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Rocky33I have system that reports errors just after bios - but works - how to rid of errors - 22.04 - thanks.05:00
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.05:02
toddcRocky33: what is the error?05:03
Rocky33who ?05:03
Rocky33the error starten upon the inception of driver for the 1650 card05:03
Rocky33I think its the 535 driver ?05:04
toddcRocky33: to check use this guide https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/nvidia-drivers-installation05:07
Rocky33toddc:  its fromthe initial installation from over 8 months ago, it was hypothetically revised 3 times05:08
toddcthat should list current installed drivers  assuming apt autoremove should have remove older drivers05:09
Rocky33toddc:  is ubuntu able to overocme this with out re-installations being much work and files that were created for the sole purpose of storage ??05:10
Rocky33toddc:  ubuntu has sent many kernel versions - would that not be included ??05:10
toddcnvidia creates it own drivers and they are not open souce so no they must be added05:11
ubottuDrivers for Nvidia graphics cards: (A) No gaming/CAD/CUDA needed or legacy hardware? Use "nouveau" (open source, lacks many features). (B) Otherwise, "nvidia" (proprietary driver, fully featured). Install using "ubuntu-drivers" CLI or apt - not from nvidia.com. Driver series, hardware support (release notes): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ - Latest drivers !PPA: https://pad.lv/ppa/graphics-drivers05:12
Rocky33toddc:  so, what kernel changes were included in the 525 driver that changed everything, to the point that i need to go wlsewhere to correct this problem outside of the driver updates ??05:13
Rocky33From a personall effect - ubunru has become compartmentalised so that each department has no idea what the next completes soas there is nothing but confusion -- does that sound right ??05:15
toddcAs far as I know we cannot look in nvidia to test or figure out what they do so replace with a different version is about the best i help but wait here a bit others may have better input05:16
Rocky33toddc:  so, the blob is sent as (a temp fix) is that right ??05:16
Rocky33Ubuntu used to be responsible05:17
Rocky33what happened.05:17
toddcI would not go that far but a huge number of issues here are nvidia   nouveau is open source we look fix and update that but it lacks features  rolls back to nvidia05:19
Rocky33no one is asking real questions.05:19
toddclegality licening  nvidia05:19
Rocky33Aand thse responsible dont waht to either answer or know.05:19
Rocky33I see that the money changers have taken over. its not rocket science.05:20
Rocky33It may be time to go to the lowest common demonitator as far a slinux builds go. thanks for ur time.05:21
Rocky33Its a throw away society. and ubuntu has towed the line.05:21
Rocky33good by ubuntu.05:22
Rocky33shoot me a fix already05:39
Rocky33OPEN YOUR EYES:  https://files.catbox.moe/mv3g18.mp405:40
Rocky33But, the world needs to make a satns, - I stifle.06:00
Rocky33thanks for listening.06:00
Rocky33I was one of those victims.06:01
Rocky33nuff said.06:01
Rocky33anyway - back to the ubuntu kernel 535 driver for the 22.04 kernel hat changed 27 times and was directed to websites for a fix.06:02
Rocky33explain that06:02
Rocky33let me say this for the youngsters in the game - I started linux when bsd was 3.6 - ok ? - your scholing sounds logical as well as complete - its-not -- they failed to include departments that are doing things that you are not, - I also see that A.I. has elimated the spelling feature to include incompitence in the atmosphere of conclusions,06:08
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:08
lotuspsychjekeep this channel for support issues only please Rocky3306:09
Rocky33yes, im 72, we built the systems that employ you today.06:09
xMopxthank you Rocky33 🙏 father of capitalism06:11
Rocky33I repair games / tv / vcr / ham radio / police radio / commercal radio / anything electronic. thank you.06:11
xMopxwhat is your favorite front-end library? And why isn't it HTMX?06:12
Rocky33I dont have and play favorates.06:12
xMopxcop out06:12
arraybolt3What on earth is happening in here?!06:12
Rocky33xMopx:  grow up.06:13
guivercthis is Ubuntu support; please stay on-topic.06:13
arraybolt3This is a mess. Please stop going off-topic.06:13
Rocky33on topic06:13
Rocky33anyway - back to the ubuntu kernel 535 driver for the 22.04 kernel hat changed 27 times and was directed to websites for a fix.06:13
arraybolt3So... what are you trying to do? You were getting kernel errors, could you share what errors those were?06:15
Rocky33the errors were shared many times - with nothing but 3rd party websites for fixes.. arraybolt3 are you personally privey to such fixes ??06:16
arraybolt3I won't know until I see the errors, and I don't see them in the backlog.06:16
arraybolt3I am an Ubuntu Developer so I know my way around the OS relatively well.06:17
Rocky33arraybolt3:  what makes you qualified for me to show you for the 30th time for fixes ??06:17
Rocky33arraybolt3:  my question is legendary - fix 535 right ??06:18
arraybolt3I don't even see one time where the errors were shared. Was it the MP4 video you posted earlier?06:18
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Rocky33arraybolt3:  be THAT developer that is and will be considered a GOD.06:19
arraybolt3Generally NVIDIA issues can be solved by reinstalling the driver, which I've done before.06:19
Rocky33hot air06:19
Rocky33I might go back to time consuming GENTOO06:20
Rocky33it works.. right ?06:20
Rocky33I have been with ubuntu since version 406:20
Rocky337.04 was the best like kde 3.506:20
Rocky33what gives06:20
arraybolt3If you want help, please type whatever the error is (or paste it somewhere, or something), and put it where we can see it. I can't read your computer's logs remotely, and I can't tell which one of the fifty or more different things that could go wrong did go wrong without seeing logs.06:20
