[00:00] oh [00:00] gcc13 doesn't really work yet [00:01] tanja_: I don't even use gcc12 because it's not proven to be stable or even especially functional yet [00:03] but since software ( including my own ) wont run on other systems even same OS after that PPA, so that is why the reverting. Well its a stable release from them. Also for me even gcc11 is way to old and un usable [00:03] yup [00:03] it's a bit of a mess [00:04] No its un useable because its way to old [00:06] tanja_: why, what's changed that means you can't use gcc 11? [00:07] But still when ever I compile specially my own things then I always compile with several versions to catch mistakes so alone on clang I'm testing with 11,12,13,14 and 15 and planned to test with gcc 10,11,12 and 13 [00:07] well [00:07] there's no accounting for taste, I guess [00:07] gordonjcp, there is to much from Cpp 23 that arent in it [00:08] [00:08] everything I write ought to compile on anything right back to GCC4 [00:08] tanja_: what's missing, that's so important? [00:09] guess you are a C98 programmer then [00:09] no, C89 [00:09] as far as possible [00:10] I dislike a lot of the pointless complexity and heiroglyphics-for-heiroglyphics-sake in newer C standards [00:10] "C++ Identifier Syntax using Unicode Standard Annex 31" that first came in GCC12, "Add support for preprocessing directives elifdef and elifndef" that was also first in GCC12 [00:11] well tbh I dislike C in general since it is so messy by nature wich is why I always stay at C++ [00:12] since their non namespace, non prober classes force messy call back functions etc [00:13] okay [00:13] don't use unicode in identifiers, and elifdef and elifndef sound like the sort of thing that are going to bite you on the backside in six months time [00:13] when you forgot why you were trying to be so cleverclever with preprocessor macros [00:14] But I do also have to say for me I try to stay at C++14/17 but I do have 2 projects there unfortunately rely on newer things [00:14] "rely" [00:14] right [00:15] gordonjcp, well I dont personally but I cant control what libraries does [00:15] because programming was impossible without variable names containing Laughing-Pile-Of-Poo-Holding-Liberia-Flag emojis [00:16] this is why computer software is in the mess it's in [00:17] yeah like why re invent the wheel like lets say I need base32 in a project then why recreate it myself then when there is a opensource library ( just as a general example ) [00:17] this is why you need 4GB of RAM (just checked right now) for Firefox to show a blank screen [00:18] Well Mozilla has been bad for years and garbage about ram. I do also have to say sadly Chomium has also caught up there [00:19] like I stopped using Mozilla when they completely killed their esr branch ( used that version since it werent so bloated ) [00:19] Unpopular opinion: The reason things are crap are not because our tools and libraries are better and easier to use, but because people with lower standards now use those QOL improvements as baseline instead of learning to do better. [00:20] s/are/is [00:21] You can learn to be better (less resource use, simpler/more efficient algos etc.), or you can use all of the QOL stuff to lower the bar and produce code that "works". [00:21] Kadigan: totally agree like the standard have really lowered, like now a days its not uncommon just to hear lets just ask AI without actually learning [00:21] Kadigan: we should only allow demosceners to write core libraries [00:21] oh you can't do Kefrens Bars in 512 bytes? [00:21] cool cool [00:21] no commit rights for you [00:22] Thing is, I really don't want to deny people. Sometimes you can find unorthodox, and sometimes even good, ideas in people who can't code for crap. [00:22] yes [00:22] but then these people do things like write Tesla Autopilot in nodejs [00:22] Making it easier enables those without ability to make things we're inspired by. Flip side: it also enables those without ability to make utter crap. [00:23] And I don't think you can have one without the other. [00:23] At least not with very stringent oversight. [00:23] without* [00:23] well you need that [00:23] otherwise you get Lennart Poettering [00:24] But then, for mission-critical stuff, we usually DO have stringent oversight. [00:24] who needs rolled down a steep hill in a barrel full of cat wee and contaminated sharps [00:24] Also, you need time to become better. The first things you make will be crap, by the virtue of them being the first things you made. [00:24] pulseaudio set back Linux on the Desktop by about ten years [00:25] Simple truth is: people don't give a crap. That's the long and short of it. You want things to be better - make people CARE. [00:25] Kadigan: yes but the problem is that people are taking their "toddler scribbles" code, and expecting everyone else to treat it like a core library [00:25] s/a [00:25] Someone is using those "scribbles", meaning someone's finding use in them. Maybe there's nothing better, or nothing that does it quite the right way? [00:26] (and yes, I'm aware that some people just reinvent the wheel, gods know I'm guilty of that sometimes - but then, that doesn't end up being a "core" library because SOMEONE will notice sooner or later) [00:27] And let's not forget! [00:28] There's also the other side of the coin: veterans who have lofty ideas about integration, simplification, and so on, who believe that THEIR way is the ONLY way, and end up all but forcing you to use their multiple-use base library (just because it's DA WAE), even if using a custom-coded one-off library would make it 500% faster... because STANDARDS. [00:28] We're not guilt-free in this. [00:29] It's just convenient to forget. [00:35] I mean, I doubt PulseAudio ended up becoming the de facto standard because some rookie decided it would. [00:36] And small oversights are common, even - maybe especially - amongst veterans. Here's a thought example: function calculateWordCount(string $body, string $lang = "English") {} [00:37] Specifying a default value for the second variable is nice for the author, but 5 years from now someone will