
vpa1977Hi, looking for sponsorship for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maven/+bug/1930541 - guice and maven upload to focal queue. It is currently broken when running with Java 17 :( Thank you!!!!03:14
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1930541 in maven (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Maven 3.6.3-1 fails to run with OpenJDK 17" [Undecided, Confirmed]03:14
vpa1977Also looking for sponsorship to upload OpenJDK 21.0.1+12 to Jammy and Focal (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-21/+bug/2036873/comments/58) Thank you!!!03:18
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2036873 in openjdk-21 (Ubuntu Lunar) "[SRU] Please provide openjdk-21 for focal, jammy and lunar" [Undecided, Confirmed]03:18
Eickmeyervpa1977: RE bug 1930541: I'm not part of the SRU team, but since OpenJDK 17 isn't in the repos for Focal, and since we only guarantee operability for packages within the repos to work with each other, I'd expect a hard NACK for that one.03:24
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 1930541 in maven (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Maven 3.6.3-1 fails to run with OpenJDK 17" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193054103:24
vpa1977Eickmeyer: this bug is about introducing a new package - openjdk-21, and it does not impact OpenJDK 1703:25
vpa1977openjdk-17 is present in bionic and up03:25
Eickmeyer!info openjdk-17 focal03:25
ubottuPackage openjdk-17 does not exist in focal03:25
EickmeyerI may have butchered the package name, I'll admit.03:26
vpa1977It is present in -updates03:26
EickmeyerThe bot would pick it up.03:26
vpa1977The bot only picks up release pocket03:26
EickmeyerThat's a bug in the bot then, I'll bring it to the owner's attention. I see it in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-1703:27
vpa1977And apologises, I thought you are talking about openjdk-21 bug ;(03:28
vpa1977Maven one is rather interesting - original packaging introduced a bug by using aop version of guice. Upstream used non-aop version in this release (3.6.3). So the fix only brings things to where they should be.03:29
EickmeyerYeah, understood. I just don't know how SRUs apply to updating items that weren't in the release pocket.03:30
EickmeyerLike I said, I'm not on the SRU team. :)03:31
vpa1977maven was =)03:31
vpa1977But openjdk-17 was introduced later and people discovered that they can not use maven with it03:31
EickmeyerRight, which is an SRU grey area.03:31
vpa1977!info maven focal03:31
ubottumaven (3.6.3-1, focal): Java software project management and comprehension tool. In component universe, is optional. Built by maven. Size 18 kB / 124 kB03:31
vpa1977thank you bot =)03:32
EickmeyerI knew maven was there before. :)03:32
EickmeyerI wonder...03:32
Eickmeyer!info openjdk-17 focal-updates03:32
ubottu'focal-updates' is not a valid release03:32
Eickmeyerbot hates me03:32
vpa1977!info openjdk-17 focal-security03:32
ubottu'focal-security' is not a valid release03:32
EickmeyerUnit193: Fun times with ubottu ^03:33
Unit193!info openjdk-17 focal05:10
ubottuPackage openjdk-17 does not exist in focal05:10
Unit193Eickmeyer: Mate, there's no binary with that name. :P05:15
Unit193!info openjdk-17-jre focal05:15
ubottuopenjdk-17-jre (, focal): OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT. In component universe, is optional. Built by openjdk-17. Size 179 kB / 604 kB. (Only available for alpha, amd64, armel, armhf, arm64, i386, ia64, mips, mipsel, mips64, mips64el, powerpc, ppc64, ppc64el, m68k, riscv64, sh4, sparc, sparc64, s390x, x32.)05:15
EickmeyerUnit193: Ah, I was looking at the source package. :P05:16
mirespaceHi, working in a FTBFS #lp2036255 for clamav on Mantic ... but I built it without changes in ppa https://launchpad.net/~mirespace/+archive/ubuntu/clamav-ftbfs-lp2036255/+build/2700811010:01
mirespaceShould the next step be to ask for a package rebuild on Mantic?10:03
ginggsmirespace: I can retry that test rebuild, do you want/have a copy of the log before I do so?11:28
mirespaceginggs: Nice, thanks! I have the log of the mantic testrebuild attached to the FTBFS bug, and extracted in the description the error, so I think we're fine11:37
ginggsok, retrying...11:39
ginggsmirespace: success \o/12:01
waveform@pilot in12:01
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: waveform
