
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest7026
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nickzxcvdoes netplan have an option to take the ip and other info from DHCP and write a static IP with it during https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall ?01:07
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craycraybluedayThis is my first time IRCing. I don't know what I'm doing. Love you all. Bye.02:30
nickzxcvwhat's this referring to https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/1946609 ? where it says it was implemented in 21.10... i would like to do that02:48
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1946609 in subiquity "Error when I purge snapd package in late-commands" [Undecided, New]02:48
rboxwhat do you mean "do that"02:50
nickzxcvrbox: not install snap02:55
rboxthat bug gives some suggestions...02:55
nickzxcvyeah but at the end it says "Well, luckily for you this feature has been implemented in the soon to be02:56
nickzxcvreleased Ubuntu 21.10!"02:56
rboxguess you'll have to read the docuemtantion02:56
hackinghornFirefox does not open when I click the icon. But I still can run it from the terminal. How do I know what to fix?03:05
VoolooSo I upgraded my kernel, and now I can't login, the password is "incorrect". What gives?03:39
JeffHIn the last month or so, it seems like the clang 17 packages have been updated 3-4 times.  Is that pretty common?03:50
mybalzitchguess it depends on whats happening in the changelog03:51
JeffHLooks like maybe i'm on an experimental branch or something.. I see exp1+<date> in the package name.03:53
JeffHwhich would explain the frequent updates03:54
nickzxcvrbox: looking at this https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-reference i've tried the following user-data cloud-config file https://dpaste.org/h5YiR04:04
nickzxcvthe installer loads it ok and is running until it crashes with a message about the -snap line04:05
nickzxcvis that the wrong way to do it?04:07
joeknanybody else using a multiple monitor setup with NVIDIA drivers?  I get my setup to work but it requires some finnicking to get it to work.  Couple terminal calls reconnecting to the laptop and getting lucky.  Kind of interested to see if I can track down the root cause04:38
lotuspsychjejoekn: if your nvidia driver is loaded correctly, you should be able to recognize multiple screens in gnomes screen settings04:40
joeknI get 4 monitors after I make a couple terminal calls and finnicking04:40
joeknI am trying to avoid doing that everytime I boot into ubuntu04:41
lotuspsychjea couple of terminal calls?04:41
joeknI have 3 monitors using a dell docking station and 1 monitor connected through hdmi04:41
joeknI am using the open kernal nvidia driver 545 open proprietary04:42
joeknemove monitor cnfigs, start gdm3 service, dpkg reconfigure gdm3 and restart gdm04:42
joeknset up my 2 2k monitors to max refresh rate - everything works great until i reboot and i have to do this all over again04:43
joeknsometimes my laptop freezes i have to power cycle and try again it sucks04:43
joekni updated the ubuntu drivers for display link04:44
webchat98I am wondering if I could some help with cifsd tainted, when the Samba server on the other end was abruptly shutdown.05:27
webchat98First time coming here, might not know the workflow to get problems resolved. Do I need to provide a sudo dmesg Cut Paste?05:34
Bashing-omwebchat98: Work flow is as you have it - ask your question and wait for one to respond who knows :D05:37
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linux^is intel x722 included in ubuntu or do i need to download and install manually?08:53
webchat98What driver does it use?08:54
ravageWhat is x722?08:54
webchat98Typically you add a userspace firmware, if not, then you need to go re-compile the kernel with the driver kernel modules.08:54
ravageLooks like an Ethernet card08:55
linux^the lan model it shows in windows https://postimg.cc/Jsn3GhcN08:55
linux^this motherboard https://www.asrockrack.com/general/productdetail.asp?Model=EPC612D8A#Specifications08:56
ravageUsually intel is supported pretty well08:57
ravageBoot a live cd08:57
webchat98Is this the i40 driver?08:57
ravageAnd check if you see it08:57
webchat98ravage: not with AX210 not supporting 6GHz AP mode08:58
ravageWiFi is a different thing08:58
webchat98I would avoid Intel and jump for Realtek, or Mediatek08:59
ravageRealtek is consumer garbage08:59
webchat98Especially when switch chips start supporting DSA now days.09:00