not read the docs, apply this function to French, and end up with subtly wrong results. So it might actually be a better idea to NOT specify the default. [00:37] But is that something you think about in your day-to-day? [00:38] And yes, the fault lies with the person who failed to RTFM. But it could've been a little more robust, if at a cost of a tiny irritation, to begin with. [00:40] And gods know, I'm the most guiltiest of doing this to my own codebase. Because I KNOW IT, amirite? Why would I need to read the docs from a year ago? *sigh* [00:42] I *should* know better. And yet... [00:44] The higher up the skill ladder you are - the less you fail, but the more spectacular (and subtle) your failures. And more often than not, I find myself - surprisingly, for some reason! - living in a glass house, you know? [00:50] tanja_: The most critical ability a programmer must develop, in my opinion, is the ability to determine what tool is appropriate for what task, and when. This of course goes deep, because you need to learn to use various tools well before you can truly do that. Just because something exists doesn't mean you should use it here and now - you need to learn patience and retraint, the "zen" of programming. And I think that's not as much a failure of the newbies, [00:50] as it is ours. [00:50] restraint* [00:52] Schooling works by introducing more and more complexity to existing concepts (you don't introduce NEW concepts all that often). So why do we expect that handing everything out immediately will work here? I mean, it will - for those that are smart and pace themselves. But for everyone else... [00:56] Kadigan, well true but I'm sorry tbh gonna keep my mouth shut there since I know to many of the old people gets to defensive. And tbh I do apologize that I mentioned it [01:05] I too have a ton of respect to veterans. It is only thanks to what they've made that I can be here today. [01:05] But I think we should be able to look critically at everything, including our champions. [01:05] for* veterans [01:05] service guarnatees citizneship [01:05] heheh [01:05] But therein lies the rub, right? [01:06] Service only guarantees that you CARE, not that you're COMPETENT. [01:09] Or that you always will be, for that matter. [01:09] i should watch starship troopers again [01:10] Yeah, the movies are interesting enough that even KnowingBetter did a series on it. [01:10] (... I think it was a series, though his videos are quite long, so maybe I'm wrong) [03:59] there arent any more issues with the upgrade tool for ubuntu 22.10 to 23.04 right ? [04:00] i dont think anyone would ever say that there are no possible issues [04:00] but the system should offer you the upgrade now [04:01] 22.10 is EOL so it might be difficult without following the EOL Upgrade instructions. [04:01] !eolupgrade [04:01] think ubottu has issues [04:01] yeahhhhh.... [04:01] ope [04:01] !eolupgrade [04:01] thanks [04:02] oh i misread that version number [04:03] just reinstall really. [04:03] yeah^ [04:04] upgrading from eol releases 'can' be risky [04:04] End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [04:04] wow [04:04] heh [04:04] that is what i call lag [04:04] ubottu is drunk from the weekend :p === haggertk_ is now known as haggertk [04:44] I updated Ubuntu and now it will not boot. It takes me to an initramfs prompt [04:48] backup your files and install a supported release would be my suggestion [04:48] you can backup files from the live usb you install your new Ubuntu from [04:48] also maybe stick with LTS until next year [04:48] thats not an option [04:48] im not gonna reinstall [04:49] devslash: Try typing `exit` and pressing ENTER/Return. Did it scream "Bailing out, you are on your own. Good luck!"? [04:49] ok. good luck then :) [04:49] no entering exit cause a kernel panic [04:50] im trying to boot off a usb diisk [04:50] OK. Force-restart your system and read the output. Most likely it can't find the partition on which Ubuntu's installed [04:51] Also, what Ubuntu version? Are you using RAID? [04:52] 23.04 no raid [04:53] What does it ask you before showing you the BusyBox version line? [04:53] i dont know [04:53] where do you mean [04:53] i dont know what that is [04:54] when I boot I get the grub menu but ubuntu is not on there [04:54] so I did set root=(hd0,gpt5) and then the linux and initrd command to boot ubuntu [04:55] Is that where the filesystem is? [04:56] the grub menu has 2 ubuntu memtest entries and windows [04:56] this is a laptop with only 1 drive on it that has both windows & ubuntu [04:57] Hi I have an ubuntu headless setup at home and I just did "sudo apt update" followed by "sudo apt upgrade" and after it successfully upgraded, I did "sudo shutdown -r now". Ever since then I can ping the box, but I can no longer SSH into it. It keeps saying connection refused. Any idea what I could have screwed up? Thank you. [04:57] NemosWhisper: what updated [04:58] NemosWhisper: but you'll have to get a serial console or a mointor to see whats actuallyg oing on [04:58] is there anything i can do to fix this [04:58] tevslash: There are a few possible causes for this, but usually there will be a bunch of output before it drops to BusyBox, such as requiring a manual fsck, or not being able to mount because it can't find the mountpoint [04:58] devslash: ^ [04:58] i dont see any messages like that [04:58] NemosWhisper: did you try to turn it off and on again? [04:59] rbox: https://dpaste.org/4EO7U [04:59] devslash: OK, then boot into a Live image and check what GParted says about your internal storage [04:59] I did [04:59] i can see it when i do fdisk -l [05:00] NemosWhisper: well openssh updated, that might have broken, systemd updated, that might have broken, ufw updated, that might have broken [05:00] devslash: What does SMART say? [05:00] the drive smart is fine [05:00] ah rbox I think I wasn't patient enough, I was trying for about 10 mins and it kept saying SSH connection refused but now it started working agian [05:00] my windows and ubuntu partitions are still there [05:01] lol [05:01] OK, hang on [05:01] brb [05:01] rbox: I appreciate