
MichaelPRunning 23.10 on liveUSB.. Is going to run the same or better on install on pc ?00:26
tomreynalmost certainly better00:27
tomreyndepends on what you have installed for storage in the pc, though00:27
tomreynif it's a 1998 HDD, it might be slower00:27
MichaelPSamsung 980 pro mvme00:28
tomreynwell then it'll be like day and night00:29
tomreynmuuuuch better00:29
MichaelPMy usb is a 3.2.2 thrumb drive on usb 3.000:30
tomreynstill on a serial bus, still slow flash memory without a proper controller or cache.00:30
tomreynalso this current setup is a lot more vulnerable, especiall yif you do writes to the usb00:31
MichaelPso far fedora has been the onlyone to do 4K video on youtune with no lag or freeze. Now Kubuntu plays perfect..00:31
MichaelPI can copy iso to this usb 3.2.2 in about 5 sec.. Same usb plug with usb 3.0 thrum drive takes about a minute or 200:33
tomreynjust don't use youtube, use an https://invidio.us instance instead. and maybe a browser that's not too broken00:33
MichaelPBeen using firefox !! Chrome is even more laggy and freeze00:39
MichaelPThat site you gave me.. Is every channel that is on youtube on there ?00:40
tomreynMichaelP: it's basically just a different, much less massive user interface to the same data.00:46
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MichaelPSo more less https://invidio.us is to duckduckgo as youtube is to google... Better privacy ?00:58
tomreynit's pretty off-topic here, and it's purpose is well explained on there, so i'll not go into details.01:04
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> Heyyy, whenever I edit something on plasma panel , it stops and restarts03:09
IrcsomeBot<crankyadmin> FR3V09:39
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Hello. Boot fail. After updating I cannot boot from the newer kernel 6.5.0-13 nor 6.5.10. I have to get into grub and select 6.2.0-36. How can I get 6.5.0-13 to work?10:05
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
diogenes_Vx15Anarchotaoist, first you need to disable quiet splash and see where exactly it hangs.10:31
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/ed2846f4/file_70618.jpg10:54
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Missing module? (re @IrcsomeBot: <diogenes_Vx15> Anarchotaoist, first you need to disable quiet splash and see where exactly it hangs.)10:55
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Could the issue be with btrfs that shows up? This laptop uses ext4.11:05
diogenes_Vx15Anarchotaoist, run: cat /proc/cmdline | nc termbin.com 999911:11
diogenes_Vx15share the url.11:11
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> https://termbin.com/rwws11:15
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> I currently have 6.2 set to load in Grub Customizer.11:16
diogenes_Vx15Anarchotaoist, try: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade11:21
diogenes_Vx15see if you get any errors.11:21
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> ok11:21
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> https://privatebin.net/?a573666f686a0a80#GY6GtwV5jkbGjf9LTefjEUikhs2XsPWRx2GwVvZsJ3t311:24
diogenes_Vx15Anarchotaoist, it looks like you got a Frankenubuntu system which means that you have added mixed PPAs from different versions and that's very bad.11:28
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> huh. Most should be disabled from the upgrade to Mantic? Should I disable them all?11:30
diogenes_Vx15Anarchotaoist, too late, you should have disabled them before upgrade.11:31
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Oh! I thought that was all done automatically now. nb None are actually enabled.11:32
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Should I re-install - then restore from my backup??11:37
diogenes_Vx15Anarchotaoist, i would fully reinstall and never mix up packages from different versions.11:40
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Ok, thanks. Hmm, I do not recall using different versions, only trying to update them after and a new Kubuntu version. Thanks for your help!11:43
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Ok, thanks. Hmm, I do not recall using different versions, only trying to update them after a new Kubuntu version. Thanks for your help!11:44
BluesKajHi all13:33
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kaseyi can get free ips18:58
kaseywith a ipv418:58
kaseyi can compile it to ipv618:58
kaseyusing a ipv618:58
kasey@lardayn2 your ip is
kaseyreally no one cares19:00
kaseyits just a address you use to tune into a server19:00
kaseysimple networking19:00
=== kasey is now known as Vortix__
=== kasey is now known as Vortix__
=== kasey is now known as Vortix__
=== Vortix__ is now known as kasey

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