
=== project106 is now known as project10
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kangthecoderi have install related questions if nyone has a moment06:40
matsamanspit it out =)06:41
kangthecoderinthe partition ool does the bootloader need to be in the same place as the windows bootloader?06:43
kangthecoderim starting school to learn coding and I figure linux is the place to be06:44
toddckangthecoder: no bios will point to the last bootloader under normal installs06:44
toddcGrub 2 can handle most OS's including windows and OSX06:45
kangthecoderok got it06:45
kangthecoderalso as far as picking a hard drive on my pc is it safe to assume that thee larger the drive the more it will slow down th sysstem or is the file system better managed in linux cu uh.... explorer crashes way too often for me06:46
toddckangthecoder: yes to certain extent but thee are many variables disk speed system speed swap ect. I would say a small differance given two same speed drives06:49
kangthecoderdo I need any special repositories or software in order to load invidia drivers and would I be able to play any of my games from the linux side of the house or better to stick to windows for all that?06:50
kangthecoderthank you by the way you guys are great06:51
toddcAfter install run addl drivers to get the drivers fron nvidia06:52
toddc!nvidia | kangthecoder06:52
ubottukangthecoder: Drivers for Nvidia graphics cards: (A) No gaming/CAD/CUDA needed or legacy hardware? Use "nouveau" (open source, lacks many features). (B) Otherwise, "nvidia" (proprietary driver, fully featured). Install using "ubuntu-drivers" CLI or apt - not from nvidia.com. Driver series, hardware support (release notes): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ - Latest drivers !PPA: https://pad.lv/ppa/graphics-drivers06:52
matsamankangthecoder: depends on the game / how important it is to not have to switch OS to play it06:54
kangthecodergot it.06:54
toddcin the addl drivers option it will scan and use the recommeded drivers06:54
kangthecoderdo you still use WINE to load windows programs or is that ancient tech now. i hven't used linux sinc my Marine Corps days almost 20 years ago06:55
toddcat least to start on occation if you have a nvidia card you need to install with a nomodset option06:55
kangthecoderabout when unity first came out I think06:56
toddcI avoid wine but some like it I can usually find a open source program that work aswell or better06:56
toddcUnity had a buggy start but I grew to like it but now I Gnome06:58
ubottuUnity is a graphical shell for the GNOME desktop environment. Ubuntu used it by default from 11.04 to 17.04. For more information, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity06:58
toddcit lives on and is still availible and supported I think06:59
kangthecoderi learned something crazy about wine it was supposedly created by walmart!when computers cost like 5-8k in the 90's wallmart was able to sell them for about 3-4 hundred beause they sold them without windows and eventually launched their own linux flavor to sell on the machines. Thats what iheard at least06:59
kangthecoderI think on my VAIO laptop I had 15.04 LTS07:01
kangthecoderBTW look up what VAIO stands for. most igneous name ever created for a product07:02
kangthecoderim  so sad to hear that unity has shifted away from compiz07:03
kangthecoderi thoroughly enjoyed compiz fuzion07:03
kangthecoderthank you for all of the link i have them saved07:06
kotgcHow do I open trezor_bridge_2.0.27_amd64.deb on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS? When I double click files are shown but nothing runs?08:44
CosmicDJkotgc: https://askubuntu.com/questions/40779/how-do-i-install-a-deb-file-via-the-command-line08:46
geirhaTop answer is a bit outdated. You can install deb-files with apt now, and it will pull any dependencies you need (which dpkg -i won't)08:50
kotgcgeirha, so: sudo apt install trezor-bridge_2.0.27_amd64.deb ?08:52
geirhaalmost.  sudo apt install ./trezor-bridge_2.0.27_amd64.deb08:52
