
guivercBashing-om, bits have been dropped; I'll add back (stuff done earlier today, plus summaries of yesterday??)00:00
Bashing-omguiverc: Ouch ! Whatever have I done to you ?? How !00:01
guivercdiscourse can just sometimes be funny i fear; when I save the page I usually click to view changes & ensure nothing got lost..00:01
Bashing-omguiverc: Will look more closely next edit session :)00:02
guivercps:  when I'm out.. one of my changes was a request for you to review a summary (lxqt mantic)00:04
* guiverc out of edit.. (saved).. reading in review 00:07
guivercIf you changed my wording on summaries they may now have been dropped out, as I reverted to the modified earlier today (or last night) text00:10
Bashing-omguiverc: ^ going into for my reviews - arthritus tearing me up; bad head ache - thinking real forced presently :) // I did make several edits - will try and do a re-do :P00:11
guivercdo what you can (don't push yourself too hard!)   the only changes I see (currently) I made were one I somewhat re-wrote this morning (translations really irked me)  & the lxqt_1.4_mantic I need for you to review  , though sorry for any lost changes of yours00:17
Bashing-omguiverc: The price we pay in learning our tools.00:26
Bashing-omguiverc: Polish applied - A bit of clean up yet that I will do when adding the stats/reports tomorrow.00:59
guivercyep looks good Bashing-om  (was reviewing changes-raw).  Thanks !00:59
Bashing-omguiverc: What we do :P01:08
Bashing-omguiverc: On other fronts: Matrix: What is your use case, how much hassel is it to install a client - and how much disk space does it take up initially ?01:19
guivercBashing-om, i'll provide https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/G9B7FmFctm/  (which is a file on installing taken from site listed in comment line 1)... on this system though I'm using the snap package; which shows `du -hs /snap/element-desktop/` as 722M, with 117M in /home/guiverc/snap/element-desktop  (also a small ~/snap/element-client directory, not sure if there is more than that though)01:25
guivercinstalling the snap is easier than deb (esp. on debian trixie or ubuntu mantic+  but that's only because of source.security.changes and my pasted details are oudated for that)01:27
guiverci find irc easier (as for usage), mostly as I know it... telegram next (used it longer), but element/matrix allows extra things not possible in irc; and being able to readback when offline is useful  (traditionally what I've used it for; alas matrix/libera rooms no longer auto-linked)01:30
Bashing-omguiverc: Not too heavy - My daily driver is a bit short on space (initial install was just for testing) but I may give it a whirl.01:33
* guiverc checks my disk space; `df -h` reports 686M available; ouch...01:35
Bashing-omguiverc: 5 pounds of sugar in a 4 pound sack :P01:41
Bashing-omguiverc: "element-desktop" is this what I think it might be ? xfce4 is my DE and I have no intention of installing an additional desktop !01:44
guivercmy snap list shows "element-desktop    1.11.48           74     latest/stable    ken-vandine✪       -" which will be my element-desktop install; yeah annoying name to me too01:45
guiverc(telegram-desktop is the telegram client I use; another annoying name for me)01:46
Bashing-omUWN: Issue814 up for review and final edits: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-814/40186 :)21:53
guivercack & thanks Bashing-om 22:26

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