mirespaceginggs: \o/ Thankyou!12:01
arraybolt3Soooo... lintian.debian.org got taken down in favor of UDD, and now the awesome database of "this is why Lintian is yelling at you" is now gone. Does anyone have an alternative they're using?15:32
arraybolt3(Alternatively, can someone tell me what on earth prefer-uscan-symlink means?)15:32
arraybolt3oh, nvm, I just found lintian-explain-tags (a command I can run in my shell).15:33
waveform@pilot out16:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: N/A
waveform(well mostly, I'm still finishing off a few bits of -s32 review)16:00
ginggsarraybolt3: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1042428#3016:03
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1042428 in qa.debian.org "qa.debian.org: Missing description for lintian warning tags (https://udd.debian.org/lintian/?packages=)" [Wishlist, Open]16:03
Eickmeyerwaveform: Lovely flight on Pi Air today. :)16:04
ginggsarraybolt3: so https://udd.debian.org/lintian-tag.cgi?tag=prefer-uscan-symlink16:04
arraybolt3ginggs: Ah, cool. The command I found is more convenient anyway though.16:05
waveformEickmeyer, heh -- I've managed to calm the small jet-turbine of the fan down a bit (see LP: #2041741 :)16:06
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2041741 in linux-raspi (Ubuntu Mantic) "Fan speed control not working on Pi 5 under Ubuntu 23.10" [High, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204174116:06
Eickmeyerwaveform: Ha! I don't mind cool temps, but I get the noise factor! (tends to drown-out noisy toddlers in the cabin :))16:08
tewardarraybolt3: so, is there a reason that we need two packaging bugs for redshift-qt?  Because it would be easier to simply wait for Debian to process the package and then sync it then upload to Ubuntu then sync again to keep in line with Debian.  Just sayin.18:29
arraybolt3teward: See the #lubuntu-devel backlog.18:30
tsimonq2(tl;dr it's a feature goal for Lubuntu, so rather than let it go through the normal process, we came to a general consensus to let it go through the Ubuntu NEW queue as well, once I fully review it.)19:49
tsimonq2@pilot in21:03
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: tsimonq2
tsimonq2Hey hey!21:03
tsimonq2I'm going to start with arraybolt3's redshift-qt upload, in bug 2044008 (which I'll also do in Debian.)21:04
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2044008 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] redshift-qt" [Wishlist, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204400821:04
tsimonq2After that, I'll probably tackle bug 2041800 and bug 2041836.21:05
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2041800 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] usbio-drivers" [Wishlist, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204180021:05
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2041836 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] intel-lpmd" [Wishlist, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204183621:05
tsimonq2If I get to it, I'll also take https://code.launchpad.net/~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+git/cryptsetup/+merge/455868 since it looks like xnox did a preliminary review.21:06
tsimonq2Probably it for today.21:06
vpa1977Hi, sorry for spam. I am looking for sponsorship to upload OpenJDK 21.0.1+12 to Jammy and Focal (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-21/+bug/2036873/comments/58) Thank you!!!21:09
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2036873 in openjdk-21 (Ubuntu Lunar) "[SRU] Please provide openjdk-21 for focal, jammy and lunar" [Undecided, Confirmed]21:09
tsimonq2vpa1977: I'll look at that first for you.21:13
vpa1977tsimonq2: Thank you!!!!21:13
tsimonq2vpa1977: Just give me a bit to fully read over the bug report, logs, and diff, but I'll ping you if I have any questions. You have some sort of bouncer, right? :)21:14
vpa1977tsimonq2: I need to set up one properly ;( I've been just checking irc logs ;(21:15
bdmurrayvpa1977 is in NZ so will be around for a while21:16
tsimonq2vpa1977: My best suggestion for pure IRC would be to use tmux/byobu + irssi on a $5 VPS.21:16
tsimonq2Ah, cool. Thanks Brian. :)21:16
tsimonq2vpa1977: Could you help me understand this line in your focal diff, and what precisely the reversal is for?21:25
