently recompiling the kernel02:08
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mra90mybalzitch, what do you mean, the timestamp of the file tell you exactly that02:40
rboxmra90: thats if a single input file produces a single output file... what if it pulls in a header, or some other genreated file?02:45
mra90rbox, but the point is neither one of them was modified02:49
rboxneither of what02:49
mra90what I see is, let's say I've just finished a compilation and a second later start a new one - a lot of object files and *.ko files are recompiled again!02:49
rboxthats just the way the kernel  build system is02:49
rboxif you want to change it, and guarnatee it works every time02:50
rboxgo for it02:50
mra90that is a waste of time02:50
mra90why would you rebuild an object that has just been compiled02:50
arraybolt3How exactly are you rebuilding the kernel?02:52
arraybolt3I suspect whatever build tooling you're using simply lacks the advanced stuff that allows incremental builds. That's actually helpful for some things since more can change between builds than just source files (depending libraries for instance), but for some things it can be frustrating and a slowdown, in which case something like ccache (which I02:53
arraybolt3see was mentioned before) may help out.02:53
mra90arraybolt3, what I do is: make -j 10 ARCH=x86_64 bindeb-pkg02:55
KadiganIf you want a fun Saturday evening project: build, make a duplicate, rebuild, then - diff sources to get a list of unchanged files, compare against the build log to see which ones were rebuilt, and then compare the objects for THOSE to see if they're different.04:04
tanja_I have a small question but I'm not sure if it should be asked here. I have noticed that my ubuntu server wont verify ssl certs from GoGetSSL (GoGetSSL RSA DV CA). what can I do to fix that?04:34
tanja_or could it be because of the website has something miss configured04:36
Bashing-omtanja_: Valid question - that I can not answer - wait for one who has the knowledge.04:40
tanja_just digged further into it and it looks like its because GoGetSSL arent trusted by mozilla so yeah its probably the reason for the failing hmm.04:44
tanja_as in checked against Mozilla's root store so I guess it's on the websites end even though other systems have no issues04:48
* guiverc_live camn04:59
* guiverc_live can't even open a qterminal to apt-cache policy.. :(04:59
* guiverc_live apolgozies; ^ was intended for another room05:02
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linux^when we build a raid array using a os(debian for example, installed in a seperate ssd) can I  switch to another OS( ex:ubuntu) and attach that previously built raid array here ?07:47
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retardedhow to uninstall09:02
retardedhow to uninstall openvpn09:03
retardedhow to uninstall open vpn connector09:03
retardedthey still tunneled09:04
retardedis jammy here?09:05
zoomm10sudo apt remove openvpn09:05
retardedi installed not with openvpn...  with file like ubuntu_22_04.sh09:10
retardedcomnetor to cloud connexa09:13
zoomm10what is inside the file?09:14
ravageit is unclear what that setup package does09:23
ravageask their support09:23
zoomm10retarded: you need to remove their gpg key, their repository and to update the repository, remove the package python3-openvpn-connector-setup, remove the ip forwarding from the file /etc/sysctl.conf , nat in iptable in file rule4, but you can just stop openvpn to be connected with the command: sudo systemctl stop openvpn; sudo systemctl disable openvpn09:50
ravageThat still does not cover anything that setup tool does09:59
zoomm10ravage: what not cover? gpg curl?10:06
ravageit executes openvpn-connector-setup10:07
zoomm10ravage: yes correct....need to remove the openvpn-connector-setup too....10:09
ravagethat only removes the package10:09
ravagenot anything that binary dod10:09
ravagei doubt that removing the package will undo that10:10
zoomm10ravage: correct, we do not install if we do not know what the package install, except GNU/Linux10:15
amcsihey, on one of our servers, php-fpm was killed due to the oom killer, and was not restarted. I checked the relevant systemd unit file and sure enough there's no Restart defined11:58
amcsiam I expected to edit the unit file itself to define a Restart clause, or is there something else I'm supposed to edit? note I'm using the ondrej ppa11:59
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vic-thoris there any list of the certified ubuntu arm machines?12:24