webchat98ravage: how is so, we use it at our server farm, did not see packet losses09:00
linux^the motherboard  is already bought and cpu is xeon silver 4214R trying to switch from windows to linux09:00
linux^running and cant send it back09:01
webchat98lsmod | grep i40?09:01
webchat98cd /sys/class/net/drivers, ls ?09:02
linux^im running windows rn , without proper knowledge on advance and switch09:02
webchat98Are you going to stay on Windows?09:03
linux^thats why asking these questions09:03
webchat98Ok, pretty sure you can't troubleshoot Linux problems on Windows09:03
linux^im just looking for some knowledge in advance09:04
webchat98Oh, you are asking whether the network card is supported before you make the switch?09:04
webchat98The answer is a 80% yes, I would say.09:04
linux^and if the whole motherboard is supported09:04
webchat98Then we need all the specs, motherboard chipset?09:05
linux^this motherboard https://www.asrockrack.com/general/productdetail.asp?Model=EPC612D8A#Specifications09:06
linux^Chipset- Intel® C61209:07
webchat98The description lists an ancient version of Ubuntu09:07
webchat98So Ubuntu is grandfathered in, I guess.09:08
NewtonTrendycan i have a refund?09:09
NewtonTrendyi'm joking about im not unhappy09:09
NewtonTrendyi think someone offered a refund but i said no, because i can afford ubuntu, i didnt notice09:10
NewtonTrendyi wouldn't really mind a refund for ubuntu if it makes your life easier, but that is also what im trying to do09:11
linux^ the cpu is relatively newer not too old xeon silver 4214R09:11
NewtonTrendyok rant over09:11
linux^so im not sure why did they list only Ubuntu 12.04.209:11
webchat98Did someone mistyped 22 for 12?09:12
mzokuhow to move multiple files that contain "text" in their names?09:12
NewtonTrendywebchat98: you are talking about...09:12
webchat98mv *text* /location/09:12
mzokunice, webchat98 , thanks09:13
webchat98find . -f -name "*text*" -exec, horrible syntax, I don't remember from the top of my head09:13
mzokumv *text* did a great job09:15
mzokuand If I want to mv two files, how would be the syntaxt?09:17
mzokuor multiple files etc.09:17
linux^so what is your verdict? webchat98? am I good to go? and about lan are the drivers included  in kernel or do I need to install it later downloading?09:18
toddclinux^: I think I have used that setuo in the past with no issue but as fast as stuff changes I usually boot it to live Desktop USB for a quick check as no changes will be made then install away if everything works09:23
toddcI would not expect any issues09:25
webchat98linux^: as always, do at your own risk. I would say it is more likely than not it will succeed.09:29
webchat98...by a preponderance of evidence, the lawyer says09:29
clemens3find . -f -name "*text*" | while read file; do mv -i "$file" /location/; done11:16
clemens3the | while read line is a hammer, can be used everywhere11:17
clemens3relatively easy to remember11:18
ph88hi all11:31
ph88i can see my other computer showing up in nautilus, i can also ping this computer. When i try to connect to it i get "failed to retrieve share list from server Connection timed out"  what can i do about this ?11:32
ph88how can i do sftp or nfs between 2 ubuntu machines on the same network? samba is not working12:37
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BluesKajHi all13:34
Kadiganph88: can you `sudo ufw status` for me?13:47
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KadiganDoes Ubuntu come with samba preconfigured?13:47
ph88Kadigan, Status: inactive13:48
KadiganAre you sure Samba is installed, configured, and running on the machine you're trying to connect to?13:48
ph88Kadigan, i dont know if it comes preconfigured. i installed nautilus-share13:48
ph88Kadigan, on machine i try to connect to i installed something for it. just a moment i will look what13:49
KadiganThe first Google result I see is a bug report from '18 saying that nautilus-share has been broken for some while by then. Not sure if that's still the case.13:50
Grems`do-release-upgrade` (23.04 to 23.10), getting "you have held broken packages". `apt-mark` showhold returns nothing. Already done apt's update, upgrade, autoremove, autopurge, autoclean. What do I try next?13:51
ph88Kadigan, hmmm i didn't installed something recently ... maybe a long time ago13:51
EriC^^Grems: try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:51
lotuspsychjeGrems: can you pastebin what error(s) apt gives you please13:52