kotgcgeirha, thank you, but error. I'll look it up https://dpaste.org/tiPrw08:53
kotgcCosmicDJ, thanks.08:53
geirhaMh. It says _apt user doesn't have access to your homedir.08:55
kotgcgeirha, weird, it's my computer?08:55
geirhaapt should've copied it to /var/archives or something in my opinion, so that _apt could've accessed it, but anyway, as a work-around you could copy it to some directory where it will have access to it. For example /tmp08:57
kotgcgeirha, for me to be clear, what is 'it'? This _apt thingy or the trezor-bridge_2.0.27_amd4.deb file?08:58
geirhaapt starts running as root, but spins off other processes with less privileges to do various other work. One such process runs as a special user _apt that tries to read the deb file, but can't because user _apt doesn't have read access to your homedir08:59
geirhaSo a misfeature of apt that it doesn't copy the file to a better location first09:00
kotgcgeirha, ok, that's above my comprehension. thanks, I am unsure if I move the deb file to /tmp as a work around?09:01
geirhait's one possible work around, yes.  cp trezor-bridge_2.0.27_amd4.deb /tmp/  and then  sudo apt install /tmp/trezor-bridge_2.0.27_amd4.deb09:14
kotgcgeirha, ok, apparently it was already installed? https://dpaste.org/Ss6rP09:24
kotgcUbuntu isn't showing any new app though?09:26
zetherooI have a my bluetooth Thinkpad X1 Headset connected to my laptop and selected in the Sound settings as Output Device, and yet the audio is still going to my laptop speakers09:38
geirhakotgc: Check what files it installed with   dpkg -L trezor-bridge10:07
geirhain particular if it installs any files with .desktop extension10:08
kotgcgeirha, https://dpaste.org/B424R10:09
Yakovhow to kill all gnome-terminal process and shut down terminals? tried to locate all processes by ps -e 8, filter by gnome-termonal, kill -9 'process', it kills process, but never shuts terminal, any advise?10:09
kotgcgeirha, nope, maybe Trezor is faulty, I can take i tup with them.10:09
zetherooSo for some reason Chrome is outputting audio to my laptop speakers instead of to my bluetooth headset10:10
geirhakotgc: Well, there's no desktop entries; it appears to install it as a systemd service, so no gui. Perhaps the daemon has a web interface10:11
geirhaor maybe you're supposed to install another package for the gui bit10:12
kotgcgeirha, thx, I'll take it up with Trezor. It's only been about a year to try and make the wallet work, this is just another troubleshooting step.10:12
kotgcgeirha, maybe, but the instructions aren't clear.10:12
Yakovcan any one share some clue pls?10:26
dcroftHi, sorry, i was using the wrong charset11:11
dcroftSo, where can I find the DKMS subchannel11:15
EriC^^Yakov: "pkill gnome-terminal" ?11:21
dcroftsudo i11:31
dcroftapt install dkms \of course,11:31
lilpHi everybody,12:51
lilpI've issue with my certificat renew and need help to solve it.12:51
lilpMy domain is: Renew my certificate letsencrypt.12:51
lilpI ran this command:certbot certonly --standalone -d mydomain -v12:51
lilpIt produced this output: 2023-11-23 12:40:31,151:DEBUG:certbot._internal.main:certbot version: 1.19.020 - Pastebin.com12:51
lilpMy web server is (include version): Nginx 1.14.212:51
lilpHi everybody,I've issue with my certificat renew and need help to solve it. My domain is: Renew my certificate letsencrypt. I ran this command:certbot certonly --standalone -d mydomain -v It produced this output: 2023-11-23 12:40:31,151:DEBUG:certbot._internal.main:certbot version: 1.19.020 - Pastebin.com My web server is (include version):12:53
lilpNginx 1.14.2 The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): Host : Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) Proxmox CT The version of my client is certbot 1.19.0 Thanks for your help.12:53
tomreynlilp: You're seeking help with the certbot software on the Debian Linux distribution. This IRC channel is about the ubuntu Linux distribution.12:57
ograi bet the debian people will just point that person to certbot support anyway 🙂13:01
BluesKajHi all13:24
termihello all13:35