tsimonq2+  openjdk-20-jdk-headless:native | openjdk-21-jdk-headless:native,21:25
tsimonq2(It's the same in your Jammy diff, too.)21:25
vpa1977one second21:25
vpa1977tsimonq2: that's a generated control file, doko reversed order to prefer 21 in debian sid, but i think it was not changed for older releases.21:27
vpa1977the manual change in the debdiff is uncommented "with_check = disabled for this upload"21:28
tsimonq2vpa1977: I'm just trying to understand how openjdk-20-jdk-headless can be used to build openjdk-21, but then again, I'm not intimately familiar with the Java stack.21:29
tsimonq2Could you just give a *little* more details on their compatibility?21:29
tsimonq2Unless I'm not seeing build depends...21:30
vpa1977tsimonq2: I apologise, this is the bootstrap step. An older JDK is used to build compilation tools for the newer one.21:30
tsimonq2vpa1977: Got it, makes a lot of sense. We used to do this with Qt 5 transitions, so I get it. Thanks. :)21:30
vpa1977The upload that we currently have in proposed bootstraps from openjdk-17, but I had to add a rather ugly patch to do that, which we do not want to see in the release.21:31
tsimonq2vpa1977: Also, could you consider, perhaps in a future upload, depending on g++ instead of a specific version? Not sure how doko would feel about doing that in Debian Sid (seems dangerous if compatibility is strictly enforced), but for stable releases that seems fine.21:31
tsimonq2Makes sense.21:31
vpa1977tsimonq2: so that g++ version is resolved automatically, rather than hardcoded in control? I probably need to check with doko, if there are issues there21:33
tsimonq2vpa1977: It's mostly out of idle curiosity, since it'd allow you to not have to worry about looking it up every time. Then again, yeah, please check with him, there's likely a lot of context I'm missing.21:34
tsimonq2Anyway, running it through my usual automated gauntlet.21:34
tsimonq2vpa1977: Looks like the Jammy dependencies need to be updated:21:39
tsimonq2unsat-dependency: openjdk-20-jdk-headless:amd64 | openjdk-21-jdk-headless:amd6421:39
tsimonq2Well, and Focal too.21:39
vpa1977is it in a local build environment ?21:40
tsimonq2It's with a fresh Jammy chroot against the archive, with -proposed enabled.21:40
tsimonq2Could it be 17 instead of 20, like you mentioned earlier?21:41
vpa1977Probably best for me just drop openjdk-20 from the debdiff21:41
vpa1977Not with this version - it will only build against 20 or 2121:41
tsimonq2Is it in too early of a stage for 21 to be a viable build dependency?21:42
vpa1977We have already uploaded openjdk-21~35 to act as a bootstrap21:43
vpa1977it is in -proposed21:43
tsimonq2Ah cool, I'll try a build with "openjdk-21-jdk-headless" instead of "openjdk-20-jdk-headless | openjdk-21-jdk-headless"21:45
vpa1977I will attach debdiffs with openjdk-20 removed, one second I will apply/start build to make sure they are ok21:46
tsimonq2Sounds good, looking forward to it. In the meantime, I'll take care of redshift-qt and come back.21:46
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Always remember to look at your build logs ;) systemtray.cpp:177:50: warning: ‘Q_PID QProcess::pid() const’ is deprecated: Use processId() instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]21:53
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Not a blocker persay, but definitely something to bug upstream about.21:53
arraybolt3I saw that and figured we'd patch it once it was a real problem.21:53
arraybolt3Upstream hasn't worked on it for three years.21:53
arraybolt3Might be worth asking them about though.21:54
arraybolt3Good idea.21:54
tsimonq2Thanks! We could always patch that in the Debian package, too.21:55
arraybolt3I guess a long hiatus doesn't necessarily mean it's been abandoned.21:55
arraybolt3 Yeah that's what I was thinking. I guess better to do it now before it's a big mess later.21:56
tsimonq2arraybolt3: I just uploaded your package to Debian, with an amd64 deb. It should show up here shortly: https://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html21:57
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Looking at Ubuntu now.21:57
arraybolt3Nice, thanks!21:57
vpa1977tsimonq2: I have updated debdiffs - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-21/+bug/2036873/comments/66 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-21/+bug/2036873/comments/6721:57