PeGaSuSQ: ca I run `smartctl` on a running disk or it's not advisable? if yes, what would be the command? TIA12:24
lotuspsychje!hardware | vic-thor12:25
ubottuvic-thor: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection12:25
vic-thoryeah, i found that, but it doesn't filter by architecture12:26
lotuspsychjevic-thor: did you check iot and soc category?12:32
lotuspsychjeotherwise maybe the !arm guys might know more of it12:33
vic-thoryes, i can find arm certified models, but i have to go one by one to get the list12:34
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BluesKajHi all13:04
golden_ticketHey guys! My system keeps crashing whenever I open a gui application. This is on a fresh install14:42
golden_ticketBut I'm able to log into desktop14:42
golden_ticketDoes anyone know how to debug this?14:43
leftyfbgolden_ticket: what release of ubuntu? Installed on what hardware?14:46
golden_ticketprocessor: intel xeon gold 6312U CPU @ 2.40GHz x 40. Graphics: NVIDIA Corporation TU104GL [Quadro RTX 4000]. It also has an 8 TB HDD, 4 TB HDD, and a 1 TB SSD. Description:Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS14:47
golden_ticketleftyfb: ^14:47
leftyfbgolden_ticket: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-install-nvidia-driver-latest-proprietary-driver/14:48
golden_ticketI don't know that I am using any graphics driver other than what the cpu uses. I'm running xen14:49
leftyfbgolden_ticket: why are you trying to run a graphical desktop on xen?14:50
golden_ticketXen runs dom0 in a graphical environment by default14:50
leftyfbdo you need a graphical desktop Does it need to be on xen? Why not qemu or lxd or virtualbox?14:51
golden_ticketI don't know how to use lxd. I'm tyring to use something minimal because I need to manage this server remotely14:51
golden_ticketIs lxd a good option though?14:51
leftyfbah, so it's a server. Don't run a GUI at all14:52
leftyfbinstall ubuntu server14:52
leftyfband yes, LXD is great14:52
golden_ticketOkay thanks14:52
golden_ticketI'm going to do a fresh install to wipe everything I did off of here14:53
golden_ticketI've been in an uphill battle modifying things trying to get xen to work approrpriately14:53
leftyfbgolden_ticket: what OS are you running on the host?14:53
golden_ticketubuntu 22.04.3 LTS14:54
leftyfbgolden_ticket: https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/en/latest/tutorial/14:55
arraybolt3Keep in mind that LXD containers aren't as well isolated as LXD VMs. You may want to use VMs if you need to keep things fully isolated.15:03
HabbieLXD VMs? did you just mean VMs?15:05
Habbieoh, i'm wrong15:05
Habbieand learned a thing15:05
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golden_ticketleftyfb: How can I mount a folder from the host OS to the lxc vm?15:26
leftyfbgolden_ticket: lxd container, not lxc vm.15:27
golden_ticketleftyfb: I made a vm though15:27
golden_ticketBecause I want it to be more isolated. I have to route networking from one vm to another once I get this folder mounted15:28
leftyfbgolden_ticket: from a networking perspective, an LXD vm is not more isolated than an LXD container15:28
golden_ticketAh okay. I still would like to make it more isolated15:29
leftyfbgolden_ticket: you can try https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-add-or-mount-directory-in-lxd-linux-container/    I don't know if it'll work with VM's though15:29
leftyfbgolden_ticket: just use a container15:29
leftyfbkeep it simple15:29
arraybolt3leftyfb: I was the one who recommended VMs for security since they were using Xen to begin with :p15:59
leftyfbarraybolt3: an LXD VM doesn't really provide more security than an LXD container15:59
arraybolt3But if the security advantages of a VM are overkill for your use case, then yeah, just containerize it.15:59
arraybolt3leftyfb: For practical use cases and for most users, sure, but in edge cases that's not true, and people in those edge cases often use Xen since it's supposedly more secure for that sort of thing.16:00
arraybolt3(But they'd probably know if they needed the extra security of something like that, so if they're willing to just use containers, it should be fine.)16:02
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ttys000hello, i am trying to do this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/802326/how-can-i-move-my-extended-swap-partition but i am stuck on step 2. i am not able to move the logical volume to the right. the difference in my case is that logical volume is encrypted, is this why i can't move it to the right?17:37