Kadiganph88: I think I would use straight-up samba standalone, to be honest - but then I was never a big fan of tailored packages13:52
EriC^^Grems: also try dpkg -l | grep -Ev "^rc|^ii"13:52
ph88Kadigan, how do i do that ?13:53
KadiganNot sure, at this junction. I mean normally it's `apt install samba`, but I'm not sure if it'll conflict with nautilus-share or whatever else it may've installed.13:54
KadiganHave you tried sftp?13:54
KadiganIf you can SSH into the box, I think it should work as-is.13:54
KadiganDo keep in mind that sftp throughput is... NOT great.13:55
Kadigan(it's more a case of using something designed for another use, because it's strictly speaking technically possible, but...)13:55
ph88oh ok13:57
ph88samba package is already installed on both systems13:58
ph88when i do  ssh ipaddress   it doesn't connect though13:59
KadiganWhat is the response you get?14:00
imiis it safe to apt purge atop?14:00
ph88Kadigan, not getting any response the terminal just hangs14:00
Kadiganssh -vvv ip?14:01
KadiganAlso, `systemctl status sshd` on the target?14:01
ph88sshd seems to be not installed on target14:02
ph88i will install it14:02
KadiganThe package you want is probably openssh-server14:03
ph88should i restart the target ?14:03
KadiganTry `systemctl enable ssh --now`14:04
Kadiganand retry connecting.14:04
ph88ssh or sshd ?14:04
ph88hmmm no connection still14:05
KadiganIt's been ages since I've had to do it, so try one - and if it doesn't do it, try the other.14:05
ph88i think ssh was correct14:05
Kadigansystemctl will report back on what it's doing if something goes wrong, in general, so you should know if it failed14:05
ph88still hangs as before though14:06
KadiganSure the IP is correct?14:06
KadiganOkay, maybe --now doesn't start it. `systemctl start ssh`?14:07
ph88it says it with ifconfig on the target and also i can ping it from source system14:07
ph88sshd is running on target14:08
KadiganAnd still no connection?14:08
ph88no connection still14:08
KadiganCan you connect from another machine? Maybe there's something preventing outgoing connections on the source machine?14:09
ph88i will try14:10
GremsEriC^^: `dist-upgrade` seems to make no difference. Not finding any with `dpkg -l | grep -Ev "^rc|^ii"14:12
Gremslotuspsychje: https://dpaste.com/4Z3yawzst14:12
ph88Kadigan, also hangs from the other machine14:13
EriC^^Grems: share /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log and apt.log14:14
Kadiganph88: okay, restart the target then; this should work out of the box, so I'm kinda grasping at straws here :-) but let's see what happens.14:16
ph88Kadigan, ok restarting now14:17
ph88another thing, does anyone know the pfexec program used here ?  https://sunshowers.io/posts/am5-ryzen-7000-ecc-ram/14:17
KadiganSomeone probably does. What's your question about it?14:19
ph88i want to check if my ecc memory works in ecc mode14:19
GremsEriC^^: main.log: https://dpaste.com/c5mjwtzrp - apt.log: https://dpaste.com/6za7p4vjh14:20
ph88oh pfexec is actually the same as sudo nvm14:20
Kadiganph88: `dmidecode -t memory`14:20
KadiganGoogle says "should show a 'Total Width' greater than 'Data Width' and say 'Error Correction Type: Multi-bit ECC'."14:21
KadiganThough I am unsure if it reports on what is actually in use. Never had to deal with ECC memory.14:21
ph88Kadigan, i restarted target, still timing out on the connection :(14:21
Kadigan`systemctl status ssh`?14:22
Kadigan(on the target)14:22
ph88its active14:23
KadiganSo to recap: a) sshd is running, b) ufw is not enabled, c) you can ping the machine, and finally d) ssh to it fails with a timeout14:23
ph88ufw not enabled on source, will check target now14:25
KadiganAlso, `dmidecode` reports capability, not actual use. I can't find any Google results that explain how to test it actually working.14:25
ph88ufw active on target14:25
KadiganThen that's likely your issue.14:26
ph88Kadigan, it's in a the same blogpost some more tips to use a utility /usr/lib/usmn which i cant find14:26
Kadigan`sudo ufw allow ssh`14:26
ph88Kadigan, now ssh works :D14:26
KadiganWould you look at that.14:26
EriC^^Grems: seems something to do with ubuntu-desktop14:26
EriC^^why not clean install instead?14:27
ph88oh it's so nice now i can transfer all my files to the new system :D14:27
Kadiganph88: if you don't intend to expose this machine to the internet, or have a router inbetween and are NOT using ipv6, I would probably recommed disabling ufw altogether, unless you don't trust other members of your LAN14:27
