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m1erd4 | hola | 02:58 |
lxcang | Does anyone have dealt with snapped packages in the context of network namespaces? | 03:12 |
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Xatenev | Hello, I am running ubuntu 22.04 and my system freezes at random intervals. When the system freezes, I can't do anything anymore (move mouse, use keyboard), even stuff like the "magic SysRq key combination" has no effect anymore. The only thing I can do is hold the button until pc turns off and restart. how can I debug this? | 04:06 |
Xatenev | this is happening for quite some time already, it also happened under 20.04 previously | 04:06 |
Xatenev | I am not doing anything specifically when this occurs, once or twice I even got the freeze before I started any program, immediately after logging into my account, on other times it doesn't happen at all for a few days or even a week | 04:07 |
Xatenev | sometimes it happen every day once, it feels completely arbitrary | 04:07 |
lxcang | Do you GPUs, Nvidia drivers installed? | 04:14 |
lxcang | What does the sudo dmesg, sudo journalctl -b -1 say around the crash time? | 04:15 |
lxcang | Faulty PSU? | 04:15 |
Xatenev | lxcang: they should be, software & updates -> additional drivers says "Using nvidia driver metapackage from nvidia-driver-470 (proprietary) | 04:16 |
Xatenev | lxcang: I will write it down and check this when it crashes again | 04:16 |
Xatenev | Sadly I don't know an exact time right now for the last crash | 04:16 |
Xatenev | lxcang: faulty psu -> i don't think so, this issue is exclusively happening in ubuntu, I assume if the PSU would be problematic, I would get this issue also in windows | 04:17 |
Xatenev | (I have a dual-boot environment running) | 04:17 |
lxcang | journalctl -b -(number of reboots), should tell you at the end? | 04:19 |
Xatenev | lxcang: so if I just rebooted from the last crash, I'd do -b -1? | 04:40 |
Xatenev | sorry for the late response | 04:40 |
Xatenev | lxcang: looks like this https://bpa.st/LCUA | 04:42 |
Xatenev | with -b - 1 | 04:43 |
Xatenev | I also see a ton of this, written in a bright yellow: https://bpa.st/USQA | 04:43 |
Xatenev | I guess yellow means bad | 04:43 |
Xatenev | but the yellow warnings are 4 minutes before the last log, so I guess its unrelated | 04:44 |
lxcang | Jetbrains is an IDE. | 04:45 |
Xatenev | yes | 04:45 |
lxcang | That's probably unrelated. | 04:45 |
lxcang | So your computer likely is having a sudden death syndrome | 04:45 |
Xatenev | lxcang: Iirc, a few seconds before I had the last crash, I got some warnings inside my ide - so it would fit pretty well. 30 seconds after I've pressed the button. Its unrelated though as you already said - because this also occurs when I didn't even have the IDE open | 04:48 |
Xatenev | so with the last log being 40seconds after, it fits pretty well | 04:48 |
Xatenev | But I guess no useful logs here then | 04:48 |
lxcang | I hate to suggest this, start afresh with a new OS install? | 04:49 |
lxcang | Do you have memory leaks? | 04:49 |
Xatenev | lxcang: I guess I should do that - I was afraid to do this yet because this is my work PC with a ton of stuff to setup again | 04:49 |
Xatenev | :E | 04:49 |
Xatenev | lxcang: not that I know of | 04:49 |
lxcang | What tons of stuff are those? Maybe not to rely on too much special setups? If I may know? | 04:50 |
Xatenev | I already assumed it had to do with swapping memory, because for some time it always occured with high memory load, but I upgraded my memory then to 64GB, and then I got a freeze right away after starting and logging in, 30 seconds in with basically no programs started | 04:51 |
lxcang | Xatenev: is the SSH still responsive? | 04:51 |
Xatenev | lxcang: a lot of dev stuff, aws key stuff, certificates, vpn, docker, docker key registries, ide's, setup for our monolith application | 04:51 |
lxcang | Xatenev: pings? | 04:52 |
Xatenev | lxcang: how could I check this? | 04:52 |
lxcang | Xatenev: all the stuff you mentioned are more likely than not are discrete files, which could be copied to somewhere else. | 04:52 |
lxcang | Xatenev: unless your VPN is an IKE/ipsec one, I believe the config is at one place, most likely. | 04:53 |
Xatenev | yeah, its not that its impossible, but it will take a day or two to set everything up again | 04:53 |
lxcang | Xatenev: when your gdm3 becomes unresponsive, try SSH from a different computer or use xrdp or something. | 04:54 |
Xatenev | sadly I don't have a different computer here | 04:54 |
lxcang | Xatenev: a phone? A Pi? | 04:54 |
Xatenev | lxcang: hm, I could check if it still responds to HTTP calls over the local ip, if that would tell anything? | 04:56 |
Xatenev | (If I get the next freeze) | 04:56 |
Xatenev | not exactly sure how I'd make a SSH call from my iphone to my pc lol | 04:56 |
lxcang | Xatenev: yeah, I saw PHP there, so do curl -s or just ping it. | 04:56 |
lxcang | A thing called phone SSH client. | 04:57 |
Xatenev | I guess I need something like this https://apps.apple.com/de/app/termius-terminal-ssh-client/id549039908 | 04:57 |
lxcang | Xatenev: the one I am using. | 04:58 |
Xatenev | I'll check it next time I get the freeze | 04:58 |
Xatenev | What would that tell me if it still responds / or doesn't? | 04:58 |
lxcang | Xatenev: Pi's are not expensive though to get. I don't mean Rpi only, there are bunch of Pis, like Orange Pi, Banana Pi... | 04:58 |
gry | termius is awesome | 04:58 |
gry | i also use termux | 04:58 |
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kasey | hi | 05:35 |
kasey | hi | 05:37 |
arraybolt3 | kasey: Hi o/ | 05:37 |
