
andersson123bluca: how's things? all working? 10:23
blucahi, nope, still no reports back10:24
blucajobs scheduling is working well, but never saw a status report when they finish so far10:25
andersson123ah I see, sorry I've been afk last 4 days otherwise would've fixed this sooner10:28
andersson123fixed one problem and another appeared! looking...10:28
blucayep the whack-a-mole goes on :-) thanks for looking10:41
andersson123bluca: I've just made a change, maybe you'll start to see some functionality on your end again?12:25
andersson123(maybe check in an hour or so?)12:25
blucasure will report back, thanks12:26
andersson123any users of autopkgtest, I'm about to do something in infra, which might cause issues, causing the queue to not get absorbed or something along those lines. Just a heads up. 12:40
andersson123It's easily reversible.12:40
blucaandersson123: still not getting reports18:07

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