ph88it's my laptop which i take to travels. now i bought a desktop which is more powerful14:28
GremsEriC^^: I saw the `ubuntu-desktop` thing as well, and assumed it was "ubuntu-desktop" as opposed to "ubuntu-server". Not clean install because it's a hassle compared to upgrading. Usually.14:28
GremsEriC^^: Is it not in your experience?14:31
EriC^^not really, sorry14:32
GremsEriC^^: How so?14:33
EriC^^dont have experience with the upgrade issue14:34
ph88I used to be able to open deb files within the GUI (ubuntu 22.04) now with ubuntu 23.10 i get this https://imgur.com/a/Sq7SQgl Is there any way to open deb files with the software installation center ?14:35
EriC^^Grems: everybody here is just volunteers (not ubuntu staff or coders or something) , maybe someone knows feel free to paste again the logs in a bit14:35
EriC^^Grems: where is the ubuntu-desktop package from? try 'apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop'14:36
EriC^^maybe it's some ppa issue happening14:37
GremsEriC^^: Seems like a meta-package. Installed: 1.50114:45
Grems(Also: "For a good time, click "ubuntu": https://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ " /joke)14:45
KadiganThere's a limit. I suppose it's a nesting limit? :D14:47
EriC^^Grems: can you share the paste? need to see the repos at the bottom for its source14:47
EriC^^Grems: you can do 'apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop | nc termbin.com 9999' to paste it straight away14:48
GremsEriC^^: "lunar/main amd64"14:48
Menzadorph88: I usually take care of third-party package installation using the command line, but ONLY DO SO IFF YOU WHOLLY TRUST THE DEVELOPER.14:49
tpanarch1stHello, i'm having some difficulties with getting fail2ban working on my Ubuntu VPS. I'm not having much joy having done the obligatory search on google. Fail2ban is not currently showing anything within iptables. I've created a local jail, enabled it and restarted f2b but still no joy14:49
EriC^^Grems: oh ok14:50
Menzadorph88 I assume this is coming from Synology, so it's up to you to make sure the package is coming from who it says it's coming14:50
Menzadorph88: But if you're looking for a GUI to manage it, install GDebi (or QApt if you're using KDE)14:50
MenzadorAnd then open your .deb package with it14:51
Guest1721ph88, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/install-deb-ubuntu-23-10-no-app-error14:53
MenzadorHonestly though you should check to see if Synology has shipped a snap or (less secure) a PPA14:53
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MenzadorBeing Synology, they should know; my company uses their NAS systems for client replication14:54
ph88thanks Menzador and Guest172114:55
ph88how can i set the CTRL + ALT + T keyboard shortcut to open alacritty ?15:07
Menzadorph88: Settings > Keyboard (if you're using GNOME)15:08
ph88oh yes just as customer shortcut15:09
MenzadorBecause I don't use Ubuntu on a regular basis I had to manually set that shortcut to use kgx (GNOME Console, the Termial replacement)15:12
MenzadorGNOME should really rename that binary...15:12
lotuspsychjeGrems: bug #204413415:34
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2044134 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "do-release-upgrade fails because of broken/held ubuntu-desktop" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204413415:34
ioriaGrems, is gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-tiling-assistant correctly installed ?15:36
Patrick_does anyone else experience useless notifications in gnome about package updates and restarts?15:40
Patrick_I've been getting this stuff for years15:40
Patrick_such as gnome-software opening and telling me I have an update, which upon viewing is some package with "friendly" in the name, and it is already current so there is no update15:47
Patrick_I disabled gnome-software from autostarting by removing the .desktop file from /etc/xdg/autostart, now I'm getting a useless notification from "Ubuntu Software" (which I can hardly identify, don't know the command for this) that I had an update ready, then it shows that everything is actually updated, now it's also telling me I need to restart.15:53
Patrick_gnome-software would also frequently tell me I need to restart to finish installing updates, but it was untrue15:53
Patrick_so clearly there is some kind of conspiracy to give the user a bunch of meaningless, time wasting notifications15:54
Patrick_but why?15:54
Patrick_I doubt I'm the only person experiencing this15:54