arraybolt3 | Is there something we can help you with? | 05:38 |
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kasey | yes | 05:38 |
kasey | so uh | 05:38 |
kasey | i kinda installed ubuntu and started messing with settings | 05:38 |
kasey | like visual settings | 05:38 |
kasey | i installed gnome | 05:38 |
kasey | tried to use gnome on xorg | 05:38 |
kasey | and it crashes | 05:38 |
arraybolt3 | I assume you started from Ubuntu Server? | 05:39 |
arraybolt3 | What version of Ubuntu are you using? | 05:39 |
kasey | i go to logib i select gnome on xorg then it crashes and just shows a terminal with the test kernel failed | 05:39 |
arraybolt3 | Generally if you want a desktop Ubuntu experience you start with Ubuntu Desktop or an official Ubuntu flavor like Lubuntu. | 05:39 |
kasey | i started from ubuntu 23.03 LTS | 05:39 |
kasey | think thats correct | 05:39 |
kasey | its 23.?? | 05:40 |
arraybolt3 | 22.04 most likely if it's LTS. | 05:40 |
kasey | yeah | 05:40 |
kasey | 23.04 LTS | 05:40 |
arraybolt3 | There's an LTS in April every two years, so 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, etc. | 05:40 |
arraybolt3 | 23.04 is Lunar, a non-LTS release. | 05:40 |
kasey | ok | 05:40 |
kasey | o | 05:40 |
kasey | cool | 05:40 |
kasey | well | 05:40 |
kasey | after i tried to boot from gnome | 05:40 |
kasey | i always en up in my bios | 05:41 |
arraybolt3 | If you had to *install* GNOME you probably did something wrong. | 05:41 |
kasey | saying it failed to find the OS | 05:41 |
kasey | but | 05:41 |
kasey | if i select hard drive as boot device which is already selected | 05:41 |
arraybolt3 | Just as a sidenote... | 05:41 |
arraybolt3 | !enter | 05:41 |
ubottu | Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone. | 05:41 |
kasey | it boots itnto a terminal which i can run kernel commands to start it | 05:41 |
kasey | and now,everytime i start it it doesnt start i need to use a command, after that when i try to log it the app bar thing is not there alot of the bottons do not work the Os keeps crashing and its making my laptop overheat | 05:42 |
arraybolt3 | kasey: I think probably you did something wrong during installation and may have corrupted something. Are you dual-booting Windows? If not, I'd just download Ubuntu Desktop (**not** Server), and then install that over the top of whatever you have now. If you have any important data on this machine already, copy it onto an external drive first. | 05:43 |
kasey | it gets hot to the point it shuts off then turns back on and says "Laptop Emergency Shutdown" under that it says "Your laptop reached a temp to high to control. Please let your laptop cool down for 4 hours then restart." | 05:43 |
arraybolt3 | Overheating is virtually never software's fault unless there's some sort of issue with fan-related software. You might want to open up your laptop and clean out the fan too. | 05:44 |
kasey | im not duel botting i only have Ubuntu on it. i made sure to get Desktop. so you want me to reinstall ubutnu desktop? | 05:44 |
kasey | idk this laptop has 3 different fans | 05:44 |
arraybolt3 | how old is it? | 05:44 |
kasey | its 3 months old | 05:45 |
kasey | it was cleaned last week | 05:45 |
arraybolt3 | hmm | 05:45 |
kasey | the fans are ramping up and task managers show 100$% usage on everything even ram | 05:45 |
kasey | and it has 32gb ram i dont think the os is really using that much | 05:45 |
arraybolt3 | I'd start with reinstalling to wipe out anything you did that messed up the system, then try again. If you don't *have* to use Xorg, don't, just use Wayland. | 05:45 |
arraybolt3 | (which is the default) | 05:45 |
kasey | alright | 05:46 |
kasey | i will reinstall and com back with a updat | 05:46 |
arraybolt3 | sounds good | 05:46 |
kasey | im back with some not so good news | 05:49 |
kasey | @arratbolt3 | 05:49 |
kasey | i tried to install it but half way completed it said something failed and it could no longer detect the m.2. i tried to insall agian but once it gets to Installing Python3 it jjust says that it cant detect the storage device | 05:50 |
kjamal | Hi Folks! Any Suggestions On Futuristic Terminal Font? | 05:56 |
arraybolt3 | kjamal: That's going to be a very opinion-based question, and not specifically related to Ubuntu. However, you might find what you're looking for with this: https://www.codingfont.com/ I used this to choose a font for coding and settled on Red Hat Mono. | 06:02 |
crystalrajel | e | 06:07 |
crystalrajel | uhm- | 06:10 |
crystalrajel | can i please get help? | 06:10 |
Bashing-om | !ask | crystalrajel | 06:16 |
ubottu | crystalrajel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 06:16 |
crystalrajel | I'm sorry. | 06:16 |
crystalrajel | I had Ubuntu 22.04 but I moved up to Ubuntu 24.04. When I did, things started to not work. First, it was a internet browser I used. I switched to FireFox and moved on. Next, it was Thundermail, then sooner or later the OS crashed and when I booted it up it said that it could not detect the OS. I enter UEFI, and select Ubuntu 24.04 as the boot device and I boot. Once it does boot, its a black screen with a command line. I type start and it seems to boot | 06:21 |
crystalrajel | into Ubuntu. After this, it was really broken... Like really... Really... broken.... I then try to reinstall the OS but it says it cant find my SSD. I dont know what to do anymore. | 06:21 |
crystalrajel | !patience | 06:23 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ | 06:23 |
crystalrajel | Oh yeah its Ubuntu Pro Desktop 24.04 from Ubuntu 22.04 Pro Desktop | 06:24 |
kjamal | Hi Folks! Any Suggestions On Futuristic Terminal Font | 06:47 |
