
arraybolt3Out of curiosity, does enabling Ubuntu Pro cause any issues with doing sbuilds of packages? I just went ahead and enabled it on my laptop and want to make sure that none of the Pro packages are going to interfere with the repos present in my sbuild chroots.21:17
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Last time I checked, they're mostly customer-driven updates.21:19
tsimonq2arraybolt3: They explicitly design these updates to be security-only, from my understanding, so I don't think it'll be an issue.21:20
tsimonq2arraybolt3: That being said, sbuild is a clean environment anyway, right? Repos you have enabled on your host system won't affect what's in the chroot.21:20
arraybolt3That's what I needed to know :) Thanks!21:21
arraybolt3Yeah, as long as the Pro repos aren't getting into my chroot, that's all that matters21:21
tsimonq2I highly doubt they'll release a Pro update for sbuild or devscripts, but they're welcome to prove me wrong. :P21:26

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