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2036873 in openjdk-21 (Ubuntu Lunar) "[SRU] Please provide openjdk-21 for focal, jammy and lunar" [Undecided, Confirmed]21:57
tsimonq2vpa1977: Sweet, I'll look in just a second. As long as they're Lintian-clean and build, I have no further questions from the packaging side of things.22:00
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Uploaded to Ubuntu as well.22:01
vpa1977tsimonq2: Thank you!!!22:02
tsimonq2vpa1977: No, thank *you*. :)22:03
tsimonq2vpa1977: Oh nice, looks like a four hour build each. Thankfully you're around for a little while longer. ;P22:07
tsimonq2Taking a quick break, then I'll review cryptsetup.22:11
tsimonq2After that, mowing through a bunch of old source NEW packages in the queue.22:11
tsimonq2Uploaded the cryptsetup merge.22:37
tsimonq2WOAH. I can select RISC-V now when creating a new PPA. That is *HUGE* progress!22:40
* arraybolt3 goes and sees if I can do that22:42
xnoxyeah, seems like all the changes are deployed, likely this is because other pieces of infra got upgraded22:43
arraybolt3WOOHOO it's available for me too!22:43
* arraybolt3 throws a small party22:43
mkukriaw cryptsetup merge im a bit scared by, it builds fine, but i did remove a patch, and didnt run autopkgtest locally yet22:44
tsimonq2mkukri: Let's see how it goes. I'll help you keep an eye on it, to fix things.22:44
arraybolt3No more wishing we had a RISC-V porterbox for Lubuntu :D22:45
vpa1977mkukri: cryptsetup autopkgtest take quite a bit of time =)22:45
mkukrishall see tomorrow, not at working rn, just happened to glance on IRC22:46
tsimonq2vpa1977, mkukri: I can also trigger autopkgtests against PPAs, if you need it for testing something.22:46
tsimonq2mkukri: No worries, have fun :D22:47
mkukriyeah i also can, probably should have done that earlier now that we talk about it...22:51
mkukrii already have the same package in a ppa22:51
mkukri(i am a fairly new canonical foundations team member for the external peeps here)22:52
tsimonq2mkukri: Welcome, glad to have you here. :)22:52
* tsimonq2 is a member of ~not-canonical22:52
mitchdz@sarnold: I  addressed your nits in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hibagent/+bug/2044029 thanks for taking a look!23:21
tsimonq2@pilot out23:24
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: N/A
tsimonq2I think I'm good for the night.23:24
tsimonq2For the next sponsor, bug 1930541 by vpa1977 may be a good starter package for you.23:26
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 1930541 in maven (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Maven 3.6.3-1 fails to run with OpenJDK 17" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193054123:26
tsimonq2vpa1977: I'm continuing to wait for your openjdk builds, but I have $other_stuff to do and I'll follow up tomorrow at the latest. (TZ is US/Central)23:26
vpa1977tsimonq2: thank you!!!!23:27
tsimonq2Vim merge also incoming. I'm guessing the autopkgtest runners will be pretty occupied in the near future. :P23:27
tsimonq2vpa1977: Of course, I'm happy to help. :)23:27
bdmurraypoor autopkgtest23:28
tsimonq2vpa1977: Also, I'm looking at https://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?render=html&sponsor=&sponsor_search=name&sponsoree=Vladimir+Petko&sponsoree_search=name (OOC) and I'm surprised you haven't applied for (at least) PPU yet. ;)23:28
tsimonq2bdmurray: poor src:kitty, it'll probably fail on something...23:29
tsimonq2mdeslaur, sarnold: Would you happen to know who I could get in touch with about red security items in the sponsorship queue? Generally speaking, it would be nice to do some housekeeping, and the three oldest items on the queue are things that the security team needs to sponsor. Thanks in advance for your attention. :)23:31
tsimonq2Quick link: http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/23:31
tsimonq2(Why hasn't that been moved to a different domain yet? :P)23:31
tsimonq2ogayot: I stole your sysvinit merge, feel free to steal it back in the future.23:35
tsimonq2bdrung: Ooooh, I just noticed your lp:ubuntu-sponsoring work. Thank you *so* much for that!23:38
amurrayleosilva: I see you are on the community role this week - can you please take a look at the security sponsors queue? re tsimonq2's request above?23:45

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