kjamal | ? | 06:48 |
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kjamal | Any Suggestions On Futuristic Terminal Font? | 07:14 |
CosmicDJ | kjartan: rephrase question please | 07:25 |
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nonya | check test | 08:12 |
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Mayn | hello | 08:36 |
Mayn | can anyone help with this | 08:36 |
Mayn | network unreachable resolving './DNSKEY/IN': 2001:dc3::35#5 | 08:36 |
mBodoMi | hello | 08:57 |
zetheroo | When was kernel version 6.1 released for Ubuntu 22.04? | 09:57 |
zetheroo | According to this it never seem to have been https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle#ubuntu-kernel-release-cycle | 09:58 |
zetheroo | But maybe I am missing something!? | 09:58 |
CosmicDJ | zetheroo: I'm running 6.2 on jammy/22.04 ; are you sure there was a 6.1 kernel? | 10:04 |
zetheroo | CosmicDJ: I ask because some guy here is running v6.1 ... and I am wondering if this could in any way be due to an outdated 22.04 Ubuntu OS, or if this is something he had to have done manually. | 10:05 |
Mayn | yo is it me | 10:06 |
geirha | I got 6.1 on ubuntu 22.04. An oem version | 10:10 |
ddemaio | hi all. do any of you know who applied for ubuntu to be at fosdem this year? | 10:12 |
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zetheroo | geirha: interesting. Is that the current kernel running on your system? | 10:23 |
geirha | zetheroo: yes, uname -r says 6.1.0-1026-oem | 11:06 |
geirha | ubuntu came pre-installed on this dell laptop | 11:07 |
zetheroo | geirha: ah, do you have a Dell repo? | 12:32 |
zetheroo | I found a Lenovo oem repo on this guy's Thinkpad | 12:32 |
zetheroo | which is where the 6.1 kernel came from | 12:32 |
geirha | yes, /etc/apt/sources.list.d/{oem-jiayi-meta,oem-somerville-muk-meta}.list adds a couple extra repos | 12:36 |
zetheroo | and I guess you didn't add this oem repo yourself, but that it came with the Ubuntu OS install? | 12:37 |
geirha | though linux-image-6.1.0-1026-oem comes from the main repos | 12:38 |
geirha | yeah, haven't messed around with adding repos myself; came with the oem install | 12:39 |
lotuspsychje | zetheroo: in some cases, ubuntu will choose a better kernel for your brand/hardware like an oem kernel | 12:46 |
zetheroo | lotuspsychje: any idea how it decides this? On my Thinkpad there is no oem Lenovo repo, but on this other guy's Thinkpad there was. Both were bought directly from Lenovo with Windows OS. | 12:47 |
lotuspsychje | zetheroo: not sure no, but ive seen a mailinglist about oem kernel policy a few times | 12:48 |
BojanM | Hi! Does anyone use ubuntu with Steam Deck? | 12:50 |
lotuspsychje | !discuss | BojanM | 12:51 |
ubottu | BojanM: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! | 12:51 |
bluf0x | Hi, Can anyone help please? im trying to install Ubuntu from USB stick when i load it via UEFI, it gives the menu with "try and install Ubuntu" etc.. but just before it gives that menu, it flashes an error quickly "error: file `/boot/` not found" - so i was still able to continue the installation.. Can anyone tell me what this error means? and if i should continue with the installation would it be ok, or will it install it in a corrupt way? | 12:54 |
lotuspsychje | bluf0x: are you trying to single install ubuntu or dualboot, and are your fastboot and secureboot enabled or disabled? | 12:55 |
bluf0x | lotuspsychje, Single, and yes and yes both disabled. | 12:58 |
bluf0x | its not like i cant continue with the installation, but im just worried this will have a negative effect on the installation, or is it normal? | 12:58 |
lotuspsychje | i didnt see that error yet bluf0x, but if ubuntu proceeds install that would be a good sign i assume | 13:00 |
lotuspsychje | bluf0x: wich tool did you use to create your ubuntu usb stick? | 13:03 |
bluf0x | lotuspsychje, balena | 13:03 |
bluf0x | it even verified successfully. | 13:04 |
lotuspsychje | bluf0x: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2486654 | 13:10 |
lotuspsychje | bluf0x: if it doesnt work out, you could also try making an usb stick with the unofficial ventoy | 13:13 |
bluf0x | lotuspsychje, i will try flashing to a new stick | 13:20 |
ph88 | can someone help me get colorpie running ? https://bpa.st/CBUQ | 13:39 |
psy32nd | Hi | 13:44 |
psy32nd | Guys? | 13:47 |
ravage | ph88: sudo apt install colorpie | 13:54 |
ogra | or "sudo snap install colorpie" 😉 | 13:56 |
ravage | eh yeah | 13:57 |
ravage | what ogra says :P | 13:57 |
ravage | the snap runs fine here | 13:57 |
Elliria | Hey there. I've got a quetion about the update-initramfs command for any of you who happen to be gurus on that command: | 14:10 |
Elliria | The update-initramfs command offers the -k option and has this to say for that option: "This argument is optional for update. The default is the latest kernel version." What I'm unclear on is if I boot into an older kernel and then run the sudo update-initramfs -u command *without* the -k option, will it update the current (older) kernel or will it realize there's a newer (latest) kernel and update that one? | 14:10 |
ogra | Elliria, you should use -k $(uname -r) in that case just to be sure ... or "-k all" | 14:13 |
ogra | (though the latter one will re-generate all of them, that takes indeed extra time) | 14:13 |
ogra | Elliria, also: man update-initramfs ... | 14:13 |
bluf0x | lotuspsychje, i tried flashing on a new stick, same issue. then i tried with rufus, and it seems that error doesnt flash before my eyes before the initial installation grub is shown. Do you maybe know why this happened ? | 14:22 |