you being so quick to help me :) [05:01] ok [05:04] devslash: What does your /etc/fstab look like? [05:04] i cant paste it here [05:05] but i can see my root partition [05:06] Do the UUIDs match? [05:06] i dont know [05:06] match with what [05:07] GNOME Disks and `parted` should tell you what each disk UUID is [05:07] ok i can see the uuid [05:08] i booted the live usb, mounted my root partition, mount proc, sys and dev in my root folder then did chroot [05:09] OK, I want to rule out the possibility of fstab using partition references and that the UUIDs are not mistyped [05:09] i dont know how to answer that [05:09] i dotn have anything to compare the uuids with [05:10] Do `sudo blkid` [05:10] ok [05:11] And then in a different terminal window `cat /etc/fstab` [05:12] ok the uuid is /dev/nvme0m1p5 [05:12] Also pay attention to the mount points [05:12] which is my ext4 partition [05:12] That’s not a UUID [05:13] what isnt [05:13] /dev/nvmen1p5 is not a UUID [05:13] my fstab shows the uuid of my paritition mounted on / [05:13] i know but i cannot paste it here [05:14] the uuid in /etc/fstab is the same as that device partition shown with blkid command [05:15] All right [05:16] Now reboot and press E to edit the Ubuntu boot entry [05:17] i dont have an ubuntu entry [05:17] it shows 2 memtest entries and Windows [05:17] ubuntu is no longer in the boot menu [05:19] Oh it’s gone [05:19] That’s a different problem then [05:20] yea. The ubuntu 23.10 install screwed things up for me [05:20] i tried booting from grub command but it then takes me to an initramfs prompt [05:20] So you’ll have to go back into your Live image, chroot back in, a — huh? [05:21] i did all that [05:21] im in it now [05:21] but i dont know what to do [05:21] Did you use `do-release-upgrade` to upgrade? [05:21] yes [05:23] Did it encounter errors? [05:23] no [05:25] OK, then reboot into your Live image, chroot back in, and do `sudo update-grub` [05:26] ok so that completed with no errors [05:26] is there a way to check grub before i reboot [05:26] or do i just have to try it [05:28] Reboot normally [05:29] so now theres no grub bootloader [05:29] its just hangs on a black screen [05:29] oh weird i had to press a key to make the grub menu appear [05:29] Timeout is hidden by default now [05:29] ubuntu still isnt on there any more [05:29] Not menu [05:30] Ok, still no Ubuntu [05:30] Word [05:30] Weird [05:31] Hit C for the grub cmd line [05:31] when i boot it still takes me to niitramfs prompt [05:31] When you type `set root=(hd0,` and hit TAB, what completions do you get? [05:31] it says no root device specfiiced. boot arguments must include a root= parameter [05:31] gpt1-5 [05:32] my partition for linux is hd0,gpt5 [05:32] OK [05:32] so i do set root=(hd1,gpt5) [05:32] Yes [05:32] then linux /boot/vmlinux and initrd /boot/initrd [05:32] then boot [05:32] then i see the message i typed above [05:33] It’s /boot/vmlinuz-{kernelversion}.efi [05:33] Right? [05:33] i didnt reference an efi file [05:33] no [05:34] This may not be an efi file [05:34] Depends [05:34] But you need a root= parameter that either specifies the /dev/ device file or its UUID [05:34] yea i did that [05:34] it doesnt work though [05:34] At the end of your linux line [05:35] set root=(hd0,gpt5) [05:35] No, not that [05:35] You have to specify it twice [05:35] specify what twice [05:35] you mean i have to do the set root command twice ? [05:36] You specify root=(hd0,gpt5) with the set command, and then in your linux line, you specify root=/dev/nvme{whatever} [05:36] Whatever the NVMe drive partition is named, that specific way, how you saw it in /etc/fstab [05:39] ok i did that [05:39] do i also need to do the linux and initrd lines [05:40] oh hey that did the trick [05:40] I wasnt specifying root in the linux command [05:41] that lets me boot up my existing ubuntu install [05:41] Now when you log in, make sure you update GRUB 2 [05:41] You may need to reinstall GRUB [05:41] upda-tegrub ? [05:41] update-grub ? [05:41] Yes, with sudo [05:41] If that doesn’t work, reinstall GRUB with the grub-install command [05:42] You’ll need the directory containing your EFI system partition for that if you reinstall [05:42] after doing that i ran grub-customizer and ubuntu is still not in the menu [05:43] update-grub is a verbose script [05:43] not sure hwat you mean by that but ok [05:44] Try reinstalling GRUB with grub-install; don’t forget the `--efi-directory=` switch [05:44] It’s verbose in that it tells you what it’s doing while it runs [05:45] same result [05:45] it refuses to add ubuntu to the grub menu [05:46] That is weird. A fresh 23.10 installation would fix this the quickest way. You can tell it to not touch your personal files in the installer… [05:48] Anyway I do have to go to bed… [05:48] fixed it [05:48] but thanks [06:05] hellooooooo [06:06] need to sett up pineaple [06:06] can som help mee [06:06] ? === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [08:27] well ive got an thinkpad yoga 11e installed windows 10 and i happens to have few issues after downloaded ubuntu desktop.iso file and tried to install a fat32 partition but for some reason my laptop hasnt recognized the boot partition and everytime i restart or go into bios boot menu i cant find the partition in the list so the question is what am i doing wrong [08:27] fyi im using universal usb installer since i dont have a usb drive tried to improvise (tried to be pro while im still a newb) i guess it didnt go to well :) [08:34] bizzy: while there may be a way I have not seen it done with out a usb or dvd or a separate hdd/usb hdd [08:40] booting a os --bios looks at the drive not the partion as far as I know normally a usb will install the bootloader to start of the drive ubuntu handle booting to both win and ubuntu [12:08] How do I turn off GSYNC in Ubuntu? I did nvidia-settings in terminal -> X Screen 0 -> OpenGL settings -> unclicked allow G-sync. It didnt disable it. I also wrote in terminal; "nvidia-settings -a AllowGSYNC=0", but this didnt work either [12:08] it still says GSYNC is on [12:09] im using ubuntu 23.10 [12:13] went