[05:37] hello, I am new to this. Where can I learn more about 'Libera.Chat' and how to use it well? [13:09] Hi, Can anyone help please? im trying to install Xubuntu from USB stick when i load it via UEFI, it gives the menu with "try and install Xubuntu" etc.. but just before it gives that menu, it flashes an error quickly "error: file `/boot/` not found" - so i was still able to continue the installation.. Can anyone tell me what this error means? and if i should continue with the installation would it be ok, or will it install it in a corrupt way? [14:01] howdy folks [14:02] got disconnected [14:02] Hi, Can anyone help please? im trying to install Xubuntu from USB stick when i load it via UEFI, it gives the menu with "try and install Xubuntu" etc.. but just before it gives that menu, it flashes an error quickly "error: file `/boot/` not found" - so i was still able to continue the installation.. Can anyone tell me what this error means? and if i should continue with the installation would it be ok, or will it install it in a corrupt way? [23:40] asl? lol.. just kidding