ravage | bluf0x: why dont you just try the installation? | 14:25 |
ravage | you said the installer starts just fine | 14:26 |
bluf0x | which one? the one with the "boot error" that flashes before the grub menu? | 14:26 |
ravage | "its not like i cant continue with the installation" | 14:26 |
bluf0x | ravage, i can start it, its no problem, i just want to know if there will be any negative impact on the installation behind the scenes? | 14:27 |
Elliria | The -k $(uname -r) option updates the current kernel because that's what you specify. The update-initramfs man page said, under the -k option, that the -k option is optional and that the default is the "latest kernel version". My question is that if you intentionally boot into a previous kernel instead of the latest kernel version, will update-initramfs know that the latest kernel exists and update that one or will it think the current | 14:28 |
Elliria | kernel is the latest kernel and update that one instead? | 14:28 |
ravage | bluf0x: if the error shows while booting your live usb then that has nothing to do with the install process. just try if it runs | 14:30 |
ph88 | ravage, it's already installed | 14:31 |
solzin23 | hello | 14:31 |
solzin23 | ksjdflkjsofjçdsjfp | 14:31 |
ph88 | ogra, i like to fix the root cause of the problem | 14:31 |
solzin23 | ksfjskldjflksjdlfjlksdjlkf | 14:31 |
ogra | Elliria, it checks whats in /boot (or the installed kernels) and picks the last in list | 14:31 |
ogra | Elliria, so it will likely not generate for the running but the last (as the sentence suggests) | 14:32 |
Elliria | Ah, nice. It sounds like it would safely update the latest kernel, then. | 14:32 |
Elliria | Oh, boy. It's the "likely not" part of what you wrote that worries me. Where can I find out for sure? | 14:32 |
solzin23 | ow | 14:32 |
solzin23 | thanks | 14:32 |
solzin23 | mt bom | 14:33 |
solzin23 | isso | 14:33 |
solzin23 | aqui | 14:33 |
Elliria | In the event that you can't boot into the latest kernel, but you can boot into the previous kernel, you'd want to be certain not to tamper with the previous kernel. | 14:33 |
ogra | Elliria, well, by looking at the code (its just shell scripts) | 14:34 |
ogra | Elliria, look at get_sorted_versions() in /usr/sbin/update-initramfs | 14:36 |
ogra | ... in conjunction with set_highest_version() | 14:36 |
bluf0x | ravage, ok il try that. ph88, if you are referring to my issue then i never installed the new ubuntu yet, this error flashes once before live usb grub menu. | 14:37 |
ravage | ph88: if the snap does not work contact the maintainer of that snap | 14:38 |
ogra | snap info colorpie | grep contact | 14:38 |
Elliria | Thank you, ogra! You've just opened up worlds for me. I didn't realize we could do that. | 14:39 |
SteelRose | hi all! I have an issue... I executed a while-loop to check for an event and write a log file if it ocurred. Then my ssh connection got interrupted with a "broken pipe" error. When I logged back in, I still could see the log file growing. | 14:59 |
SteelRose | when I remove it, it gets recreated | 15:00 |
SteelRose | lsof shows nothing | 15:00 |
SteelRose | ps aux shows nothing relataed to the log file | 15:00 |
SteelRose | I have already chmod 444 and chmod 000 the file... still it keeps growing... | 15:00 |
SteelRose | ideas? Thanks | 15:00 |
centHOGG | reboot | 15:01 |
SteelRose | cannot | 15:01 |
Elliria | If you know the process name that's running that loop, you could use pkill to kill it by name. | 15:02 |
SteelRose | it was a one-liner to run "ls -lc /directory 2> error.log" | 15:03 |
SteelRose | ps aux | grep ls returns nothing | 15:03 |
dumbledoor | in gnome, ctrl + alt + tab puts the focus on the top bar | 15:10 |
dumbledoor | what is the simplest way of getting the focus back on the application | 15:11 |
dumbledoor | ctrl + alt + tab + tab is the only one i know and it feels cumbersom | 15:11 |
dumbledoor | do i have to setup a keybinding or am i just doing it wrong | 15:12 |
Elliria | SteelRose: Does ps aux | grep bash turn up anything useful? | 15:19 |
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ph88 | ravage, i don't want to use the snap | 15:41 |
lotuspsychje | ph88: use another colour picker for ubuntu? | 15:45 |
ph88 | lotuspsychje, do you have any recommendations ? | 15:46 |
lotuspsychje | !info pick | ph88 | 15:49 |
ubottu | ph88: pick (2.0.2-1.1, mantic): utility to choose one option from a set of choices. In component universe, is optional. Built by pick. Size 14 kB / 43 kB | 15:49 |
lotuspsychje | ph88: kcolorchooser, gpick | 15:52 |
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ph88 | thx | 15:53 |
ogra | ph88, any particular reason to not use the snap ? (since it works fine for everyone) | 15:55 |
ph88 | lotuspsychje, i try both recommendations ... they are unable to sample the color under the mousepointer | 15:55 |
ph88 | ogra, just want to make sure things work without snap | 15:56 |
ogra | heh ... so politics ... k | 15:56 |
blackdrag0n | guess i'm not the only one that can't stand snap heh | 15:57 |
* ogra never gets why ... but this isnt the channel to discuss this ... | 15:58 | |
blackdrag0n | sure it is but whatever | 15:58 |
ogra | no, this channel is for technical support ... discussions go to #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic | 15:59 |
blackdrag0n | ive needed nothing but technical support because of snap so | 15:59 |
zniavre | gcolor does the trick no ? | 16:00 |
ogra | blackdrag0n, well, ask your tech support snap question then ... this is fine ... we just dont want "why i dont like snaps", "why rpms suck", "red is redder than green" discussions in here | 16:01 |