termiwho use ubuntu server as a vm with gpu passtrhough and containerd host ?13:36
CosmicDJtermi: maybe you should ask the actual question and not some metaquestions nobody will answer...13:45
Guest19Can someone help me diagnose a weird issue where if i start my latop i cant ssh into it but after like 15 minutes i can without changing anything?14:21
Guest19systemctl status sshd says its active even while  cant coonect14:22
Guest19and ufw disable has not effect14:22
CosmicDJGuest19: can you ping your host (maybe your DHCP is slow)? is DNS working (host resolution not working can lead to long timeouts...)?14:30
Guest19No i cant ping it either14:33
Guest19im not sure about dns do i have it without cnfiguring it?14:36
ph88on previous versions of ubuntu when i installed wine the wine programs would automatically show up as new apps. I see that there is a .Desktop file generated but when i click on that they open as text file. How do i make my wine programs launchable as before ?14:50
oxfuxxxph88 install qt4wine and try to open it with that.15:02
oxfuxxxthere is the need for a wine handler launcher otherwise you have to make the .desktop yourself, modify them.15:02
ph88the .Desktop files are there but they are not showing up as apps15:03
ph88i will install qt4wine see what it does15:04
Guest19nmcli device show <interfacename> | grep IP4.DNS only show my man router15:04
Guest19I have waited long enough so its working now, rebooting has no effect, i will have to see tommorow if the dns shows up t15:06
ph88oxfuxxx, i don't find an ubuntu package of qt4wine15:09
oxfuxxxph88 it might be named differently, but look for wine launcher, cause i don't have ubuntu off the hands.15:10
ph88oxfuxxx, here it says i just need a .Desktop file https://askubuntu.com/a/139530 which i already have15:10
ph88i don't think it's a wine problem but a problem of the Desktop files not launching and opening in text editor instead15:11
kostkonph88, have you made them executable?15:21
ph88kostkon, no15:23
=== zofrex2 is now known as zofrex
barnexHi. I'm having disk/ZFS trouble - one of my disks is faulted with "too many errors". This goes away after a bunch of reboots usually and the data seems fine. The "faulty" disk has recently (after this has happened for the first time) completed both short and extended smart tests and reports good health. Here's the dmesg, full of errors: https://dpaste.com/7QREK8A3G.txt17:24
barnexI imagine it's a hardware issue, but I'm not sure which hardware and how to diagnose further17:25
barnex(rejoined as Barnex_mobile as I want to reboot this pc and get my pool back)17:34
CosmicDJBarnex_mobile: did you try changing the cable/sata port?17:50
Barnex_mobileCosmicDJ: did it just now, as it's the same disk failing every time I switched the cables.l, so that I know it's cable related if the other fails17:56
Barnex_mobileGonna run memtest overnight too probably, won't hurt and it's a thing I actually know how to do :)17:57
Yakovhow to kill all gnome-terminal process and shut down terminals? tried to locate all processes by ps -e 8, filter by gnome-termonal, kill -9 'process', it kills process, but never shuts terminal, any advise? Please note, I only need to kill all terminals, excluding one particular instance18:18
semhmm, i changed my dns server in the gui for my Wifi, but dns leak shows i'm still using the old dns...19:00
semoh i had to toggle wifi off and on again19:00
Yakovany one can advise? I feel pretty stuck now19:19
loswedsededdo you know why supertuxkart' developers chose to use apt for a newer version of the game instead of snap? I thought apt was being deprecated19:42
Maikapt is still a thing and a lot of software that is installed are still .deb files19:43
Maikloswedseded also.... Debian, on which Ubuntu is based,  still uses apt.19:45
tarzeauMaik: and probably will, forever19:49
squarecircleheyo. I set up a softrouter with ipv4_forward and iptables masquerading and natting and pinging the outside works fine.20:39
squarecircleso I can ping But tracerouting or doing apt update fails.20:40