MenzadorNice conspiracy, bro16:00
MenzadorEverything is perfect and has no errors right?16:01
MenzadorAnd instead of simply ignoring error messages you know not to be true...16:02
ravagePlease take discussions to #ubuntu-discuss16:03
MenzadorI mean, yeah, the way this is worded is in no way a support question16:03
ph88whats better AppImage of flatpak when i can choose both ?16:03
Patrick_I'm here to ask if I'm truly the only person experiencing this, or if maybe this is some kind design decision16:06
ph88Patrick_, yes i also get notifacation about package updates16:07
Patrick_that's not really what I'm asking16:08
ph88sorry :(16:08
toddcauto update    it did the update already so yes it is current yes you had a update it told you about16:09
Patrick_clearly this is a bug16:09
toddcI like the conspiracy aspect tho16:11
Patrick_1. you have an update ready (actually you don't) 2. you need to restart (actually you don't)16:11
lotuspsychjePatrick_: you didnt mention ubuntu release, nor the package ubuntu software wants to update?16:11
Patrick_lotuspsychje: check again, I did to the extent I could16:11
Patrick_toddc: well, it was ridiculous when it was gnome-software doing this for years. Then I disable gnome-software from auto-starting and the same thing starts happening with "Ubuntu Software".16:12
Patrick_I'm currently on ubuntu 23.10, but it also happened with 23.04, and some number of releases before that, I believe16:14
bluesmancan you check the memory in ubuntu ?16:14
bluesmani mean the state of it, the mean the16:14
bluesmanworkings ?16:14
bluesmanif it´s still stable16:14
bluesmani know about a harddisk check16:14
ohdiengememory usage : free -m16:15
bluesmanthis is a ten year old pc16:15
bluesmannot usage16:15
ohdiengememory checks from grub I think16:15
bluesmanbut if the memory is still in good shape ?16:15
ohdiengeyou might have an entry in your grub menu for that16:15
bluesmanlike a health check16:15
bluesmanyou mean terminal ?16:15
toddcPatrick_: you could remove it16:15
bluesmancan you format memory ?16:15
bluesmanlike clean it up16:16
ohdiengenow grub... the menu that shows before booting ubuntu .. where you can select kernels (and recovery mode)16:16
ohdiengenow = no16:16
bluesmanahh i never knew much about it16:16
bluesmanso that´s grub16:16
bluesmangtihub !16:16
bluesmanah i was thinking github16:16
Patrick_toddc: sure, I can. But I'm usually motivated to want to fix problems at the root so that it's fixed for everyone. However, I'm actually beginning to think that this attitude is futile and I need to revert to individualism.16:16
ohdiengeyou don't need to do formatting or cleaning. but inside grub you might have an entry to check your memory ... this is particulary useful if you experience system crashes and you want to know whether memory might be the cause16:16
bluesmanwell just the crt-c /v doesn´t work well anymore16:17
bluesmancrtl-c / ctrl-v16:17
ohdiengeyou don't need to do such memory checks unless you experience system crashes (if memory is extremely important for you such as for expensive workstations/servers than you might want to go for ECC memory which has built in error correction)16:18
Patrick_toddc: oh, and I don't know if I actually can remove the package/s. When I went to remove gnome-software, it was going to also remove other packages that I don't think I wanted to remove like gnome and gnome-core.16:18
bluesmanmaybe if i turn the pc off and on :)16:18
bluesmanthanks !16:18
bluesmani need another coffee16:18
toddcPatrick_: did you file a bug report on it16:19
ohdiengebluesman: issues with copy/paste or not likely to be related to memory issues16:19
Patrick_toddc: no, because I've had bugs go ignored16:19
ohdiengebluesman: maybe you switches keyboard layouts by accident or something ???16:19
bluesmannot really16:19
bluesmanwell i changed the usb cable yesterday16:20
bluesmanwhere tethering runs16:20
Patrick_also because I'm guessing there are thousands of other people experiencing this, so it seems it would be reported16:20
ohdiengeyour keyboard is connected to that cable?16:20
bluesmanwell keyboard is also usb16:20
bluesmanhas it´s own cable16:20
ohdiengeI would suggest try isolating the problem ... maybe remove all usb cables except for your keyboard and see if that helps. Next step might be to connect another keyboard and see if that helps.16:21
toddcPatrick_: Ok not much we can do on the support end then might try to check in with the project maintainers16:21
ohdiengegood luck :)16:21
