[01:23] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted pg-auto-failover [amd64] (noble-proposed) [2.0-3] [01:23] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted pg-auto-failover [armhf] (noble-proposed) [2.0-3] [01:23] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted pg-auto-failover [riscv64] (noble-proposed) [2.0-3] [01:23] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted postgis [riscv64] (noble-proposed) [3.3.3+dfsg-2ubuntu2] [01:23] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted pg-auto-failover [arm64] (noble-proposed) [2.0-3] [01:23] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted pg-auto-failover [s390x] (noble-proposed) [2.0-3] [01:23] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted pg-auto-failover [ppc64el] (noble-proposed) [2.0-3] === ebarretto_ is now known as ebarretto [08:43] vorlon, hello, we have some nodejs bootstrapping sadness and bileto is gone... [08:44] maybe if we kick node-minimatch 9.0.3-4 out for some publisher runs, we can retry other nodejs and finish the bootstrap? === leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb === tsimonq2_ is now known as tsimonq2 [17:33] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: votca [amd64] (noble-proposed/universe) [2023-1] (no packageset) [17:34] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: votca [s390x] (noble-proposed/universe) [2023-1] (no packageset) [17:35] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: votca [ppc64el] (noble-proposed/universe) [2023-1] (no packageset) [18:03] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: votca [arm64] (noble-proposed/universe) [2023-1] (no packageset) [18:45] Please reject the kernelshark upload in lunar UNAPPROVED, the one with the incorrect version. :P [18:45] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: kernelshark (lunar-proposed/universe) [2.2.0-1 => 2.2.0-1ubuntu1.23.04.1] (no packageset) [18:46] CC tjaalton since it looks like you rejected the previous upload. Should be two, one should be good, the other needs rejecting ^^^^^ [18:46] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: kernelshark (lunar-proposed/universe) [2.2.0-1 => 2.2.0-1ubuntu0.23.04.1] (no packageset) [19:26] tsimonq2: done [19:26] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected kernelshark [source] (lunar-proposed) [2.2.0-1ubuntu1.23.04.1] [19:28] kernelshark do do do do do do 🦈 [19:29] tjaalton: Thanks! [19:29] Eickmeyer: LMFAO [19:45] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: votca [riscv64] (noble-proposed/universe) [2023-1] (no packageset) [23:13] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: rust-clap-verbosity-flag [amd64] (noble-proposed/none) [2.0.1-2] (no packageset) [23:13] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: rust-clap-verbosity-flag [armhf] (noble-proposed/none) [2.0.1-2] (no packageset) [23:13] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: rust-clap-verbosity-flag [ppc64el] (noble-proposed/none) [2.0.1-2] (no packageset) [23:14] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: rust-clap-verbosity-flag [s390x] (noble-proposed/none) [2.0.1-2] (no packageset) [23:15] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: rust-clap-verbosity-flag [arm64] (noble-proposed/none) [2.0.1-2] (no packageset) [23:22] -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: rust-clap-verbosity-flag [riscv64] (noble-proposed/none) [2.0.1-2] (no packageset)