[05:08] kubuntu haven't start building for noble numbat right ? [05:11] i mean the ppa... it just available whats in the universe right [05:13] I don't think the toolchains etc. are all set up yet [05:14] we barely have learned the whole name [05:17] 👌 [13:10] Hi all [13:52] sorry, do we have plasma 6 alpha in the ppa ? [17:44] @myfenris I'm 99% sure plasma 6 isn't even on the radar for 24.04, so chances are there will be no movement on that front until the 24.10 cycle. [17:49] ai ai .. understood .. [20:31] to be fair, plasma-qt6 is not even alpha yet [20:31] not really ready for distribution [20:31] only testing [20:52] valorie: They're shooting for a March release, but I still don't think that's going to be good for us. [20:53] I'm targeting 24.10 for Lubuntu's Qt 6 stuff, which uses Frameworks. [20:54] (The last time I asked Rik, he said that Nate Graham strongly suggested we stick with all-Qt 5 this cycle, and I agree with him that we should take that recommendation.) [23:29] amen tsimonq2 [23:30] let others jump first - let's release well-tested software