
lotuspsychjegood morning04:33
lotuspsychjehey hggdh how do you drag launchpad bugs into irc/bot like in -announce?13:48
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hggdhlotuspsychje: I use Limnoria/suppybot for it (this is recent-ish, after krytarick put it available (the plugin name is BugReporter)17:37
lotuspsychjehggdh: cool tnx, is that a public plugin?17:37
hggdhbefore that it was a local hack, written by a friend a LONG time ago, which I then inherited and made it even more hackish17:38
lotuspsychjecan you explain how that works in short, i assume without rss?17:38
hggdhI undertand is it public; although I am using unit193's version of Limnoria17:39
hggdhIt reads the official RSS for Ubuntu bugs, and reports from there17:39
lotuspsychjei was wondering to experiment pulling release specific new bugs to a bot17:41
lotuspsychjelike noble bugs only for example17:41
hggdhyou could, with some cofniguration changes, yes17:44
lotuspsychjeok tnx hggdh 17:45
hggdhyou are welcome17:45
hggdhlotuspsychje: just so you know, this the the sources.list I take limnoria from:17:48
hggdhdeb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/unit193/limnoria/ubuntu/ jammy main17:48
hggdh# deb-src https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/unit193/limnoria/ubuntu/ jammy main17:48
lotuspsychjehggdh: thats what eeebotu runs right?17:51
hggdhcorrect. It runs in a small VM under DigitalOcean (2Gb memory, 1 vCPU, 50 GiB disk17:52
hggdhI frankly think I do not need 2GiB of memory, but ah well17:53
JanClotuspsychje: launchpad has an API18:27
JanCsee python3-launchpadlib18:28
lotuspsychjetnx JanC 18:30

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