from xorg to wayland just now, but wayland didnt even show any settings [12:13] so i went back to xorg [12:26] ok turns out i need to manually write: nvidia-settings -a currentmetamode="blabla {ForceCompositionPipeline=On, AllowGSYNC=Off}" ... Eventhough nvidia-settings -q AllowGSYNC  gave 0 === remy_ is now known as Remy [13:32] Hi all [13:46] i want to use jet brains mono on gnome terminal [13:46] do i just need to put the regular font in /usr/local/share/fonts [13:46] or bold italic thin medium as well? [13:47] try it [13:47] can you suggest a command that would print bold or italic output [13:48] you can put new fonts in ~/.local/share/fonts too [13:48] ^ [13:48] bettah [13:49] >  ~/.local/share/fonts [13:49] will this work as long as I'm logged in as my user [13:49] even if i use sudo? [13:49] why would you run jetbrains as root? [13:49] yeah, no need sudo [13:50] well ok i'll put it in ~/.local/share/fonts. but do i have to put bold and italic along with regular or will regular be enought [13:50] enough* [13:51] regular is mostly not a monotype font... [13:51] just try regular, and then if you need more install afterwards [13:51] or maybe it is, depends on the font [13:51] yeah in this case it's also mono [13:52] yeah i use nanumgothiccoding or something [13:52] and nk57 something [13:52] both mono [13:52] i just wish had something to test if the terminal is showing bold or not [13:52] i'll just put regular ttf file in ~/.local/share/fonts for now [13:52] good [13:53] just right-click on the window pane to see if any settings are there [13:53] terminal window pane [13:53] dumbledoor: there's a GNOME Fonts app... (see Utilities -> Fonts) [13:54] dumbledoor: otherwise google "bash print bold" will surely find smth [13:54] yea, i just saw that grep is bolding the text :) [13:55] i'll check with that [14:00] Good morning everyone, has anyone here used the mIRC BitchX script, do you know if it is possible to show the AWAY message on the channels? [14:02] k4k0: you don't show any away message on any channel [14:02] but it seems there was some way to show it with the /cset command [14:03] or am I mistaken hmm :S [14:04] k4k0: why do you think the whole channel cares if you're away or not? [14:04] avoid calling me. [14:04] ;x === BedMan_ is now known as BedMan [14:44] what s default version of postgresql in ubuntu server 22.04 LTS [14:46] webchat88: you can search for packages at https://packages.ubuntu.com [14:47] Thks ! [15:04] pretty sure it's 14 tho. [16:01] Hey everyone! I'm running Deluge from flatpak and I'm getting what looks like out-of-memory errors after ~6 hours or so... when I google for the error messages it seems like I'm the only one in the world with this issue. Is there anything I can look into? can I increase memory allocation for the deluge flatpak? [16:01] oh.. and I'm running Ubuntu 22.04.03 LTS with KDE [16:04] Slart: Is there a reason you can't use Deluge from Ubuntu's repos? Flatpak applications aren't supported by Ubuntu. [16:05] arraybolt3: I could be remembering things wrong but for some reason I switched to using the flatpak.. perhaps to get a newer version... but I guess I could go back to the regular packaged version... [16:07] Might help. I don't *think* Flatpak places memory usage limitations on apps... but I could be wrong, I don't know much about how those work. [16:08] for a while I figured it might be an issue with swap space.. or tmp space in the flatpak. But neither of those ideas really helped me [16:29] Slart: don't you get any more info in the log files? [16:31] nope.. not in any log file I can find at least [16:32] this is actually terminal output.. so not technically a log file [16:33] https://pastebin.com/h0tA4s0F <-- this is the output [16:34] I *think* it's an out of memory error... but my thinking hasn't helped me so far [16:34] why do you think that is a out-of-memory issue? [16:35] that is a warning, not even an error, does it actually show up when the crash happens, or some time before? [16:35] damn... tough question... if I google the error without mentioning deluge it seems that it eventually ends up as an proper out-of-memory error...but I'm just wildly guessing here [16:36] yes, it happens when the deluge gui gets non-responsive [16:36] one possibility is that there is a bug in the version in the flatpak... :) [16:37] yea... I just feel like there should be other bug reports out there [16:37] and the flatpak was actually updated yesterday... error still remains [16:38] maybe the flatpak-packagers or upstream Deluge developers have an idea what could cause that warning? [16:39] yea, perhaps [16:40] I think, deep down, I just wanted someone to say "oh, that's easily fixed.. just set dont_crash = true in deluge.ini"... but alas [16:42] that is certainly something that Deluge developers/users are more likely to know [16:43] if the version in the Ubuntu repositories work & you don't need features in a newer version, you could use that; or there are also other torrent applications of course... [16:43] yea, I might just go back to the standard repository version... [16:44] what's the best way to transfer files from one ubuntu computer to another on the same network ? [16:45] ph88: Have you tried SCP? [16:45] no [16:45] ph88: that also depends on whether you do that often or not [16:45] i don't know yet how often [16:46] e.g. you could set up Samba, but that might be a bit much if it's just a one-time thing [16:46] isn't samba for windows ? [16:47] it's like & compatible with Windows shared folders, yes, but it works on linux [16:47] if you have ssh on all computers, you can use sftp [16:48] would like to mount the folder from the other computer in nautilus [16:48] you can do that with both Samba & ssh/sftp [16:52] do i need to setup security for samba for when i take my laptop somewhere else ? [16:52] nfs is also an option... but perhaps not for a one time thing [16:56] ph88: supposedly there is a "Local Network Share" option when you right click a folder you want to share files from in Nautilus [16:57] JanC, oh that's nice right from the GUI and it asks me to install samba [17:00] I