=== kasey is now known as CrystalRajel [13:24] Hi all [13:35] After installing kubuntu on the virtual machine, the mouse and keyboard cannot be used after opening kconsole, has anyone encountered this situation? [15:43] KDEPlasma is broken [15:43] Tried to edit KDEPlasma settings and it keeps saying KDEPlasma is not installed even knowing im litterly on KDE session but okay [15:44] You mean via the System Settings GUI? [15:45] Well, I am using mods [15:45] to modify KDEPlasma [15:45] and when i open them [15:45] they say KDE is not installed [15:46] even knowing im litterly in KDE session [15:46] on Kubuntu === rkratky__ is now known as rkratky [17:45] What causes kubutu black screen after suspend? === simon__ is now known as simi