lxcang | I heard snap | 16:02 |
lxcang | Does anyone know how to get snap working within different netns? | 16:02 |
blackdrag0n | how it keeps reinstalling firefox snap even after i have removed it | 16:03 |
ogra | lxcang, ask in forum.snapcraft.io | 16:03 |
ogra | blackdrag0n, well, firefox is a dependency of ubuntu-desktop ... | 16:03 |
blackdrag0n | not on my system its not | 16:03 |
blackdrag0n | and when i use systemctl to stop the service it breaks the package manager | 16:04 |
blackdrag0n | did canonical go the way of windows 10? | 16:04 |
ogra | blackdrag0n, please take this elsewhere | 16:05 |
ogra | (told you above where ... ) | 16:05 |
blackdrag0n | what you don't do technical support anymore? | 16:05 |
ogra | geez ... | 16:05 |
blackdrag0n | was hoping to fix the issues with the package manager | 16:06 |
ogra | feel free to come over to #ubuntu-discuss ... | 16:06 |
ogra | no, you are after ranting obviously | 16:06 |
blackdrag0n | no i want to fix the package manager | 16:06 |
blackdrag0n | don't care about any rant seriously | 16:07 |
ogra | there are a plethora of "how to remnove snap support from ubuntu" posts out there ... use one of them ... | 16:07 |
ogra | (not that this is a very future-proof decision indeed) | 16:08 |
blackdrag0n | i have it broke the package manager that's why i've been reluctant to stop the service with systemctl | 16:08 |
ogra | sudo apt purge snapd | 16:08 |
ogra | removes snapd and all snaps alongside ... | 16:08 |
blackdrag0n | don't that | 16:09 |
ogra | but you need some extra hackery to avoid it being pulled back in from the ubuntu-desktop metapackage | 16:09 |
ogra | sincce we consider it an essential part of the desktop | 16:09 |
blackdrag0n | seems the package kit is integrated to the servcice | 16:09 |
blackdrag0n | ok now were talkin | 16:09 |
blackdrag0n | i pulled the snapd how would avoid it being pulled in from the metapackage? | 16:12 |
ogra | you create an apt config that blocks it | 16:13 |
ogra | (most of the above mentioned blog posts should have details about it ... ) | 16:14 |
blackdrag0n | okie dokie sanks fur reals | 16:14 |
ogra | (something in /etc/apt/preferences.d or so ...) | 16:15 |
ogra | just dont forget to remove that stuff for your next release-to-release upgrade, things might fall apart otherwise | 16:16 |
blackdrag0n | you mean like a full release? | 16:16 |
ogra | yes | 16:17 |
blackdrag0n | so backup the file upgrade then i have to remove it all over again? | 16:17 |
ogra | probably ... i.e. in 23.10 unattended secure-boot and fulld-disk-encryption rely on a snapped kernel ... i'd expect that to be the caase for 24.04 too ... so if you move from 22.04 to 24.04 later on it might cause some havoc to not have snap support | 16:19 |
blackdrag0n | its being writ into the kernel? | 16:20 |
ogra | no, the kernel is a snap | 16:20 |
blackdrag0n | is that canonical or kernel.org? | 16:21 |
ogra | ubuntu ... | 16:21 |
blackdrag0n | ewwww | 16:22 |
os3 | Hola | 16:23 |
ogra | blackdrag0n, if you want more info https://ubuntu.com/blog/tpm-backed-full-disk-encryption-is-coming-to-ubuntu | 16:24 |
blackdrag0n | TPM-backed Full Disk Encryption is a good choice though | 16:28 |
ogra | yes | 16:29 |
webchat20 | I really really need help I've been up all night trying to figure this out and I feel like I'm losing my mind | 16:37 |
webchat20 | I'm trying to set up dual boot on my desktop gaming pc but it will never fin the partition that has been made for Ubuntu to reside on | 16:38 |
webchat20 | I have set up dual boot on my lap top several time just this week alone trying out different sistros and flavors and had no problems | 16:40 |
webchat20 | But I'm at a total loss. I have a one. Terabyte partition made specifically to hold Linux and ubuntu won't see it no matter what I do I cannot get it to recognize the fact that there is a one air bite partition on my computer windows can see it just fine, like no problem at all. But if wonder cannot see it. | 16:41 |
webchat20 | Please I've looked everywhere consulted a.i. even bugged a friend while he was at work nothing seems to work | 16:44 |
webchat20 | Anyone? Please? | 16:45 |
johnfg | hi folks | 16:45 |
johnfg | I don't have root at present with their own password, but do sudo -i with my own password. | 16:46 |
johnfg | This however, doesn't work if I want to scp root@another.ubuntu.machine. I.e.,it doesn't take that standard user's password for sudo. | 16:47 |
johnfg | Can this be fixed without giving root their own password? | 16:47 |
webchat20 | We may just all need help in this room johnfg nobody has responded to my pleas for help | 16:47 |
JanC | webchat20: what do you mean by "ubuntu won't see it no matter what"? | 16:47 |
johnfg | webchat20: What's up? | 16:48 |
webchat20 | 1tb hard drive partition of an original drive that was 5tb | 16:48 |
webchat20 | Given the label W and mounted and optimized | 16:49 |
JanC | johnfg: you need the password for root on another.ubuntu.machine for that (but it seems like a really bad idea to do/enable ssh as root) | 16:50 |
webchat20 | Boot Ubuntu instalation media it comes back and say the only drive there is 4.5Tb and it's partitions do not start on physical sector boundary and and lists 3 partions | 16:50 |
=== lxcang1 is now known as lxcang | ||
JanC | webchat20: but what does Ubuntu see then? what did you try to check if Ubuntu sees it? | 16:52 |
lxcang | orga: I thought this channel is for everything in Ubuntu | 16:53 |
webchat20 | I only made one partition to my 5tb drive not 3 and none of the I've tried: sudo parted -l, lsblk, dsudo frisk -l, suddenly lsblk -o Name,fstype,size,mountpoint, partx, part probe, | 16:54 |