squarecircleany idea whats failing here?20:40
seereIf ping works, ICMP in/out is working. What are your rules for TCP and UDP?20:49
seereAssuming "pinging the outside" means: pinging from inside <-> router <-> the world.20:50
squarecircleseere: I did not specify more rules21:08
seeresquarecircle: so you set net.ipv4.ip_forward and what rules for (nf|ip)_tables for the NAT/masquerading on your router?21:11
squarecircleseere: yes ip_forward is set to 121:12
seereAnd the rules for NAT are...21:13
squarecircleseere: second please :)21:13
squarecircleseere: https://bpa.st/3APA21:15
seerewhat is wg-mullvad?21:29
squarecirclethe wireguard tun interface provided by the mullvad app21:30
seereare these the only rules? Something set by some "firewall"?21:30
squarecirclethere is no firewall stuff set by me21:31
seereand "iptables -L" does support this?21:32
seeresquarecircle: Don't know about "mullvad". Except that rule 6 is not needed for routing and 7 supercedes 3 this seems valid.21:34
squarecircleiptables -L doesn't show anything beside what I added21:34
seereI would now check with tcpdump/tshark/wireshark what happens on enp1s0 and wg-mullvad to see the packets flowing and if responses arive for TCP/HTTP to see where in the flow something gets lost.21:41
seeresquarecircle: on your router of course.21:41
squarecircleOk. That will get interesting. I have no clue how to operate tcpdump ^^21:48
bray90820ld I install wine on ubunt 22.0423:16
bray90820*How would I23:17
rboxwith apt23:18
rboxthe same way you install anything23:18
genii!info wine jammy23:18
ubottuwine (6.0.3~repack-1, jammy): Windows API implementation - standard suite. In component universe, is optional. Built by wine. Size 51 kB / 195 kB23:18
geniiEnable universe repository frist23:19
bray90820Well I get this error after doing the apt-get23:25
rboxhwo d id you breka your system that bad23:27
rboxwhat does 'apt policy wine32' say23:28
geniibray90820: sudo apt-get update&& sudo apt-get --fix-broken23:29
genii( or just try the second one first and see if it can resolve all the broken dependencies first)23:30
bray90820genii: Command line option --fix-broken is not understood in combination with the other options23:33
geniiAh right, I think it needs to be used with upgrade, like sudo apt-get upgrade -f   (or long form given earlier of --fix-broken)23:35
genii..been a while since I needed to remember the syntax23:35
tomreyn"install", maybe "upgrade" works, too23:37
geniiYeah, I'm not sure what the viable ones would be to enable -f but likely at least upgrade23:39
bray90820Idk ether23:39
bray90820I trued a lot of things nothing woerked23:39
geniibray90820: If you didn't run (sudo) apt-get update before installing wine/wine32 it likely installed an older version with possibly missing other deps .. if this is the only case and not conflicting repositories /PPAs installed or manually installed other things with overlapping libraries, then doing the sudo apt-get upgrade -f   ( or install -f ) should sort out the libs to ones which the system can make sense of. Then doing an sudo apt-get update ..23:44
geniiwill get the actual latest list. Doing sudo apt-get install --reinstall wine   or suo apt-get install --reinstall wine32   ..would attempt overwriting with newest23:44
* genii wanders back to coffeepot23:44
bray90820genii: I did try that still didn't work23:49
geniibray90820: Sounds like maybe you have custom repositories installed then which could be conflicting23:49
bray90820I have no irea23:50
genii( or manually installed something from a .tar.gz or similar)23:50
bray90820people in #winehqae helping me so it's fine23:50
geniiHm, the specific thing of wine32 is making me wonder if multiarch is still enabled by default these days for both 32 and 64 or only 64 now that most flavours have obsoleted their 32 bit variants23:54
bray90820genii: Well this was from august23:55
bray90820Oh wait no I'm running 22.0423:57
bray90820Disregard that link23:58

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