
andersson123bluca: are you still having issues? We had a separate issue yesterday which I believe may have impacted the github tests.10:01
blucalet me check, when did the fix land approximately?10:12
blucastill not seeing results back anywhere, for example on jobs started at 5AM UTC today10:13
bluca~5 hours ago - was the fix already deployed at that time?10:13
andersson123it was, but we have a substantial amount of tests running right now. I'll check in with you later today to see if the issue has resolved itself10:26
blucathose tests have finished10:36
blucathey are no longer shown as pending or running or anything on https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running#pkg-systemd-upstream10:36
blucabut no result has been reported back10:37
blucae.g. PR number 30138 is mentioned nowhere10:37
blucathat was started ~5 hours ago and all tests have completed, but no result is shown on https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/3013810:37
andersson123bluca: hey, sorry, forgot to update, I'm looking into this today, properly, without distraction :) 11:51
blucanice, thanks, let me know if you need anything11:58
athosparide: where should I open a bug to get the autopkgtest infra logs analized. I am getting 500 HTTP errors when duplicate tests are triggered16:06
parideathos, https://bugs.launchpad.net/auto-package-testing16:07
parideandersson123, ^^ rings any bell?16:07
blucaandersson123: any luck so far?18:28

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