webchat20 | sudo fdisk -l sorry my keyboard on my phone doesn't understand what I'm typing | 16:56 |
Linux^ | can I not just show the htop interface in my dashboard to check my system uses? | 16:56 |
JanC | but what does e.g. parted or fdisk show for that drive then? | 16:56 |
Linux^ | cpu, ram etc uses | 16:56 |
webchat20 | Windows can see all the drives fine | 16:56 |
webchat20 | Just a 4.5 Tb drive no 1tb partition at all | 16:57 |
JanC | maybe you are using some Windows full disk encryption or so? | 16:57 |
webchat20 | And 2 other partitions, one that's 1 MB and 1. That's a 127 MB. But IÂ never made those partitions | 16:57 |
webchat20 | I fully formatted the partition. I gave it a brand new drive name. I took it over to disk defragmentary optimizer. And I optimized it like it's a brand new volume. | 16:58 |
JanC | might be EFI boot partition | 16:58 |
JanC | you shouldn't format the partition in Windows | 16:58 |
JanC | maybe just remove that partition in Windows so that there is an empty space on the disk? or at least leave the partition unformatted? | 17:00 |
webchat20 | Which is weird because my operating system of windows is on an M dot 2N VME hard drive. Well, I was gonna format the partition in the ubuntu loader. But every single hard drive that I selected no matter which hard drive I selected if I selected the option for partition table. Said every single partition on this drive will be erased, including boot | 17:01 |
webchat20 | loaders. If you select this option as like world fuck | 17:01 |
webchat20 | It totally sent my message in the middle of typing. I was like not II totally don't understand how uh. Uh, uh, uh, boon too wants me to use this partition loader. If it's just gonna delete everything, including my boot manager's just for trying to make one little partition. You know, I've been. I've been at this for like 12 hours now. I didn't even | 17:02 |
webchat20 | sleep last night. | 17:02 |
webchat20 | Sorry about my voice typing errors and the fbomb my phone is full blown tarded | 17:03 |
JanC | maybe that's the problem: you're too tired now :) | 17:03 |
webchat20 | Oh I'm exhausted but the computer is my not only my most prized posession but quite literally my only posession. 😅 | 17:04 |
webchat20 | This computer | 17:04 |
johnfg | so, if I wanted to scp a file with root permission from a machine which is set up similarly, with root being available via sudo -, is it possible? | 17:16 |
JanC | why do you want to do that as root? | 17:16 |
webchat20 | Sorry I had someone at the door for my solar panels | 17:16 |
johnfg | I don't want to, but the file is owned by root. I can copy it elsewhere and get it done, but now am wondering about whether I can do it this other way or not. | 17:17 |
JanC | you can ssh as root, but it is disabled by default for security reasons | 17:21 |
JanC | (scp is part of & uses ssh) | 17:22 |
johnfg | JanC: I got the file, just a couple extra steps, but I guess more secure that way. Thanks JanC . | 17:22 |
Guest76 | so whts most likely to stop linux from seing a partion? all the demos i saw online innvolved the user shrinking the vvolume in windows and applyng a new partition. i didn't see a single video where they used the tool offered by ubuntu and after my intracction with it i undestand why that is. this is webchat20 joining back on my laptop instead of | 17:25 |
Guest76 | phone | 17:25 |
Guest76 | johnfg i don't know if this helps you, but you can always use sudo -s and you will be root until you end the session | 17:26 |
JanC | you still haven't shown us what partitions linux sees or doesn't see... | 17:27 |
JanC | (and how that compares to what Windows sees) | 17:28 |
Guest76 | now that im on my laptop can i uploadimaages to this chat? | 17:28 |
JanC | you can upload images to imgur.com or similar sites | 17:29 |
JanC | and give us a link to them | 17:29 |
Guest76 | ok working on it now | 17:31 |
Guest76 | ill share a link to a google drive folder | 17:36 |
Guest76 | this laptop is so slow even with linux on it. its 15 years old | 17:48 |
Guest76 | google drive folder almost ready | 17:53 |
Guest76 | even typing goes in slow motion on this thing | 17:53 |
Guest76 | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dVw1bUwpbnPjRGnyHYLl-EvXlFPCqst0?usp=sharing | 17:54 |
Guest76 | i posted the folder so you can see all i have tried just in the past little while | 18:07 |
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=== webchat20 is now known as HASINSTALTARDATI | ||
HASINSTALTARDATI | The reason so I removed the partition the Ubuntu installer could not find. I'm back in the custom install environment ready for someone to walk my through how exactly I portion with this software without deleteting everything including windows bootloader. | 18:14 |
=== HASINSTALTARDATI is now known as Instatarded | ||
=== Instatarded is now known as Installtarded | ||
=== webchat20 is now known as Installtarded | ||
Guest76 | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dVw1bUwpbnPjRGnyHYLl-EvXlFPCqst0?usp=sharing | 18:26 |
Installtarded | thats me posting those images again | 18:26 |
Installtarded | Does anybody have any advice like how are you supposed to partition one of these hard drives without deleting everything on the hard drive that that's hardly helpful. I don't understand why they would make it that way like you can't just delete like some of a drive just like just maybe half of a hard drive and use that to put ubuntu on and leave | 18:28 |
Installtarded | the rest. Okay, no, they just have to delete everything that you have. | 18:28 |