have never really done it that way myself :) [17:02] ph88: samba gui is nice as you can toggle it off and on as needed----off when on a untrusted network [17:03] or just enable it when you need it (that way you can't forget) [17:17] Hi everyone. I'm running Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) with Linux kernel 5.15.0-37-generic. [17:17] Seems like there's a security issue with this version. However, even though I'm using default repositories, I can't see any updates regarding this kernel. What would you suggest? [17:17] Hi all, I'm running an app on my ubuntu headless setup which opens a web server on a port which I configure. I set it to run on port 9090 and I made sure to allow port 9090 from any IP in my local network, but when I try to connect to it, I get connection refused message in my browser. Without plugging in a monitor to my headless server, is there a way to confirm the web server is actually running? [17:18]  NemosWhisper try running "netstat -tulpn" as root and see whether 9090 is listening by a process [17:20] webchat45: thanks, yep the app running the webserver is listening on port 9090 [17:21] webchat45: what do you mean by "seems like there's a security issue"? [17:21] than that means web server is actually running. try to connect it through your own web browser like localhost:9090 [17:22] JanC a nessus scan on the machine showed up a few cve's. for e.g. https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2023-3090 [17:22] -ubottu:#ubuntu- A heap out-of-bounds write vulnerability in the Linux Kernel ipvlan network driver can be exploited to achieve local privilege escalation. The out-of-bounds write is caused by missing skb->cb initialization in the ipvlan network driver. The vulnerability is reachable if CONFIG_IPVLAN is enabled. We recommend upgrading past commit 90cbed5247439a966b645b34eb0a2e037836ea8e. [17:22] you can use w3m or links to connect locally [17:22] (without a GUI) [17:22] webchat45: I don't have a monitor and keyboard attached to the machine, I was trying to connect to its local IP from my other computer by going into my browser and doing but it says refused to connect [17:23] NemosWhisper I see. but how did you manage the get the output of netstat then? [17:23] I'm ssh'd into the ubuntu server [17:23] from my laptop [17:23] that's allright. just try wget localhost:9090 then to see if it can connect to itself [17:24] webchat45: ooh that worked....so does that mean its some sort of firewall issue? [17:25] seems like it. also, there can be something related to your router. for eg. some routers doesn't allow local connected clients to communicate by default (for security reasons) [17:25] NemosWhisper: w3m & links are TUI (text mode) browser [17:26] webchat45: I can connect via my browser to another web server I have on another LAN device ( no problem [17:26] so maybe, just maybe, your local modem & router might be blocking you aswell. or, just like you said, it can be related to a firewall issue. can you send the output of ufw status [17:26] JanC: thanks, I didn't know about that [17:26] webchat45: https://dpaste.org/d3UAs/raw [17:26] they won't work properly with JavaScript etc., but at least to test they should be okay [17:27] webchat45: also if I try accessing the site after disable ufw with "sudo ufw disable", it still doesn't work :/ [17:28] that's a tricky one. are we sure that both devices are running under same network? are there any virtual network adapters we're talking about? can both machines (server & client) ping their gateway? [17:29] BTW, any help related to kernel upgrade? [17:30] webchat45: yeah i'm confused as well...both are on the same lan ( trying to reach Both are able to ping their gateway without issue ( No virtual network adapters, my laptop is on wifi and trying to reach my ubuntu server which is connected via ethernet....but the same laptop is able to reach another device on the LAN that has a web server running...I'm lost. [17:32] possible protocol issue? are we sure that it's working through http? [17:33] webchat45: this is the output when I tried wget'ting the page: https://dpaste.org/ruYgH/raw [17:34] and when I checked what it saved, it was the expected output [17:36] can you ping the server? [17:36] yes [17:36] should I try doing wget from my laptop to the server? [17:39] what's the output of wget [17:39] webchat45: hmm tried wget from my mac laptop to the headless ubuntu server and got an error: Connecting to failed: Connection refused. [17:40] oh yes, that's what I was gonna ask [17:40] are we sure about the IP addresses? [17:40] 100% [17:40] i'm ssh'ing to the same IP address [17:40] sounds like a firewall issue [17:40] seems like your client can access that IP. that means a firewall issue [17:40] firewall on my ubuntu setup? [17:40] yeah [17:41] if i try after disabling ufw, i get the same error [17:41] or of course it's possible that client's firewall rules might be blocking going outside aswell [17:41] are you guys using any desktop irc client for these kind of channels? any suggestions? [17:42] on my mac laptop I have firewall turned off [17:42] webchat45: i'm on mac and using the textual IRC client, its pretty nice [17:43] thanks [17:48] webchat45: jammy is at 5.15.0-88 now (if you don't use a HWE kernel) and this was fixed in 5.15 [17:48] was fixed in 5.15.0-78 apparently [17:50] you see, that's the problem. I'm running 5.15.0-37-generic but there's no available update for the machine [17:51] you do reboot from time to time, right? :) [17:51] also, make sure 'linux-generic' is installed [17:52] because it's 'linux-generic' that pulls in the latest version whenever a new release comes out [17:53] of course. I ran the apt update && apt upgrade. there was no available updates for linux-generic package [17:53] after upgrade, I rebooted also [17:54] but still, kernel version is the same. that linux-generic package doesn't get any updates [17:54] are you using a mirror of the repositories? maybe it stopped being updated? [17:56] don't think so, because I can get updates for many different packages. [17:56] a few typical repo conf of