
meenaI think the answer is "no"00:28
javier-fsHi everyone, when I try to enable Ubuntu Pro services using cloud-init, I get an error regarding ubuntu_advantage.13:13
javier-fsI found that the issue has already been reported, fixed, and merged (https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/issues/4491).13:13
javier-fsI could verify that the error is gone using the cloud-init version in the Daily PPA. Unfortunately, none of the latest releases (23.3.x, 23.4.x) include the fix.13:13
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 4491 in canonical/cloud-init "Enabling a service with Ubuntu Pro/Advantage fails" [Closed]13:13
javier-fsWhat release is expected to include that fix?13:13

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