[21:22] meena: where did we get to with https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=274260 ? [21:22] -ubottu:#cloud-init- bugs.freebsd.org bug 274260 in Ports & Packages "net/cloud-init: fix broken DataSource identification" [Affects Some People, Open] [21:24] aah its sitting with me ... "to do before 14.0-RELEASE" [21:24] dammit [21:36] this is in 23.3.3 maybe we should just get that ported [21:36] sigh [21:40] dch: yeah, it was fixed in main, but we didn't release it yet. A release is going to be cut in about a week [21:40] looks like I went on holiday during maintainer-approval and missed it getting back to me [21:41] I will apply the patch to quarterly, leave the additional version bump to maintainer [22:08] dammit again, patch doesn't fix quarterly [22:17] or maybe it does, but only when run via service [22:17] ah [23:18] where is cloudinit.net._rename_interfaces() used? [23:18] i don't see any direct call to it, only in unittests. [23:19] oh [23:19] apply_network_config_names()