
valorieI tried but the app kept crashing, etc. (matrix)04:53
valoriedunno why the push to leave IRC04:53
valoriebut whatever04:53
elthe main reasons given is that irc sucks on mobile, and the lack of public logging. which yes to both but the latter is a liability more than a solution05:07
els/solution/thing that actually needs solving/05:07
Unit193https://xkcd.com/927/ :>05:08
eldon't worry matrix got forked too, so now there's 1605:11
el"atoki" is the fork, because of the gaps in the specification of the protocol design05:13
Unit193valorie: I'd personally just say use whatever works best for your team.  To an extent, as it'd be best if you didn't use morse code and ham radios. ;P05:15
valorieamen to that05:15
valoriemy efforts to learn morse code failed miserably05:16
Unit193I can do SOS, that's it.05:16
valorienot good enough to pass the test05:16
* Unit193 can't be a Kubuntu contributor now. :(05:22
EickmeyerFYI, the release team is likely to make it a requirement that to remain official Ubuntu flavors the teams must be reachable via whichever communication platform the release team is on (currently IRC). They've been having trouble with communication breakdowns.05:28
Unit193Urgh..That's frustrating..05:30
Unit193Don't all flavors have a dev mailing list at least, anyway?05:32
EickmeyerNot all, such as cinnamon and unity. Edubuntu does because legacy reasons, but Amy and I are reachable just about everywhere.05:33
MenzadorEverywhere, you say? *finds Eickmeyer 's super-secret nuclear bunker*14:52
=== Guest1721 is now known as ogra
valoriekub is reachable everywhere afaik - ML, irc, all the platforms23:31
valoriewe even have a facebook I think23:31
valoriealthough nobody looks at it...23:31
hggdhEickmeyer: I am logged to Matrix vis ubuntu.com. Will try to figure my way there23:35

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