
cpaelzer@pilot in06:08
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: cpaelzer
arturHello, may I request a sponsor to review this ticket? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-ucm-conf/+bug/204290206:44
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2042902 in OEM Priority Project "ucm2: soundwire: add rt713 SDCA device" [Critical, In Progress]06:44
cpaelzerHi artur, give me a few minutes then I'll have a look06:50
cpaelzerartur: ok I see you have adressed the former issues raised by paride and athos07:12
cpaelzerartur: Just a check - are you around for questions if I find more that needs to be sorted out, or would you expect me to just elave whatever the final state is in the bug on launchpad?07:13
mkukriim looking for review on this: https://code.launchpad.net/~mkukri/ubuntu/+source/zlib/+git/zlib/+merge/45617607:17
mkukrihmm can someone explain why libarchive 3.7.2-1ubuntu2 is marked as deleted, and now the known broken build libarchive 3.7.2-1ubuntu1 is marked published instead?08:58
cpaelzerI'm almost done with the former sponsoring case, will have a look mkukri08:59
cpaelzermkukri: it is right now moving from -proposed to -release as it completed the migration09:00
cpaelzermkukri: look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libarchive/+publishinghistory09:00
cpaelzeryou'll see the pattern now and in the past09:00
cpaelzerthings get to proposed, then migration checks happen and eventually get published to -release09:01
cpaelzercurrently the one in -proposed has been deleted and the one in -release is there but waits for a completion of the publisher to be "fully there"09:01
cpaelzerand if you flip open the little triangle at the beginning you'll also see that it was automation that has done that09:02
mkukriah okay, sorry for bothering, i guess i hit the window where i only saw the deleted package from proposed but not the released one yet09:02
cpaelzerwhich is usually good, the cases archive admins have to step in are usually the weird and more complex ones09:02
cpaelzernp, I didn't consider it as bothering09:02
cpaelzerhey mkukri I do not have enough time left for the full depth of zlib09:23
cpaelzerbut I can look for a few things I might see quickly09:24
mkukrino problem09:24
cpaelzerthe first that I spotted is that nothing of 1:1.3.dfsg-2ubuntu1 was ever uploaded09:24
cpaelzerthat is fine09:24
cpaelzerbut then it should not be in the changelog09:24
cpaelzerso I'd expect09:24
cpaelzer1:1.2.13.dfsg-1ubuntu5 (the last we had) ... 1:1.2.13.dfsg-2 ... (many debian versions) ... 1:1.3.dfsg-3 and then your 1:1.3.dfsg-3ubuntu109:25
cpaelzerand then all the comments about replaced/dropped probbaly need to move up to 1:1.3.dfsg-3ubuntu109:25
cpaelzerat least https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zlib/+publishinghistory tells me that 1:1.3.dfsg-2ubuntu1 never happened, that is what my statements are based on09:25
mkukriyeah so i originally merged 1:1.3.dfsg-2ubuntu1, but debian uploaded a new one today09:28
cpaelzeryep, I understand09:28
mkukriill get it out of the changelog i suppose09:28
cpaelzerand you rebased09:28
cpaelzerthat part is fine09:28
cpaelzerjust make it all part of the one true new ubuntu changelog stanza09:28
cpaelzerThe next is just trying to avoid potential confusion, I see these09:28
cpaelzer* Replaced the following patches with rebased versions:09:28
cpaelzer- d/p/410.patch: Add support for IBM Z hardware-accelerated deflate09:29
cpaelzerand above09:29
cpaelzer- d/p/s390x: Add optimized crc32 and hardware deflate09:29
cpaelzerbut where is 410 gone09:29
cpaelzerI found it09:29
cpaelzerThis is style only - so it is up to you, but I'd suggest something like09:29
cpaelzer- d/p/410.patch -> d/p/s390x/add-accel-deflate.patch : renamed and rebased09:30
mkukrimy isue was that there is not a 1-1 correspondance between the old and new patches. because some old ones are bugfixes that got included in the new patches. but now my patches are also based on one upstream git commit instead of entire pull requests in one09:30