JanC | Google drive says "no image preview available" | 18:29 |
Installtarded | Hild on I'll post links one by one I guess | 18:31 |
Installtarded | But if it's easier for you to just walk me through this stupid partition tool. I'm happy to use the partition tool but every single thing I click on says it's going to delete everything that I have. | 18:31 |
Guest76 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/13eeUrxGfvA5IkTKk-L74OcMzqzZ6_c9B/view?usp=sharing | 18:32 |
Guest76 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OxpplZmbOvq6DGv80KIaixTOHIGl1Ybm/view?usp=sharing | 18:32 |
Guest76 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/12aRFzs-h4_qeRi8JosRBdHHldKNzJLWA/view?usp=sharing | 18:33 |
Guest76 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bZbjp1GhGCmnJS_t71ONsE9fOuF6KDCy/view?usp=sharing | 18:33 |
Guest76 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Ad15id_O8lYowmHPHQs9XZ2mVvlx9SC/view?usp=sharing | 18:34 |
Guest76 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A1UXaLoW6G2fw9B4y6Yw2HSMoxAI0dgt/view?usp=sharing | 18:34 |
Guest76 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1exU2fqatMIu4tTe-L_JTQp1d3ih0DfT2/view?usp=sharing | 18:35 |
Installtarded | Anyone? | 18:44 |
JanC | you used https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_Disk_Manager to partition that disk in Windows; do you really need that? | 18:45 |
JanC | is there anything from Windows on that disk, or anything that you use in Windows? | 18:46 |
=== lxcang1 is now known as lxcang | ||
Guest76 | i have been trying to saythatevery time i try to use the one built in to ubuntu installer it warns me thatit will delete every single partition on the disk?! what other choice did i have | 18:46 |
Guest76 | every hard drive on my computer haseiiher giant libraries of books and udemy courses, priceless photos. game libraries etc. but i could get away with sparing 1tb for the ubuntu OS ater shufflin a lt of stuff around and backing abunch to the cloud | 18:48 |
Guest76 | all said ive got like 16 tb offiles but not enough online storage for it all | 18:49 |
Guest76 | of files | 18:49 |
Guest76 | hell one hard drive has my mp3 library with 87,575 different artists in it. yeah i have a pproblem | 18:50 |
JanC | you might be able to make a 1 TiB partition on that disk with either Windows or 'ldmtool', but I don't think the installer supports that by default? | 18:56 |
JanC | that = LDM | 18:57 |
Installtarded | It honestly sounds like the only good option is to wait till payday, buy a new hard drive and use that to install Ubuntu on. | 18:57 |
JanC | it would certainly be *easier* :) | 18:57 |
Installtarded | I just don't understand why is was so easy to dual boot on this old lenovo laptop I got from a friend, but my multi thousand dollar desktop gaming pc is the one that has the issue | 18:59 |
JanC | the issue is with the way how that disk is formatted | 18:59 |
Installtarded | See that's what's weird on the laptop ubuntu formated and portioned it for me but It didn't delete EVERYTHING like it's threatening to do now | 19:00 |
JanC | and it might be possible even, just complicated (the reverse, installing Windows on top of LVM2 would be impossible, I think) | 19:01 |
Installtarded | And it doesn't matter what hard drive. I select in the installer out of the 6 hard drives that I have. It threatens to delete the entire thing on every single one of them. | 19:01 |
Installtarded | I'm trying to see if I can play some file majang. And i'd like figure out a way to get one empty hard drive and then just use that. But I don't know how it's gonna go. | 19:02 |
JanC | try making free space on a disk that doesn't have LDM :) | 19:02 |
Installtarded | What's LDM | 19:04 |
JanC | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_Disk_Manager | 19:04 |
JanC | it's similar to LVM in linux | 19:05 |
Installtarded | Okay, I'm not gonna lie, like reading that, it's like. Oh, that sounds really cool, but 100% that is a feature that nobody asked for has to be....like anyone would much rather have multiple hard drives and organize things themself. Then like have multiple hard drives and tell them all to pretend to be the same drive. That nobody asked for that | 19:07 |
Installtarded | right? I mean if you wanted to have multiple hard drives all pretending to be the same drive. That's what raid is. | 19:07 |
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JanC | it includes support for software RAID indeed | 19:08 |
Installtarded | I had no idea anything like that was installed on my drive at all. Definitely was not intentional. Did my drive come like that? Or was it something that I did? | 19:10 |
JanC | I have no idea | 19:11 |
JanC | it's possible Windows uses it by default now (just like some linux distros use LVM by default or as an option) | 19:11 |
Installtarded | This is my first time getting back into Linux since probably like 2008. When I was like in the Marine Corps. But my radar systems were redhat. Those were the days man is compizconfig-settings-manager still a thing? Because that would be really cool. To use again. I used to have so much fun on that with my vaio laptop. BtW😡🤬😤 about Red Hat | 19:14 |
Installtarded | choosing to go closed source. How will Fedora survive? | 19:14 |
=== Guest9307 is now known as itu | ||
JanC | that you have to ask people who use Fedora, I guess | 19:15 |
JanC | (not here) | 19:15 |
Installtarded | Haha lol | 19:15 |
JanC | and compizconfig-settings-manager still exists | 19:16 |
JanC | but the default Ubuntu Desktop no longer uses Compiz | 19:17 |
