[04:07] guiverc: One to add - clear to edit Discoure ? [04:08] yep... [04:08] * guiverc has some stuff in mousepad here; but not enough there yet to open & add [04:13] guiverc: I add to the load then :P [04:16] guiverc: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/modern-communication-platforms-matrix-testing/40313 added . saving and exiting. [04:16] :) thanks Bashing-om [04:17] I'd have probably added that anyway (if not there; I noted it earlier this morning... currently what little focus i have is on summaries.. so useful in case I forget... [04:19] guiverc: First I had deen it - wonder how I missed it on my eralier perusal of the Discourse site :( [04:19] seen* [04:21] you're out i take it Bashing-om , I'll add one summary I'm not really happy with... [04:23] guiverc: Yup - I out. [04:25] thanks, i just added the one summary (first in planet)... I've been fight with ~two hours now.. (not continuous, I get annoyed & thus walk off & go elsewhere..) it maybe needs a check [04:25] * guiverc didn't paste lxqt or further ones [04:26] guiverc: I do UWN freshening when I am fresh in the morrow :D [04:26] ack [04:26] & thanks [04:28] guiverc: Note my comments that I do not know how to indent properly ;( [04:29] ack.. I've not seen any (viewing the page when doing summaries as normal user sees it; not raw) as I usually only grab links so I can bash-keys into mousepad... [04:30] guiverc: I note my indent failure with ">>" . [04:30] do you want me to look now? [04:32] guiverc: No not that pressing - if easy can leave me instruction in that comment. [04:33] how did you want to indent it? further than prio? [04:33] s/prio/prior [04:34] guiverc: Yeah - as we did in Gdoc - for a following item under a leading article. [04:36] Bashing-om, have a look (four extra spaces added to one) [04:36] looking [04:36] adjust/tweak to get what you want... "Canonical Launches MicroCloud To Deploy" was changed SLIGHTLY [04:39] guiverc: Gonna see how 4 spaces work out for the Cloud section articcle :) [04:41] not sure if it's exactly four, but we have a preview window so you can experiment until you get something that matches what you want.. at worst the extra formatting may make it harder for scripts [04:47] guiverc: 4 spaces makes it look good to me. [04:48] :) [04:52] guiverc: I make a note to check 4 space formatting in the M/L and the Forum post. [04:52] :) [05:02] * guiverc adding some summaries [05:07] guiverc: Gonna look and see if I see an indication that you are editig at this time. [06:02] I wasn't in for long, click edit; search for area; paste; scroll down to next; copy & paste, scroll then copy & paste & save.. [06:08] guiverc: When yer good - man yer good! :P backing out of Discourse - seen no indication other was editng :( [06:09] if you wanna try again, give me a few mins & I'll add another [06:10] * guiverc still writing; mild headache so loads of breaks [06:10] guiverc: Not at thos time - taken my night meds abd heading off to bed soonest. [06:11] ack & perfectly understood [06:11] later :) [06:11] i'm not surprised you didn't see anything, I've experienced it before with discourse... [06:12] i believe the 'edit' click causes current page to be read without checks to see if already being edited.. [06:17] guiverc: Be nice if there were a safty guard in place there. === tsimonq2_ is now known as tsimonq2 [23:31] * guiverc is editing (on occasion) uwn 814 (comments; bits are irking me) [23:41] * guiverc out & done [23:51] guiverc: Caught up on 814 and out of Discourse - until next time :D