
arraybolt311:47 <lubot> [telegram] <Michael> Hi team, does lubuntu has inbuilt night light filter/blue light filter?18:01
arraybolt311:48 <lubot> [telegram] <Michael> Or do we need to install a third party application?18:01
arraybolt311:58 <arraybolt3> We do not ship one by default.18:01
arraybolt311:59 <arraybolt3> That said, we could in future releases, and this is the perfect time for us to think about doing that since we're just starting to develop Lubuntu 24.04.18:01
arraybolt3Also see https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/redshift-qt-for-lubuntu-20-10/191618:04
arraybolt3I'd be happy to package Redshift-qt for Debian and ask tsimonq2 to sponsor it. Then it can be pulled into Ubuntu, seeded in Lubuntu, added to our packageset, and bingo.18:06
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> I think it would be fantastic if you did that.20:19
EickmeyerThat would be a situation of "don't ask for permission, ask for forgiveness."20:37
EickmeyerIn other words, JFDI.20:37
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> ditto20:40
arraybolt3I try to *NOT* live my that motto as much as I'm able to :P20:46
arraybolt3But anyway, /me adds that to The List and assigns it to myself20:46
Eickmeyerarraybolt3: When it comes to packaging stuff, feel empowered to just get it done. Don't feel like you need to ask for permission. Seeding is secondary and can be reviewed later.20:47
arraybolt3Makes sense.20:47
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Please be CoC compliant. ;P20:50
tsimonq2"The poorest decision of all is no decision: clarity of direction has value in itself. Sometimes all the data are not available, or consensus is elusive. A decision must still be made. There is no guarantee of a perfect decision every time - we prefer to err, learn, and err less in future than to postpone action indefinitely."20:50
tsimonq2"We invite anybody, from any company, to participate in any aspect of the project. Our community is open, and any responsibility can be carried by any contributor who demonstrates the required capacity and competence."20:50
tsimonq2arraybolt3: As a prospective MOTU, you should specifically feel empowered to maintain software within the wider Ubuntu universe (pun intended). :)20:50
tsimonq2arraybolt3: That includes introducing new software.20:50
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Seeding it however, *that's* where we come in.20:51
arraybolt3Well I know I could Just Do It if I wanted to, but since it was specifically to fulfill a feature request in Lubuntu, that's why I asked.20:52
tsimonq2*shrug* don't ask before doing with new packages, ask for new seed additions ;)20:52
arraybolt3If we're like "meh, we don't want that", then I'd rather focus my time elsewhere for this exact moment (like merge stealing and whatnot). If we're thinking "oooh, that looks nifty", then I'd like to jump on it.20:52
tsimonq2Ah, okay. Just gauging the room, I get it.20:52
tsimonq2Yeah, I'd say we should ship it.20:53
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> I think (L)ubuntu users could benefit if that is what you are asking20:53
tsimonq2Fits within our philisophy to at least include that opt-in.20:53
arraybolt3kk, then it's something worth spending time on.20:53
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> +120:53
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> Always20:53
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Thanks for what you do <320:54
arraybolt3Thanks for your encouragement :)20:55
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> +120:55
EickmeyerAlso, if something exists that might be even *remotely* useful, feel free to package it. Did you know I did that for a text-mode window manager (twin)?20:57
EickmeyerIt's never a waste of time if it's useful.20:58
arraybolt3Oh cool!21:00
tsimonq2teward: Kay, so...21:03
tsimonq2teward: We *need* the wiki.21:03
tsimonq2teward: I get it, stuff happens, but that wiki stuff, even if we just get it plaintext, is pretty critical.21:04
tsimonq2teward: The other stuff on Phab, well, we might want to move some tasks over but that's about it.21:04
tsimonq2teward: *At your convenience* could you please either spin up the Phab fork and migrate over (at least) the wiki, or could we get those plaintext files?21:04
tsimonq2@teward001: AFAIK the wiki and tasks are *not* affected by the AWS stuff.21:05
tewardtsimonq2: so21:05
tewardthey aren't21:05
tewardit's being deployed in a sandbox and then limited-access it with extra security barriers21:05
tewardbut we need somewhere to *put* the wiki and tasks21:05
tewardI'm not against finding alternative task handling solutions like redmine or something else21:05
tewardor an alterantive wiki21:05
tewardPhorge is also an alternative possibly if I clean-deploy it21:05
tewardbut i'm putting up several trillion security barriers in place before I open sanboxed Phab up again to limited-access21:06
tewardbecause if it is breached i want to collect the bad guy's data :P21:06
tewardwe forget i'm an it security researcher xD21:07
tsimonq2I didn't forget I was just wanting the wiki back up XD21:07
tsimonq2I understood there was some Stuff, but let me know when we have sandbox access again.21:08
tsimonq2And, if possible, I think Phorge is our best stop-gap.21:08
tewardas i said it'll be limited access i'll be putting some extra security controls in place and such to get to the box with limited access21:08
tewardstuff ain't easy to deploy though so patience is a virtue21:09
tsimonq2Thus why I said at your convenience :) keep us posted.21:09
tsimonq2That being said, we have a *lot* of inaccessible docs right now, so the sooner we could (at the minimum) get plaintext copies, the better.21:09
lubot[telegram] <teward001> tsimonq2: if we do go with Phorge it'll be set up by me with a whole slew of security controls on it22:22
lubot[telegram] <teward001> if we dont then we just need alternatives22:22
lubot[telegram] <teward001> not sure we need the whole phorge stack though for just two pieces22:23
arraybolt3Perhaps we can just make a Wiki repo on Gitea?22:27
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> I think the catch is keeping the council, members and regular wiki stuff separate.22:30
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> As far as access22:30
arraybolt3that makes sense22:31
arraybolt3I didn't know there were different levels of wiki access.22:32
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> phab did/does a good job of keeping things separate.22:33
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> We also need a CI. I'm familiar with Jenkins, my vote is that to start. :P (re @teward001: tsimonq2: if we do go with Phorge it'll be set up by me with a whole slew of security controls on it)22:58
* arraybolt3 thinks of Jenkins as "Security Vulnerabilities in a Box" :P23:03
arraybolt3Even a critical Qubes OS project once got their Jenkins server compromised when it got out of date.23:04
tewardkc2bez: Doable with separate groups on Gitea.  lubuntu-council/ lubuntu-members/ lubuntu/  as base namespaces/orgs23:18
tewardkeeping access separate isn't hard it's just diligence and keeping up on it that matters23:18
tewardCI is its own beast Simon23:24
tewardand that'll take more time than the wiki23:24
arraybolt3Uploaded a cala-settings-ubuntu change to use sudo -E again, so now we'll get nice theming in the installer.23:24
tewardboth take more time than i have available today23:24

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