Installtarded | Linus Torvald would not be pleased. Linux by definition has always held the core tenant of being open source and designed for collaboration and Red Hart is as far upstream as it gets for a few distros | 19:17 |
Eickmeyer | !ot | 19:17 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 19:17 |
Installtarded | Ok my bad gosh | 19:18 |
Installtarded | So what do you need for setting manager? She'll extensions? | 19:19 |
Installtarded | Shell | 19:19 |
Eickmeyer | Ubuntu MATE is probably best suited for using Compiz. | 19:19 |
Eickmeyer | It's an official flavor of Ubuntu. | 19:19 |
Installtarded | That's so funny that you say that. Because I was literally torn between mate and unity. And I ended up choosing unity just because I think it's what I used back in the day but I thought unity was also an official flavor now | 19:20 |
Eickmeyer | Ubuntu Unity is, but they're slowly moving away from Compiz. | 19:20 |
Installtarded | Dang, what I wonder why that is? I wish that the compass was great like super great | 19:20 |
Installtarded | Sorry, I'm using voice typing. And there are certain words that my phone will literally go out of its way to get wrong. | 19:21 |
JanC | I'm not sure Compiz is very actively developed still | 19:21 |
Installtarded | I mean, doesn't that make it difficult for compass developers? Because, like retirement develop looking update comes out like it. Kind of like breaks the stuff that they've been developing more and they have to like. Keep on changing it, do it, make it work. | 19:21 |
Installtarded | Compiz | 19:22 |
Installtarded | Keeps autocorrecting to compass | 19:22 |
Eickmeyer | Compiz developers are volunteers, and they'd have to actually do the work on it. If they're even doing anything, it's done for free, so it's not like they're obligated to do anything. | 19:22 |
Installtarded | I've always thought that ubuntu just really had the best feel to it, like a nice new car with leather interior but easy to work on I stead of overcomplicated and weird. Like having A lexus a really, really nice Lexus instead of an Audi. | 19:26 |
Installtarded | Well I appreciate the "college try" but some battles can't be won, and I don't want to risk bricking this system or losing any data. So with my luck as I command my file in their elegant dance of musical chairs. | 19:28 |
Installtarded | Eickmeyer I just started up school again and I decided to go with programming. I'll be way late to the party, but now that I know that I'm going to make it a point to lend my services towards compiz myself should they still be around by the time I learn enough to ve useful. Buuut right now I'm only in week two of intro to javascript. Thanks for | 19:34 |
Installtarded | relying to help everyone! And for the kmowlegde! | 19:34 |
Eickmeyer | Installtarded: You're welcome, and I hope you find what you're looking for. There are several ways to experience Ubuntu, and I hope you find what works best for you. As one of our Community Council members, Nathan Haines says, "We make Ubuntu just for you." | 19:36 |
Eickmeyer | !flavors | 19:36 |
ubottu | Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours | 19:36 |
bprompt | Installtarded: just so you know, there's a #javascript channel :), that is frontend webdev, as opposed to script for Java | 19:36 |
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dirtwash | im having a big issue on all my 22.04 machines : installed grub-efi-amd64-signed package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 32 , shim-signed, this seems to be common problem? sadly all posted solutioons I found dont work, any suggestions? | 20:11 |
dirtwash | tried apt-mark hold grub-efi-amd64-signed and apt -f isntall but nothing works | 20:11 |
dirtwash | shim-signed depends on grub-efi-amd64-signed (>= 1.187.2~) | grub-efi-arm64-signed (>= 1.187.2~); | 20:12 |
WaV | dirtwash: The two grub packages you posted appear to be for 2 different system architectures. | 20:27 |
WaV | nvm disregard. I read wrong | 20:27 |
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=== DemonDerg is now known as FestiveDemonDerg | ||
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steerpike | hi, are there any full dvd iso's for 22.04? | 21:14 |
steerpike | i have an airgapped host that i need to install packages on | 21:14 |
steerpike | or are some packages only available from a repo? | 21:15 |
=== steerpike is now known as echelon | ||
WaV | Typically the iso available on Ubuntu's website is the full ISO unless you download a minimal iso which Im not even sure is available anymore in more modern versions. | 21:19 |
andrea_ | Hi what is this? | 21:20 |
echelon | WaV: i just downloaded the 4.7gb ubuntu-22.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso | 21:34 |
echelon | and it doesn't contain the package i'm looking for | 21:35 |
Eickmeyer | https://packages.ubuntu.com | 21:36 |
Eickmeyer | Grab the package you need, put it on a usb drive, transfer to the computer that's airgapped, and install it locally. | 21:36 |
Eickmeyer | (grab dependencies too, those are listed there) | 21:36 |
WaV | ^ this | 21:37 |
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michel-slm | is anyone using the Firefox PPA on 23.10 and noticing font rendering looks weird? | 21:42 |
michel-slm | I use it for Element web, and especially if I override the font to use Fira Code Retina, the rendering is... really off, compared to using Element Desktop with the same font | 21:43 |
michel-slm | seems like it ... does not see the font at all (if I try setting the font to a non-existent one it looks identical) | 21:47 |
=== DaddysHoneys is now known as Roey | ||
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