mine: [17:56] deb http://uk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security main restricted [17:56] deb http://uk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy main restricted [17:56] deb http://uk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-updates multiverse [17:57] oh wait. there was linux-headers package. no linux-generic. how's that even possible? it was a fresh ubuntu installation. why is this "generic" package missing [17:57] webchat and JanC, any other ideas about what could be causing my ubuntu server to reject incoming connections even when ufw is disabled? :/ [17:58] I tried from my phone also (while on the same LAN via wifi) and it also refused the connection [17:58] NemosWhisper: ping works? port is open in ss -4/-6? [17:58] so same behavior from two separate clients [17:58] CosmicDJ: ping works [17:59] CosmicDJ: what is ss? I had the port open in ufw but not sure what ss is....sorry I'm a noob [18:00] NemosWhisper: change your ip...from to [18:00] NemosWhisper: the ss command shows all ports with a listener (i.e. open ports) [18:00] webchat45: if you didn't choose to use HWE kernels it should have been installed indeed [18:01] zoomm10: I tried from two different clients from different IPs, same results [18:02] NemosWhisper: check the logs in machine [18:02] CosmicDJ: I tried ss | grep and got zero results, but netstat -tulpn shows open on 9090 and listening [18:03] NemosWhisper: so? is localhost, meaning that port is not reachable from your network [18:06] CosmicDJ: boom! That was what made it work! In my conf for the app's webserver I was having it bind to port 9090 (assuming as the IP). I changed it to bind to and it worked! Thank you! [18:07] NemosWhisper: yw :) [18:08] you _probably_ want it to bind on all IPs, not a specific one [18:09] JanC: yeah this is the config file for the app -- https://dpaste.com/5VZMPTQDS.txt [18:09] originally i had uncommented the line that just had the port but now I commented it back and uncommented the last line and changed it from to [18:10] is there a different way to do it to get it to bind on all IPs? [18:10] do i just add another line in there with stats = also [18:10] that should be in the application documentation [18:11] all the documentation is in the paragraph preceding it haha [18:12] I guess another option is to run it on localhost and then run another web server (with more features) in front of it as a reverse proxy, but that might be overkill for what you want to do === Roey is now known as DaddiesMoneys [18:12] anyway, just remember that if the IP address changes, you will have to change this configuration now [18:13] yeah...I set my ubuntu box to have a static but I appreciate the reminder JanC [18:13] okay then :) [18:13] thank you to you, and CosmicDJ and zoomm10 and webchat45 === DaddiesMoneys is now known as DaddiesBunnies === lubuntu is now known as demon === Offsprin is now known as Offspring [19:06] NemosWhisper: many services will also accept * for the IP bind, or - either may work, and that should make it listen on *all* interfaces the machine has. May be useful to know. [19:06] i have a hdd soon to fail but if i run a live usb and not mount the hdd will it stop the hdd from being used at all ? [19:06] Kadigan: ooh good to know, thank you! [19:06] The format may also have an impact. If you use, it PROBABLY will force it to IPv4-only. [19:07] Kadigan: i only have an IPv4 from my ISP (comcast) [19:07] I mean inside your LAN. [19:07] IPv6 is usually enabled by default, and a ton of services (most notably game servers) tend to assume IPv6-first. [19:07] oh i see [19:08] Which, if it's broken, can cause issues. :D [19:08] Sometimes the only way to force them to IPv4-only is to tell them to bind to an IPv4 address explicitly, and works for that if you need them to listen on all interfaces still. [19:08] Satisfactory dedicated server has this issue, for example. [19:09] lowden: I would advise against it; it may power down after some idle time, it may not. If it's already failing, I'd copy data off of it as soon as I had the space to make an image. [19:10] Keep in mind that most physical hardware failures happen at power-down and power-up, so it might be a huge contributing factor. [19:10] My advice would be: if you have any data you care about *at all* on it - back it up ASAP, and then retire it. [19:11] Kadigan: but the live usb is loaded in memory right ? [19:11] Ah, sorry. I understood "live usb" as "USB device that is constantly powered on" :D :D :D [19:12] But no, I'd still unhook it if I'm not going to use it. Power-cycles of the machine will still affect it unless you do. [19:12] i was also thinking of unhooking but sometimes i need to access some data from it [19:13] I would strongly advise to copy any and all data you care about at all, still. [19:13] also instead of live usb i was thinking of installing ubuntu on a usb [19:13] I've had "weak" disks live for months, and I've had a few that died without warning. So it's a coin toss IMO. [19:14] Early warning is supposed to give you a sensible window of opportunity to evac your data, in the end. [19:14] No guarantees. :) [19:14] yea i have ordered a hdd but it'll take some time [19:14] I'd unplug it entirely and let it sit there. [19:15] Reschedule stuff if you must, pull copies from the Internet, or just refrain from activity requiring the disk. [19:16] hmm will follow that, thanks for your help [19:16] Keep in mind that copying/imaging is NOT a zero-time operation, and reading a disk wholesale (if imaging) will put considerable strain on it - it may still die during the rescue copy. So I'd give yourself as much as possible. [19:19] lowden: Linux has mdraid (soft-raid) available; I'd advise maybe moving critical stuff to a RAID-1 configuration? It's not a backup, and it may still fail, but if nothing else - it'll allow you to safely unplug the disk (as a potential "wonky spare" should the other one just tank out of nowhere) and keep using the data on the so-far-good device. [19:19] I use this setup, because I also usually need a week or two before I'm able to swap in a