bluesmanor a raspberry pi :)16:21
bluesmanwill ubuntu run on raspberry ?16:21
Patrick_alright, I just thought I would try to poll the people using the same/similar system as I am to see if anyone else experiences it16:22
webchat98Ubuntu runs on BananaPi too. It should run on Rpi16:22
dumbledoorgiven i have an already set PS1 from /etc/bashrc how do i edit it to remove the last two characters from it?16:28
dumbledoorPS1=${PS1%?} removes only the last character16:29
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webchat98What is PS1? Windows PowerShell?16:29
dumbledoorlol no, the prompt16:30
JanCdumbledoor: ? matches one character, ?? matches two characters, ...16:36
dumbledoorah thanks16:37
dumbledoorwhere the manual for this thing16:37
dumbledoorPS1 customization16:37
JanCthe documentation for bash is available as manpage, an info doc, and as HTML; what else do you need?  :)16:40
JanCthis is also not PS1-specific, it's normal bash shell parameter expansion16:41
dumbledooralright (y)16:45
arraybolt3bluesman: Ubuntu officially supports the Raspberry Pi for both desktop and server use cases.16:53
arraybolt3oh he left16:53
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dumbledooron Ctrl + S on the browser, when the window asking for the file name appears where do I enter a custom directory path17:18
dumbledooron gnome17:18
nteodosiodumbledoor, use Ctrl+L17:19
dumbledoorthat works in files (file explorer) software17:20
dumbledoornot working for save dialog17:20
Patrick_dumbledoor: for me, in ubuntu 23.10, I can simply begin to type the file path in the pre-selected location/title input bar17:20
nteodosiodumbledoor, what does not working mean exactly?17:20
Patrick_using firefox17:20
Patrick_firefox snap, that is17:21
Patrick_(this is hell)17:21
nteodosioFor me that inputs in the search bar, Patrick_, not in the path bar17:21
nteodosioYes it is very unintuitive...17:21
Patrick_nteodosio: which version of ubuntu? which browser? what package type for the browser?17:22
dumbledoorare you guys talking about this dialog box17:22
dumbledooror yours is different17:22
Patrick_dumbledoor: I am talking about exactly that17:22
nteodosioSorry, conflated open file with save file dialogs17:23
nteodosioBut yes in Ctrl+S you can type the path right away as Patrick_ said.17:23
dumbledoorhmm last time i entered the path in the name section, i ended up making a directory within the selected directory, i'll try again17:23
Patrick_let us know if it works17:24
dumbledoorthanks Patrick_ and nteodosio it does work17:29
JanCdumbledoor: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide & http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ are also good sources for learning bash17:38
dumbledoori already have it's docs offline, just didn't know that i could find info about the prompt in it's man page17:39
dumbledoorbecause i often confuse between the language and the shell17:39
JanCthe "language" is the shell   :)17:49
JeffHIs there a way to show all packages that have been installed from a specific repository?17:54
tpanarch1sthello, anybody a dab hand with fail2ban please? I've read several tutorials and also watched a youtube video but nothing from fail2ban is getting into iptables17:55
DumbLDoorHi All! Some issues with the last update. I have 12 upgradable packages with unmet dependencies.18:11
JeffHIf I want to use 'sudo add-apt-repository' to remove a ppa, how do I find the ppa?18:18
JeffHIs it the n= when I do 'apt policy'?18:18
DumbLDoorshould I package entries from remove /var/lib/dpkg/status?18:18
DumbLDoorshould I "remove" package entries from remove /var/lib/dpkg/status?18:19
tpanarch1styour messages are coming through DumbLDoor but i'm sorry I have no clue about the answer18:31
HabbieDumbLDoor, that file is not for editing unless you know exactly what you are doing18:31
Gremsioria: `gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-tiling-assistant` is not installed, according to `apt list`19:00
ioriaGrems, you still struggling ?19:01
Gremsioria: Yes19:02
ioriaGrems, sudo apt install --reinstall gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-tiling-assistant && sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop19:02
ioriaGrems, after that, run again 'sudo do-release-upgrade'19:03
AngryTomHow can I refresh a nautilus network window? Former Ubuntu versions had an option.19:04
Gremsioria: Seems to work. How did you figure this one out? :)19:06
ioriadrinking beer19:06
GremsMakes sense that I didn't come up with the idea myself then19:09
