[01:13] REPOSITORY [01:13] WINEDUPLICATES DOLPHIN [01:13] URL [01:13] UPDATEAND FIX EVRYTHING [01:16] R1AB [01:17] 5fJI [01:18] TWOT [01:48] Hello guys . Yesterday i installed kubuntu on VMware. But kubuntu always freeze after startup kubuntu system a few seconds when I press Ctrl/shift/backspace etc. And k eyboards and mouse can't use any more. Did any encounters this situation? [02:10] bro this is an English group === ad1m0 is now known as ad1m === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [09:05] wazup [12:21] Pls anything on this? (re @d3vious6: What causes kubutu black screen after suspend?) === rayyan_ is now known as dracula [12:58] hi [13:33] Hi all === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [19:32] D3viou6: if you are online, I have some ideas.