[02:15] planet; lxqt 1.4 for jammy has unusual "< >" visible; extra space?? [02:17] lxqt 1.4 for mantic; needs correction [02:17] "users. and why." makes no sense; remove "and why." [02:20] * guiverc dislikes "" ... but it's not our text.... [02:20] guiverc: fixing ^ :D [02:20] * guiverc still reading... [02:24] missing an "End of Standard Support:" for focal ; check it's not or there [02:26] completed read thru; looks good Bashing-om [02:26] * guiverc adds FYI: I should be able to post to fb; got a new cell phone (if I find it) [02:33] guiverc: why is relevant for the lxqt 1.4 availability. Expanded somewhat. Acceptable now ? [02:33] guiverc: Be good maybe to re-establish our presence on Face Book. [02:34] thanks Bashing-om ; yep lxqt 1.4 for mantic looks good [02:34] \o/ [02:35] yep on EOSS for focal; thanks Bashing-om [02:36] guiverc: EOL - I guess I got carried away fixing an oopps on my part there earlier :) Good that your sharp eyes caught it. [04:17] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Andrea Corbellini: Running the operating system that you're currently using in a virtual machine (with Secure Boot and TPM emulation) @ https://andrea.corbellini.name/2023/11/19/running-current-os-inside-vm/ [15:51] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: SystemStatsPlus GNOME Extension @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/11/systemstatsplus-system-monitor-gnome-extension [17:31] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Inkscape 1.3.1 Released as ‘Biggest Bug Fix’ Update Ever @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/11/inkscape-1-3-1-biggest-bug-fix-update-ever [19:16] UWN: Any concers releasing early ? I will be away at 20:00 UTC for a couple of hours. [20:11] UWN: Forums posting completed - making the Mastodon blog next. [20:31] UWN: Blogged Mastodon - pending now is release to other Social Media :D [22:00] guiverc: Away for about 2 hours // will tidy up when I return. [22:01] ack... & thanks [22:05] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/11/20/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-814/ [22:09] shared to twitter, telegram, (mewe) [22:16] * guiverc quickly recalls why i dislike fb.. [22:17] uwn 814 posted to fb [23:40] guiverc: Back for service - I do setup 815 :D [23:55] UWN: Issue815 off and running :D