Rocky33arraybolt3:  thank you for your time and efforts.06:21
Rocky33do me right arraybolt306:22
Rocky33do something conical cant.06:22
* Rocky33 waits06:23
* arraybolt3 waits for logs06:23
Rocky33conical has them- zero fix06:23
xMopxwhat kind of wait are you using Rocky3306:23
xMopxselect? spinlock>06:23
Rocky33for your wisdom06:23
xMopxit matters06:23
Rocky33you have none06:24
arraybolt3Do you know what system logs are?06:24
Rocky33no, i came from windoze06:24
arraybolt3They're generally in a file at /var/log/syslog06:24
Rocky33you people crack me up.. children at the steering wheel06:24
arraybolt3When apps and the kernel run into certain errors, they save a record of them.06:25
* arraybolt3 sighs with relief06:25
xMopxto be fair, the process of making nvidia work on linux drives me a bit crazy too xd06:27
Yakovwhy cant I edit sublime editor preferences file in ubuntu?06:58
Patrick_I'm on the fence as to whether that guy was real or posting machine-generated sentences07:03
Patrick_but there was some coherence, so maybe not07:03
Patrick_no, the guy who signed off07:04
toddcYakov: no not you07:04
pickanickleftyfb: Thanks for the discussion earlier. I have been since told the DNS behavior I was seeing is by design of wg: if you use DNS over wg it bypasses local DNS cache.07:38
xMopxconical 🤣07:57
Patrick_pickanick: wg meaning wireguard?08:05
Patrick_I wouldn't have guessed that a vpn would affect dns behavior08:06
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dev3any suricata and wazuh users in this channel.  currently have suricata set-up and configured on my router but would now like to have wazuh set-up to check for configuration mis-steps and false positives/false negatives in my ubuntu box.10:42
pickanickPatrick_: yes; note: it is *not* required, it's an option to direct DNS requests to some desired server while the connection is up.11:50
pickanickWhich is very convenient, but I didn't expect that it skipped the local DNS cache entirely.11:52
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lotuspsychjewelcome aki_12:53
aki_THANK U12:54
BluesKajHi all13:10
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lavaballcan i distro upgrade remotely? i have an 18.04 desktop running and just noticed there is no support no more.16:41
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mzokui want to see previews of the files in the file folders (when uploading files, opening files via apps etc)18:58
Patrick_does anyone know why ubuntu has disabled the privacy>devices section in gnome-control-center?22:17
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tanja_I have a question. if I remove a ppa ( in my situation ubuntu-toolchain-r/test ) is there then a easy ish or prefered way to downgrade the packages that has come from that repo23:15
Bashing-om!ppa-purge | tanja_23:23
ubottutanja_: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html23:23
tanja_Bashing-om, Thank you very much unfortunately ppa-purge says "Could not find package list for PPA: ubuntu-toolchain-r test". But gonna try with the "sudo add-apt-repository --remove" which also were the way I added it23:26
tanja_it were just more if there were some gotcha's I should look out for ( the reason for me is to get the libstdc++ downgraded from the ppa version )23:27
Bashing-omtanja_: None other that I am aware of - good luck :)23:30
tanja_thank you very much exept didnt go well unfortunally so gonna getting ready to reinstall, thankfully the enviroment in a container :)23:34
tanja_since it says "Reinstallation of libstdc++6 is not possible, it cannot be downloaded." when I try to reinstall it so it can get the distro version, and it wont uninstall it since it sees it as a important package23:37
gordonjcptanja_: this is an impressive mess, what exactly are you trying to do?23:37
tanja_had previus added https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/test for updated gcc compiler but that has then also updated the libstdc++ to a newer version so compiled programs cant run other other places because of the newer gcc library23:40
tanja_so what I'm trying to do is to get it back to the jammy distro version of libstdc++ so in essence downgraded. But I do also have a backup plan there is recreate the container from scratch since I always does my compiling in containers ( and this was my ubuntu jammy comtainer )23:42
arraybolt3apt-cache policy libstdc++623:46
arraybolt3find the distro version23:46
arraybolt3Then sudo apt install libstdc++6=version23:46
tanja_gordonjcp, and the main reason I'm trying to downgrade it and in essence remove the ubuntu team ppa is that other jammy systems fail running programs compiled on it with the error "version `GLIBCXX_3.4.32' not found" since the library in the ppa apparently adds newer GLIBCXX version even that they are under the same name23:46
arraybolt3Replace version with the non-PPA version23:46
arraybolt3Though if you've corrupted a core system library like this it may be easier to just remake the container.23:47
tanja_arraybolt3, thank you very much actually got it downgraded but yeah I would say alot have changed so I do also feel a recreation is best. Just thought it were a great opptunity to learn since in worst cate it would just be wiped23:50
tanja_yeah just tested and even the compilings are failing its really corrupt but still thank you very much for learning me how to downgrade23:53
gordonjcptanja_: why, though?23:57
gordonjcptanja_: what's the end goal of fiddling about with gcc versions?23:57
tanja_gordonjcp, well I do program and compile and wanted gcc-13 prior and that was why I added the repo since everyone I saw said it was from the official ubuntu team, but I do see you dont get it23:59

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