
dcrofthi, finally11:35
dcroftPlease, excuse my spam on the main channel, before.11:36
dcroftwhy is okular still built against KDE5, in the recent LTS, version?11:37
dcroftLike how old is Qt6 right now?11:37
dcroft4 years since the first public beta, even older?11:38
lotuspsychje!info okular11:38
ubottuokular (4:23.08.3-0ubuntu1, noble): universal document viewer. In component universe, is extra. Built by okular. Size 6,182 kB / 17,547 kB11:38
dcroftKubuntu is OFFICIALLY supported, what is okular on ubuntu-next built against?11:41
dcrofteven in arch it is still legacy Qt611:41
dcroft*KDE4 built against Qt511:41
guivercKDE4 used Qt4  (Qt5 started at Qt4 end point so it could build against start of Qt5 before it changed); Qt6 is expected with 24.10 last I heard; Qt6 themes have only relased in last week+ in ALPHA from KDE Project (ie. KDE Plasma 6 is still development)12:00
guiverchttps://jriddell.org/2023/11/08/oxygen-icons-6-alpha-released/  etc  12:02
dcroftSorry for being afk, a school just wanted some help defending CISCO routers against some viruses13:20
dcroft> guiverc that was two weeks, ago13:21
dcroftBut ty, anyway, now I can switch to my Gentoo build server and test the changes13:45
dcroftHappy ZFS violating GPL time, you ubuntu guys13:45

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