spare. [19:23] lowden: also, keep the old one around even after you copy data off of it (assuming it still works afterwards). Hardware failures follow the so-called "bathtub curve", and infant mortality IS a thing. Give it 2 months to be reasonably sure the new disk is OK before you destroy the old one. [19:34] hi folks [19:34] New installation of 22.04 LTS, and for some reason the wifi doesn't appear to be starting. No problem with the windows 10 partition. [19:47] After booting into windows, then back to ubuntu, now it's working. Will think about filing a bug. === DaddiesBunnies is now known as DaddiesFunnies [20:00] i'm looking for the PXE files like netboot.tar.gz for the 22.04 installer, and https://ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads says "For 22.04 LTS, users can use the new Ubuntu Live installer to setup and configure a network install." but there's no link except to these instructions https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/netbooting-the-live-server-installer which seem to be for 20.04 (focal) ? [20:01] i understand 22.04 has a totally new installer not based on debian anymore, so maybe the PXE files aren't called netboot.tar.gz anymore, but what's the real new thing for PXE? [20:05] is extracting the PXE files from the iso really the only way to get the PXE files? [20:10] nickzxcv: as i recall pxe was installed to the pxe server then PXE mounted the iso so it could be installed as a remote device--- it has been a long while since I did it so you may need ro read up on it [20:11] nickzxcv: https://releases.ubuntu.com/23.10/netboot/amd64/ ?! [20:12] oh you're right, it's not there for 22.04 [20:16] CosmicDJ: I do not recall using those on our loco server when using client bios netboot option am I correct? [20:16] CosmicDJ: thanks though, at least they are still building it separately for some releases, i hope they will for 24.04 [20:17] I think this is the guide I used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer [20:17] i think i will install 23.10 for this system, it's not for production... [20:18] Hey there. Is there a single team in charge of updates for all Ubuntu flavors or does each desktop have its own team? [20:29] Elliria: The Ubuntu SRU team is the ultimate gatekeeper for any updates going into Ubuntu releases. [20:29] With the exception of security updates, that would be the security team. [20:29] !sru [20:29] Stable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates [20:30] Thank you, Eickmeyer. I'll get in touch with them. [20:30] Elliria: If you don't mind, with regards to...? [20:32] A few months back, I grabbed the updates that were offered to me and couldn't boot afterwards. The updates included a new kerenel and a new NVIDIA driver. It later turned out that when the kernel and the NVIDIA driver get updated together, if the NVIDIA driver gets processed first, then initrd doesn't get updated for the latest kernel and that can cause an issue like not being able to boot. I'd love to be able to suggest to the update [20:32] team that it would help if the script (or whatever) that they use were written so that if there's a kernel update, it should be processed before anything else. [20:33] Elliria: That would be a support issue, not an SRU issue. That gets handled here. [20:33] The suggestion for them to possibly update their script or whatever so that it processes the kernel first if there is one in the updates? [20:33] Some things slip through the cracks, and not everyone is affected by what you're affected by. [20:33] That's an apt thing, and it doesn't work that way. [20:34] I figured it wouldn't harm anyone who doesn't use an NVIDIA driver if the kernel is processed first when getting updates. [20:34] Sadly, there's no way to do that. [20:35] Ah, that's a shame. It's not all bad, though. Those of us who have been bitten by that dog now check the update list very carefully and, in future, will manually grab the kernel update first. It would just be nice if it did that for us. [20:35] I use NVIDIA and that doesn't happen to me. Keeping on top of the updates is the key. If that does happen, `update-initramfs -u -k all` fixes it. [20:36] Apparently it can happen, but doesn't always. You may have received the NVIDIA driver before the kernel and I may not have. A roll of the dice, maybe. [20:37] It is definitely a roll of the dice, and there's no real way to prevent it from happening if it goes bad, but it's an easy fix if it does. It's a bit of a race condition your system can be in, but since it can't be predicted that it will happen, it's not something that any fix can cover. [20:38] Yeah. Some nice person here on IRC gave me the fix and it worked like a charm, thank goodness. [20:38] That's what this is for. Support issues aren't bugs, and sadly, that's not a bug per se. [20:39] Right. It's just something to be aware of rather than an outright error or fault somewhere. [20:41] Exactly. It's one reason to watch your updates and be aware of what *might* happen. Drivers can be finicky and only rebuild for the currently running kernel. I've told the kernel team about the issue before and they said that my solution (the command I typed above being run automatically) was too dangerous to be considered. [20:42] Interesting. I didn't use that solution. What worked for me was this: sudo ubuntu-drivers install [20:42] That's a more safe and sane solution, to be honest. [20:43] It brings in the NVIDIA drivers and updates initramrd automatically. [20:43] Yep, as it should. [20:44] I had initially tried the sudo apt install --fix-broken command, but that didn't fix it. [20:44] Probably because it installed just fine. Heh. [20:44] It wouldn't, because that would simply resolve packages, not the driver compilation to the kernel. [20:45] I'm keeping that other command very close just in case it ever happens again, but since I'm now paying careful attention to the updates when they're listed, it shouldnt'. [20:45] *shouldn't [20:45] Right. That kind of thing shouldn't happen very often if you keep your system updated and are running a stable release. [20:46] I've got