[10:32] hello [10:32] seb128, we have no other way to import a firefox profile than via firefox.launcher, right? [10:33] oh nevermind [10:34] I can probably rely on ~/snap/firefox_XXX/common/.mozilla/firefox/ [10:42] lissyx, hey, right you can copy things there [13:57] seb128, there's something ... weird [13:57] seb128, Content snap command-chain for /snap/firefox/x1/gnome-platform/command-chain/desktop-launch not found: ensure slot is connected [13:58] seb128, I am getting that while doing mozregression with a change to "fix connections" [13:58] hum, what do you mean by "fix connections"? [13:59] https://prod.pastebin.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/e6wzigCd/raw [13:59] things like ['sudo', 'snap', 'connect', 'firefox_b73ef4c89:browser-sandbox', ':browser-support'] [13:59] now the thing is, "snap disconnect firefox_b73ef4c89:gnome-42-2204 gnome-42-2204:gnome-42-2204" followed by "snap connect firefox_b73ef4c89:gnome-42-2204 gnome-42-2204:gnome-42-2204" and it works [14:00] is the gnome platform correctly connected? [14:00] seb128, see the paste, according to "snap connections" it says it is [14:00] sounds like a snapd issue :-( [14:01] now the most fun thing is that I dont force a "snap connect" of GNOME (I was earlier and I thought it was messing up things) [14:10] seb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/2043993 [14:10] -ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Launchpad bug 2043993 in snapd (Ubuntu) "snapd reports connections established but running does not work due to missing connection" [Undecided, New] === amypenguin1 is now known as amypenguin [16:04] seb128, I was on an old hacked snapd, but getting back to stable 2.60.4 does not help :( [17:17] lissyx, :-( [17:19] jbicha: hi, lp2039170 is waiting for verification