=== kuraudo1 is now known as kuraudo === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [18:21] i wanna change the hostname on a hetzner vps [18:21] what should i be looking for? [18:22] i see the old hostname in /var/lib/cloud/data/set-hostname and /var/lib/cloud/instances [18:22] should i just change those? [18:30] B-|: i Don't think hetzner allows changing user-data after deployment. [18:31] OVER [18:31] then what do i do [18:34] https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/modules.html#set-hostname [18:49] wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhat thfihfsihdkh [18:50] meena: it keeps changing the hostname on reboot [18:51] maybe they do something funky in their vendor data [18:51] but then, i don't know what your user-data looks like [18:52] meena: and where is that? [19:05] B-|: it's at the creation menu, age then after a run you can find it in /var/lib/cloud [23:02] are there any milestoned plans for what to do with network_state.py? [23:06] I may be confusing this with something else [23:39] yeah, actually, I have no idea how NetworkState works. Why is handle_ethernets never called? or is it called through some dispatch magic that I don't understand? [23:47] rharper: you seem to have written this codeā€¦ any idea what it does? :O