
=== ad1m45 is now known as ad1m4
VanUnamedso, how do i downgrade plasma to 5.08 on a new install?03:53
RjGjust looked this up on distrowatch, closest to that is focal which I think is either eol or right at eol.. 5.18. Jammy which is current is 5.24.4 with mantic at 5.27.804:08
EickmeyerKubuntu 20.04 went EOL in April.04:08
RjGhey Eickmeyer... did find the cause of the panics... my coms card for my camera :(04:09
EickmeyerOof, sorry to hear that RjG .04:09
RjGa via VT6307b cchipped card :(04:10
RjGthe camera takes some sepcilized windows drivers that even with htesubsystem tends to crash on liux 75% of the time for its usb2 port but the 1394 runs full speed with out special drivers so hence how  I use it... now that card is causing the 6.5 kernel to panic prior to any logs and reboot looping...04:12
RjGanyone know how  to get the kdump to actually work on a crashing kernel?  I do not even get any option to select kbump in grub even.06:47
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=== Bluefoxicy_ is now known as Bluefoxicy
=== kostas is now known as user346218
=== warmana1 is now known as warmana
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=== warmana1 is now known as warmana
andrea_un saluto a tutti09:42
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== krupa1 is now known as krupa
BluesKajHi all13:43
VanUnamed,tell rjG is 5.18 same as 5.08 in look?15:36
VanUnamed.tell rjG is 5.18 same as 5.08 in look?15:36
=== pick is now known as pickanick
* VanUnamed mourns the loss of plasma 5.0818:03
jezebelleyhello the world out there19:28
jezebelleyanyone there?19:32
cbreakyeah, few, very quiet people19:37
=== ad1m4 is now known as ad1m
=== vcxza is now known as p4aoo
IrcsomeBot<Dragan> LPYO22:28
IrcsomeBot<Dragan> LPY022:28
IrcsomeBot<Dragan> Hi22:28

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