
lubot[telegram] <Michael> Hi team, does lubuntu has inbuilt night light filter/blue light filter?17:47
lubot[telegram] <Michael> Or do we need to install a third party application?17:48
arraybolt3We do not ship one by default.17:58
arraybolt3That said, we could in future releases, and this is the perfect time for us to think about doing that since we're just starting to develop Lubuntu 24.04.17:59
arraybolt3So for now, you'll need to install a third party one, but I might be able to talk the devs into adding one by default.18:00
Eickmeyerredshift is in the repos and should work18:03
Eickmeyer!info redshift18:04
ubotturedshift (1.12-4.2ubuntu1, mantic): Adjusts the color temperature of your screen. In component universe, is extra. Built by redshift. Size 117 kB / 599 kB18:04
lubot[telegram] <Michael> Thank you so much for providing the alternative and considering it as a feedback for implementing it in future release18:07
lubot[telegram] <Michael> Really appreciate 😊18:07
arraybolt3Sure thing :) and thanks Eickmeyer for mentioning Redshift directly, I had gotten distracted by looking for redshift-qt for possible inclusion in Lubuntu :P18:08

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