ttys000gparted allows me to grow it in size, but not move it.17:37
ravageit cant "move" it because that needs access to the filesystem. that is encrypted17:38
ravageso your tool cant access it17:38
ttys000also i am running off this disk at the moment, maybe i need to do this from a live cd?17:39
leftyfbyou shouldn't need to decrypt it to move it17:39
leftyfbthe problem is having it mounted17:39
leftyfbboot to a live usb17:39
ttys000what's a good live cd?17:39
ravagegparted has a livecd17:39
Habbiei doubt encryption is the reason, to be clear17:40
leftyfbit's not17:40
ravageit depends how you define move17:40
ravageif you move the beginning of a partition that will be a problem17:40
Habbiewithout moving all data you mean17:40
Habbiethen yes17:41
Habbiei'm not sure many filesystems can even do that when not encrypted17:41
ravageext4 supports that17:41
ttys000live cd fixed my problem. thanks. don't know why i didn't think of that. stupid reeall.17:48
ash_worksiwhy would `xdg-open somefile.html` open somefile in firefox and switch to that window, but running `firefox --new-window somefile.html` does not switch?17:53
telgareithI installed docker.io and I'm having trouble finding the config file locations. any suggestions?17:54
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golden_ticketWhere can I edit the conf file for a specific container in lxc?19:31
leftyfbgolden_ticket: what do you need to change?19:31
rfmgolden_ticket, "lxc config show <instance>"19:34
rfmgolden_ticket, uh, "lxc config show <instance> >tempfile"19:35
rfmgolden_ticket, edit it then "cat tempfile | lxc config edit <instance>"19:36
leftyfbgolden_ticket: there are proper methods to changing things with lxc containers. There's also #lxc and #lxd.19:36
rfmgolden_ticket, there's also "lxc config edit <instance>" but only a few editors are supported19:37
rfmgolden_ticket, actually that restriction is only if lxd was installed by snap...19:42
leftyfbrfm: we should find out what exactly they need to change before digging too deep into how19:43
ituhow to get ab bigger vertical scrollbar in ubuntu?19:54
golden_ticketleftyfb: rfm I'm trying to route my container's traffic through tor which is installed on the host19:56
golden_ticketSorry, I was afk getting food19:56
leftyfbgolden_ticket: so just install and setup tor on the container19:56
leftyfbyou don't need to edit the container config itself19:56
golden_ticketleftyfb: but tor operates as a transparent socks5. I need to route the entire container through tor, not a specific application19:56
golden_ticketI thought it might be easier if I set tor up on the host and somehow pointed the container to it19:57
leftyfbgolden_ticket: so route all traffic within the container19:57
leftyfbno, it would not be easier19:57
golden_ticketWell, in any case. I have tor installed on the host and I am already going down this path. Do you know how to do it?19:58
leftyfbgolden_ticket: don't do it that way19:58
leftyfbit's going to be WAY more complicated than it's worth19:58
leftyfbgolden_ticket: https://www.wikihow.com/Route-All-Network-Traffic-Through-the-Tor-Network19:58
golden_ticketAh okay.19:59
leftyfbthough some of that is unsupported here if you have issues19:59
golden_ticketOkay. Thanks for the input19:59
golden_ticketI'm going to try torctl now19:59
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PeGaSuSQ: how do I make it that `ps x` always uses `ps x --cols 10000`? TIA21:13
CosmicDJPeGaSuS: alias psx='ps x --cols 10000' ?!21:16
leftyfbadd to ~/.bashrc :     alias ps=ps x --cols 1000021:16
leftyfbPeGaSuS: it's not worth only making an alias for "ps x" as opposed to "ps"21:17
PeGaSuSto make it global, should I add it to /etc/profile or /etc/bash.bashrc?21:19
at_workor you could read the man page and look at environment variable21:20
PeGaSuSadding to /etc/profile seems to work21:22
at_workyou probably want to drop customizations globally in /etc/profile.d21:22
mzokuhow do I reenable the feature to remember my visited folders and actions? I am tired to clicking through folders to reach to a file each time. If you know what I mean21:22
KadiganHah, map vs territory. I think the idea of that functionality is subtly broken in different ways on all OSes. :D21:28
mzokuits predefault on install21:32
pyeverythinghi how can I download the entire folder of https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eh_enBx1BHM_XB2eULmD2XSnING0nSQ5?usp=drive_link using Ubuntu terminal?21:33
leftyfbpyeverything: you don't21:33
leftyfbpyeverything: you can do a search for "gdown" but it's unsupported here21:35