cpaelzerhmm, let me think how I'd read that case the easierst way then09:31
cpaelzerI like that you just made per arch subdirs now09:31
cpaelzerSo as a rule of thumb under "Remaining changes" should only be lines that ever existed before09:32
cpaelzerand the good new "d/p/s390x: Add optimized crc32 and hardware deflate" has not be seen before09:33
mkukriso 410.patch and s390x-vectorize-crc32.patch, and d/p/1390.patch, and  d/p/lp-2018293-fix-crash-in-deflateBound-if-called-before-deflateInt.patch and are equivalent-ish to the s390x subdir09:33
mkukriand  d/p/478.patch is roughly the same as the power subdir09:33
mkukriim working on fixing the changelog09:33
cpaelzerI'm trying to come up with a suggestions09:35
cpaelzeralso d/p/power sounds like a file, but is a dir09:35
mkukrii have updated it a bit09:37
mkukribut do you have a suggestion for the dirs?09:37
mkukrimaybe d/p/power/*.patch: ....09:37
cpaelzeron it ...09:37
LocutusOfBorglvoytek, hello you there? can you please merge lua5.4 from Debian and forward there the Ubuntu delta? to me looks all upstreamable in Debian, I can sponsor if needed09:37
cpaelzeralmost what I had09:37
cpaelzermkukri: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kP53vGx274/09:38
cpaelzeragain it is style, no rule09:38
cpaelzerjust trying to suggest to make it more clear what really happened09:38
cpaelzerfeel free to stick to your own words if you do not like it09:38
cpaelzerand while we are on patches that you have properly split (thanks) to one per commit. How about proper https://dep-team.pages.debian.net/deps/dep3/ ?09:39
cpaelzerI could see a Bug: 1742941 / Bug: 1932010  ... 1998470  to be helpful tags09:40
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 1742941 in zlib (Ubuntu) "zlib: improve crc32 performance on P8" [Low, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174294109:40
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 1932010 in zlib (Ubuntu) "[21.10 FEAT] zlib CRC32 optimization for s390x" [High, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193201009:40
cpaelzerand even more, now that they are well split - Origin: upstream, <url>09:41
cpaelzerI love that to ensure people can easily follow up on how things might have changed since then and to compare if it really is 100% the same as upstream09:41
cpaelzernext comment would be that you have some changelog lines that are too wide09:41
cpaelzerplease break them09:42
cpaelzeractually lintian should yell at you09:42
mkukrisome of that is already there, ive cherry-picked the patches from git, and used gbp to export them09:42
mkukrii can add the origin url tho09:42
cpaelzeryep, the URL helps as the hash at the top might have been changed by you doing it that way09:42
cpaelzeras I said, I sadly do not have the time to go deeper09:45
cpaelzerbut I hope that helps that the next reviewer does not stumble over these more superficial things09:46
mkukripushed an updated version with the urls, thank you for the comments09:55
mkukrialso, i'd like someone to sponsor this: https://code.launchpad.net/~mkukri/grub/+git/grub/+merge/45599109:57
mkukriit only affects grub-install, so grub2:src upload is enough and none of the fancy UEFI signing or anything is needed09:57
mkukri(im also working on upstreaming that patch, but might as well fix ubuntu now)10:01
cpaelzerartur: completed your case, uploaded to noble10:05
cpaelzerartur: it needed much more, I hope the updates on the bug help you fur future uploads10:05
cpaelzerartur: please follow up with testing, updating the debdiffs for SRU uploads and then ask again for sponsoring10:06
cpaelzerSorry mkukri my pilot shift is over (started early, need to end early) now and I have other things to attent, but you should have plenty of folks of your team around to have a look right?10:07
cpaelzer@pilot out10:07
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: N/A
mkukriyeah no worries. im just leaving the links here in case, but yeah im also trying to get foundations peeps to look at both zlib and this10:09
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