ioriayeah ^_ù^19:09
pyeverythingHi I downloaded a folder (gdrn) from OneDrive and I get this error when extracting the zip file. I download it couple times and always same size. Not sure what's wrong https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VsXc2jzFTr/ -- error [gdrn.zip]:  start of central directory not found; zipfile corrupt19:10
pyeverythingyou can download it from https://mailstsinghuaeducn-my.sharepoint.com/personal/liuxy21_mails_tsinghua_edu_cn/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fliuxy21%5Fmails%5Ftsinghua%5Fedu%5Fcn%2FDocuments%2Fbop%5Fchallenge%5F2022%2Foutput&ga=1 and password is groupji  instructions are under  https://github.com/shanice-l/gdrnpp_bop2022 --> Model section19:11
Gremspyeverything: Tried it on a different machine? Different OS? Could the zipfile be corrupt?19:13
johnfgHi folks.19:23
johnfgBrand new installation of desktop 22.04 (yesterday).19:23
GremsCongratulations, johnfg19:24
johnfgFor some reason, although I have an ip from my wifi connection, and an ip from openvpn, I'm not able to ping to or from.19:25
GremsWhat command are you running?19:25
johnfgssh, scp, ping19:29
johnfgI think I got it.  I had a bit of a misconfiguration of client.conf for openvpn.19:31
Gremsjohnfg: Care to share? :)19:32
johnfgGrems: sure!  I hadn't uncommented comp-lzo (which is on my server), and I also needed to make tls-auth and cipher x to match.19:38
johnfgSo all seems good.19:39
DumbLDoor@Habbie - I edited that file - removed all broken package description block, did install fix broken package, update && upgrade... all  normal now.19:45
Habbiegood luck19:45
DumbLDoorAll done now, ty Habbie!19:46
DumbLDoorthe entries are back in the file post fixing19:46
=== PasiZ4 is now known as PasiZ
TeekNew to Linux, first day playing with it.  Fresh install of Ubuntu 23.10 and for some reason I keep hitting an issue where I can't open a terminal or the Files app.  Click and nothing at all happens.  I can reboot the machine to fix temporarily, but it keeps happening.  Any ideas on how to troubleshoot?19:56
tomreynTeek: hmm, that's special. try keeping a copy of journalctl -f running in a terminal emulator and reproduce the issue, then see what was logged at the time19:59
pyeverythingGrems:  I don't have access to other machine or os. I have reported it to git repo owners19:59
arraybolt3When it happens, try switching to a TTY with Ctrl+Alt+F3, then run `journalctl -n100` to see the last 100 lines of your journal log. That might tell you something.19:59
arraybolt3tomreyn's idea also should work19:59
tomreynthe TTY may better better if you need to reproduce it with the terminal window not opening, though20:00
TeekOkay, rebooted, opened terminal, started the journalctl -f and reproduced.  Couple of things jumping out as potential causes but at least this gives me some direction.  One message about "window manager warning: Buggy client sent a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message with a timestamp of 0 for 0xa00004" and then a highlighted message about "Meta.Rectangle20:03
Teekis deprecated, use Mtk.Rectangle instead" and finally the error that I think might be the root cause, "identity 'unix-group:admin' is not valid, ignoring: no UNIX group with name admin: No such file or directory"20:03
TeekWould be happy to copy the full log if someone wanted to peep, but at least I can search each of those errors so I'm further along than I was before.  Thanks tomreyn and arraybolt3 for the shove in the right direction!20:04
arraybolt3Teek: That can be done easily, just run something like `journalctl -n 1000 | nc termbin.com 9999` and send the link that spits out.20:09
arraybolt3termbin is a pastebin that can be used from the command line, it's really handy.20:10
bray90820So on ubuntu 22.04 every time I restart my computer a docker0 bridge conenction is created but as far as I knwo docker is no longer installed22:00
Guest5An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.22:18
Guest5If none of this applies, then please report this bug using the22:18
Guest5command 'ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core' in a terminal. If22:18
Guest5you want to investigate this yourself the log files in22:18
Guest5'/var/log/dist-upgrade' will contain details about the upgrade.22:18
Guest5Specifically, look at 'main.log' and 'apt.log'.22:18
khazakarIt says what to do - report and check yourself22:31

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