=== DaddiesHoneys is now known as DaddysHoneys === kasey is now known as Vortix [05:14] niggas [05:19] !ops | Vortix [05:19] Vortix: Help! Channel Emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies!) acheronuk, ahoneybun, claydoh, ikonia, jussi, Mamarok, mneptok, Nalioth, ovidiu-florin, Pici, Riddell, ryanakca, shadeslayer, Tm_T, tsimpson, valorie, Unit193, yofel. [05:21] uh [05:21] channel emergency idk what to do [05:22] Vortix: Racial slurs are against channel rules, Ubuntu code of conduct, AND Network rules. [05:23] fair [05:23] suprisingly that was a dre [05:23] dare [05:24] Never do that again anywhere on this network. [05:24] but im not suing ubutnu :sunglassesL [05:24] ok [05:24] uing ubuntu [05:24] what is this spelling of mine [05:25] Kubuntu, perhaps? Still Ubuntu. [05:25] is it even possible to get banned from uuntu [05:25] ubuntu [05:25] i have this app without kubuntu [05:25] just a debian based os i made that took about 3 years and sucks really bad [05:26] From the Ubuntu channels? Yes. From every Ubuntu channel at once? Yes. From the entire libera network? Yes. [05:26] but doesnt use ubuntu [05:26] so ur saying [05:26] i can get banned [05:26] That's fine, but that's completely off-topic here. [05:26] from ubuntu network [05:26] basically getting ip blocked [05:26] nice [05:27] this is discord but the twist is its made with tk from python and simple [05:28] This is not discord. This is an Internet Relay Chat network. [05:28] no crap [05:28] im comparing it [05:28] You should discuss in #libera, this is a support channel for Kubuntu. [05:28] they are slightly close together [05:28] o [05:28] wish i knew that :skulllll: [05:29] It's in the topic line and the first thing you see when you enter. === Vortix is now known as crystalrajel [05:35] hi [05:35] i need kubuntu support pls === kasey is now known as crystalrajel === crystalrajel is now known as kasey [06:34] Hello? Anyone have an apt command to install the minimum Qt on Kubuntu 23.10 to support another software (automatic1111 web ui)? === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom === William is now known as Conna === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [11:06] I cannot change the Login screen (SDDM), anyone else had the same issue ? [11:06] I just change it and load another one from a file but it won't change [11:08] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/ade6fbdd/file_70636.jpg [11:08] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/6205aa6a/file_70637.jpg [11:09] When i choose another wallpaper, the window disappears with an animation to the top. And when i logout or restart, no login screen is changed [12:44] Hi! Does anyone use Steam Deck as desktop? [13:17] I have a Canon tr4720, getting error unable to open print file permission denied, anyone know how to fix this issue? [13:20] I have some video-stutter in Firefox 120 in KDE on Ubuntu 23.04. The video is choppy. Works flawless in Chrome. (its not on youtube). Trying to debug it without progress. Is there like an addon i can use, or is there some things in KDE that i should check? Or ubuntu? [13:30] Kubuntu 23.10 Firefox title bar only has the close button. How do i give it minimize and maximize buttons ? Everything else already has all 3 buttons. [13:45] MichaelP sound like you need to use preferences and set Firefox to is "native window decorations and borders". I know this is required for chrome, and iirc Firefox has a similar setting. https://discourse.mozilla.org/t/solved-window-decoration-theme-on-linux/67006 [13:46] mmikowski: it's only this distro i had that happen with.. [13:59] I have a Canon tr4720, getting error unable to open print file permission denied, anyone know how to fix this issue? [15:36] HOE MOET IK MIJ LAPTOP RESETTEN [18:21] Hi , im changing mirrors in kubuntu but its always not updating ... [19:35] hey is there someone that can help rq [19:36] i got fans problems with my lap, they are over spinning if you see what i mean [19:36] wasn't doing that on windows [19:37] rq? [19:37] real quick [19:40] sihanur: I'm assuming some Daemon running the cpu with many threads, hmmm don't you have a cpu monitor? I'd think it'd show lots of cpu activity, as in using up 40% or more unusually, that said, check KDE System Guard, it just a KDE running processes monitor, for any likely offenders [19:41] sihanur: I run "indicator multiload", it shows quite a few info quickly from the systray, how much cpu, ram, swap used, disk I/O and others [19:42] okay i'll install that [19:42] sihanur: ksysguard, comes with KDE already, it shows every process and resource usage [19:43] nah my cpu keep 10-25% [19:45] sihanur: well, the fans going off usually is due to overheat, and that mainly happens when the cpu is running high [19:45] my lap is kinda cold rn [19:46] by that i mean no heat feeled [19:46] np i'll find or maybe install a fan control soft [19:47] sihanur: what laptop model you got anyway? [19:47] acer aspire 5 something [19:47] was windows 10 but idk if that's the problem [19:49] sihanur: hmmm I run both, and right now I have about 14 windows open and a browser with about 3 tabs, machine runs smooth, cpu at 3% - 30% fluctuating, but I'm on an SSD [19:49] so can't be that [19:50] i'll find myself [19:50] ty for your time [19:50] sihanur: do a peek at ksysguard, for anything [19:51] what is that [19:51] sihanur: ksysguard, comes with KDE already, it shows every process and resource usage [19:51] kinda like a "task manager" or "running processes manager" [19:51] kk [19:52] is it avaible on kubuntu 22.04 [19:52] sihanur: it's been in KDE since hmmm 12.04 and I think even before, yes, is there in 22.04, that's what I'm running =) [19:53] ohh wait, I'm on 20.04 =) [19:53] but is an standard system app in KDE [19:53] i'm installing ksyguard [19:54] not sure you have to, try to run it first [19:54] how? [19:54] sihanur: KDE menu > Run "ksysguard", or from a console prompt, "ksysguard" [19:55] i don't even have something called KDE menu [19:55] ok, hmmm doing from Konsole then [19:56] usually the "run" box comes with a key combination of Winkey+R [19:56] doesn't do anything [19:56] ok, run Konsole, type in "ksysguard" [19:57] command not found [19:57] hmmm rats, I'm just reading, it was removed from 22.04, the heck, anyhow, so, hmmm you could install it I take it [19:57] uh [19:58] but i've installed indicator multiload [19:58] sihanur: you could also try installing something like "qps", that's another running processes manager [19:58] okay [19:59] FYI, 20.04 went EOL back in April. Kubuntu LTS only lasts for 3 years. [19:59] 3 years? the heck happened to 5? heheh [19:59] 5 only applies to Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server. [19:59] (read release notes) [20:01] bprompt: Each team for the different official flavours can decide their own LTS length [20:01] i've installed qps [20:01] hmmm well, I'll be getting 24.04 when it comes out, I know some folks like to update every second if possible, I don't see the sense in installing an LTS if I'm going to toss it in a year =) [20:02] You need 22.04 now though, you can't just go 20.04 straight to 24.04. [20:02] Eickmeyer: I barely ever do distro updates, I do it from scratch :) [20:03] Regardless, what you're running is unsupported. [20:03] got that === DaddysHoneys is now known as Roey