=== tom| is now known as AngryTom
ituhow to get ab bigger/thicker vertical scrollbar in ubuntu?22:12
leftyfbitu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1456446/ubuntu-22-04-change-scrollbar-width22:12
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ituneeds reboot?22:22
Guest24Hello, I am currently using Ubuntu 22.04, Wondering if Firefox has default protection against Evercookies or how to block or clear evercookies.22:24
leftyfbGuest24: https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/firefox-rolls-out-total-cookie-protection-by-default-to-all-users-worldwide/22:24
Guest24Is Total Cookie Protection, On by default? Is there a way to disable it? Just wondering, I want to keep it on though, lol.22:26
Guest24Is there any reason to use basic Ubuntu rather than Xubuntu, or Lubuntu, is there any enhanced features, security, etc that comes from Ubuntu rather than an Ubuntu flavor?22:27
leftyfbGuest24: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/total-cookie-protection-and-website-breakage-faq  first result on google for firefox disable "Total Cookie Protection"22:28
leftyfbGuest24: it's personal preference22:28
Guest24is there any technical advantage or ease of use from using Ubuntu rather than an Ubuntu-flavor22:29
Guest24I've seen a RAM usage test showed that Ubuntu used more RAM at rest, but when programs are loaded, Ubuntu used only a little extra RAM rather than Lubuntu22:29
Guest24Ubuntu used 200mb more RAM than Lubuntu in this one test22:29
leftyfbGuest24: not really. Try them out and decide which one you like best22:29
Guest24I think the only advantage to using Ubuntu is the 5 years of updates you get compared to the Flavors 3-years22:30
Guest24that should have been mentioned imo22:30
JanCmost of your RAM usage will be from applications like browsers probably22:31
Guest24yeah of course22:31
Guest24I have only 4g of ddr4 on a slowbook laptop22:31
Guest24so even an extra 200mb of default ram use can make a big difference here22:31
Guest24I think I'll stay on Lubuntu22:31
ElongatedLongmanHello, I am encountering a weird bug in Ubuntu. I have Tor Browser downloaded and extracted to a folder, and it works great. However, if I change the default name of the folder from 'tor-browser' to anything else, suddenly Tor wont launch, the folders internal files operate differently and Tor browser won't launch. Any ideas what is causing this22:52
ElongatedLongmaneffect? In my opinion, changing the folder name, shouldn't change the internal files operational behaivors at all, so It's very weird and I'm here seeking advice or answers. Thanks :)22:52
leftyfbElongatedLongman: sounds like a tor/3rd party application issue completely unrelated to ubuntu22:53
ElongatedLongmanBut I am only changing the Folders name22:53
ElongatedLongmanThe folders name shouldn't affect anything internally22:53
leftyfbElongatedLongman: tell that to the tor developers22:53
ElongatedLongmanThe folder is just a system construct holding the files22:53
ElongatedLongmanBut I dont think its Tor related22:53
ElongatedLongmanIts about my Folder22:53
leftyfbElongatedLongman: sudo apt install torbrowser22:54
leftyfbElongatedLongman: the issue is your downloaded binary not working when you change it's parent directory name. That's an issue with the binary, not the OS22:54
ElongatedLongmanhmmmm ok22:55
leftyfbElongatedLongman: install the tor browser from apt and you won't have that issue22:55
ElongatedLongmanI figured it out22:58
ElongatedLongmanThe Launcher program, is hard-coded to use the file path where it is first ran on22:58
ElongatedLongmanSo if the folders name is tor-browser upon first program launch, then I change the folder, the Exec command now doesnt run right22:58
ElongatedLongmandue to the different folder name22:58
leftyfbso 100% an issue with the 3rd party application you downloaded22:59
ElongatedLongmannot so much an issue, just the way it runs22:59
ElongatedLongmanbut yeah not OS related22:59
ElongatedLongmanThat was interesting, and I'm glad I figured out exactly why it was happening22:59
bray90820Hey sdo no matter what I do I can't install teamviewer with sudo dpkg -i on 22.0423:56
rboxwhat have you tried23:56
bray90820I run sudo dpkg -i teamviewer.deb it gives me errors so I run sudo apt install -f and it askes to uninstall it23:57
rboxwhat errors23:57
bray90820It's saying a couple things arn't imnstalled but shouldn't apt install -f install them23:59
Habbieplease show us23:59
Habbieuse a pastebin23:59
Habbieor take a photo if you have to23:59

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