
Unit193Hrm, seems my xfdesktop regression isn't considered a regression.  Well, it happens on 4.19 and not 4.18, so I guess I won't be testing xfdesktop4.13:06
bluesabreThat sounds... dumb.13:23
Unit193https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/xfdesktop/-/issues/272#note_82305 eh, maybe but maybe not.13:26
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Issue 272 in xfce/xfdesktop "[4.19.1] no 50% alpha value on unmounted devices" [Opened]13:26
Unit193I might just try to find the commit and revert locally.13:28
bluesabreEhhhh. Does it look bad in Adwaita too? If it does, I'd say whatever xfdesktop does now is wrong.13:29
Unit193Dunno, don't have it.  I *think* I tried Graybird, but I don't even know that for sure.13:30
Unit193https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/xfdesktop/-/commit/1364cd0a702c718f9b0a246755e0f60572b66a56 Maybe.13:34
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Commit 1364cd0 in xfce/xfdesktop "Load icons in icon view a symbolic/theme-aware manner"13:34
Unit193bluesabre: Happy thanksgiving, mate!13:44
bluesabreUnit193: Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!13:46
Unit193Well dang, it's of course not that commit.13:57
bluesabreIt's never *that* easy14:26
bluesabreI added a bunch of tasks to https://github.com/orgs/Xubuntu/projects/10/views/1 ... anything else I should include?14:26
Unit193Flutter over calamares?  Looks like I should do PPA-things. :P14:38
Unit193https://paste.unit193.net/?58285f3feeb54840#S9vCZlyCS9iJrK88J2AlaQ91Q3rHElVFQW4CKRFaKsw= the 4.18 bit is the upper bit, my patch is the lower bit.  Unfortunately text doesn't show as selected properly, just the icon...but it's something?15:03
Unit193I'm not good with css so can't fix that.15:04
Unit193(Trim the last two, OK)15:19
arraybolt3If you migrate to Calamares instead I'll help with your installer stuff :P17:07
arraybolt3meh, though it's a Qt app17:08

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