Kubuntu 22.04 LTS and I grab the updates whenever they're offered. [20:47] You should be good then. :) [20:48] Yep. And if you're one of the team members who makes all of this whole Ubuntu-and-its-flavors happen, lots of love from me to the entire team. It's all wonderful. [20:49] I'm the lead for Ubuntu Studio and technical lead for Edubuntu, so you're welcome. :) [20:50] Heh. Well, I've been using Kubuntu and Ubuntu MATE ever since Feisty Fawn and would never go back to the paid OS. What you guys have put together is simply amazing. [20:51] Well, you're welcome. We make it just for you. :) [20:52] Heh. [20:57] Is there any way to save all my workspaces opened programs even after restart the system.I will restore them [20:58] seifeslimene: That's entirely dependent on your desktop environment. What flavor are you running? [20:58] Ubuntu 22.04 [20:58] Doesn't quite narrow it down, but now I'm assuming Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 (GNOME), correct? [20:59] hi staff i am soory i use script auto for color blue [20:59] i need help please [21:00] !ask | UniX [21:00] UniX: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [21:01] sorry [21:01] I have to explain [21:02] Eickmeyer: yes true [21:02] I am a beginner I use ubuntu i need to install kiwiirc i use the link https://github.com/ItsOnlyBinary/kiwiirc/wiki/Getting-Started#packages and https://github.com/kiwiirc/kiwiirc/releases/tag/v1.7.1 [21:02] seifeslimene: I'm not entirely sure how to help you there, but there might be a gnome extension that can help. Try searching extensions.gnome.org. [21:03] I need the steps to install server kiwiirc please [21:04] UniX: If it's not in the Ubuntu repositories we don't support it. Sorry. [21:05] explain to me this command sudo dpkg -i kiwiirc-server_v1.7.0-2_linux_amd64.deb please [21:06] UniX: You need to seek help from the software developers. We do not support what you're trying to do as it is not in the Ubuntu software repositories. [21:06] !dpkg [21:06] dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. [21:06] dpkg -i is use to install something [21:06] https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/dpkg.1.html [21:10] when i do this in ubauntu is not working === krupa1 is now known as krupa [21:12] dpkg: error: cannot access archive 'kiwiirc-server_v1.7.0-2_linux_amd64.deb': No such file or directory [22:05] UniX: Have you downloaded the .deb file and are you in the same directory you downloaded it into? [22:07] UniX: If you are not in the same directory, either use command cd to go to that directory or give the full path of the .deb package to the command. [22:08] elias_a when i do ls [22:08] he show me node_modules v1.7.1 [22:09] UniX: I am not sure I understand what you are saying but let's try. [22:10] UniX: What does command pwd tell you? [22:10] pwd = Print Working Directory [22:11] ./home/ubuntu [22:11] UniX: Ok. Do you know where you downloaded the .deb file? [22:11] no [22:12] UniX: Did you download it with a browser or wget? [22:12] wget [22:13] UniX: Did you run the wget command in the same directory you are now? [22:13] yes [22:13] if "ls" shows kiwiirc-server_v1.7.0-2_linux_amd64.deb [22:13] then do [22:14] sudo apt install ./kiwiirc-server_v1.7.0-2_linux_amd64.deb [22:14] i did thid but he not workink [22:14] https://www.blogmania.fr/ircmania/article17/installer-kiwi-irc [22:14] UniX: What do you get with: ls kiwi* [22:15] ravage E: Unsupported file ./kiwiirc-server_v1.7.0-2_linux_amd64.de given on commandline [22:16] then your downloaded file may be damaged [22:17] elias_a lock this please https://github.com/ItsOnlyBinary/kiwiirc/wiki/Getting-Started#packages [22:17] also yoi should try the latest version [22:17] https://kiwiirc.com/downloads/kiwiirc_20.05.24.1-1_amd64.deb [22:18] find / -name myFile [22:19] Unix then you have the path , then you may dpkg [22:19] UniX: Comme vous parlez probablement français, je vous suggère de demander de l'aide à #ubuntu-fr :) [22:20] Not reasonable to try to cope with the lingual barrier at the same time... ;-) [23:26] elias_a [23:26] please [23:26] i do this wget https://kiwiirc.com/downloads/kiwiirc_20.05.24.1-1_i386.deb [23:27] 2023-11-20 23:21:53 (161 KB/s) - ‘kiwiirc_20.05.24.1-1_i386.deb’ saved [9706174/9706174] [23:28] and i did this sudo apt install ./kiwiirc_20.05.24.1-1_i386.deb [23:29] ubuntu@vps-c96516ec:~$ sudo apt install ./kiwiirc_20.05.24.1-1_i386.deb [23:30] Reading package lists... Done [23:30] Building dependency tree... Done [23:30] Reading state information... Done [23:30] Note, selecting 'kiwiirc:i386' instead of './kiwiirc_20.05.24.1-1_i386.deb' [23:30] i can do sudo apt install ./kiwiirc:i386 ? [23:31] N: Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file '/home/ubuntu/kiwiirc_20.05.24.1-1_i386.deb' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied) [23:31] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [23:32] UniX: Please copy the full log output of your command, paste it into dpaste.com, and share the link to it here. [23:32] sorry [23:32] for that [23:33] The actual error message isn't visible in the above output, so it's hard to know what went wrong :P [23:33] The command you typed looks right, just something about the package isn't working. [23:34] arraybolt3: They're trying to install something from outside of the repos, unsupported. They've been told this. [23:34] Eickmeyer: hmm, good point. I might at least be able to see if there's an Ubuntu version mismatch or something, but yiu're right. [23:35] arraybolt3: Worse than that, they're not relenting, so they're very close to an ops call. [23:36] i can do this sudo dpkg -i kiwiirc-server_v1.7.0-2_linux_amd64.deb [23:36] ? [23:36] UniX: For the last time, we do not support what you're doing. Seek support elsewhere. [23:37] Eickmeyer: I just walked in and saw an incomplete error long and jumped into debugger mode :P I'm happy to stay out of it though. [23:37] log, not long, sheesh chromeOS [23:38] arraybolt3: I suspect they've downloaded a bad .deb package, either way, not our problem. They've been told to seek support from the developer. [23:38] +1