=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 === JanC is now known as Guest263 === justThanks is now known as justache [17:26] Does anyone have any tips on actually getting `network.service` work on Ubuntu 22.04? Our VPS system requires the use of /etc/network/interfaces (as it creates it upon start/deployment), and 22.04.1 seems to have worked just fine, but now with 22.04.3, network.service soft-fails -- it will delay a reboot by ~2 minutes, and the service shows up in a failed state [17:26] the configuration *does* work tough [17:27] the message I'm getting is: https://pastie.dev/501IqO.yaml [18:16] znf, dpkg -S '*/networking.service' -> ifupdown: /lib/systemd/system/networking.service [18:16] ^ I ran that on Debian [18:25] znf systemctl list-unit-files | grep net <-- any networkd ? [18:25] if so, mask it [18:29] bottom line: /etc/network/interfaces is owned by package ifupdown, which uses networking.service [18:34] I dont even have ifupdown installed on any of my systems [18:48] ChmEarl, yeah, except there's something that sets up my interfaces _before_ networking.service [18:48] and I have absolutely no idea _what_ [18:49] I disabled networking.service, systemd-networkd [18:51] but it seems that systemd-networkd.service gets activated by the socket [18:52] which brings up the interfaces _before_ networking.service [18:52] and networking.service fails [18:52] now overall this wouldn't have been such a big deal [18:53] but this causes nnetwork-online.target to fail [18:53] and thus... other services that might depend on that [19:01] check networkd-dispatcher.service , I had to disable that, too [19:02] it's dead and disabled [19:02] didn't really change anything [19:06] https://pastie.dev/8zUUvP.yaml [19:06] that's all there is in journalctl [19:11] did you just disable or mask systemd-networkd? [19:11] I disabled it [19:11] but let's try masking it [19:11] nope, still got network [19:12] https://pastie.dev/i4wlWC.yaml [19:14] perhaps ifup@eth0... [19:14] why would this be enabled [19:14] why is this a unit [19:14] why [19:17] ok, so ifup@eth0 does the start, once I masked that, it no longer brings it up [19:17] _but_ [19:17] networking.service is still not working [22:17] Is there a list of stuff that a "minimized" 22.04 server install removes/does? [22:17] I just noticed there's no /var/log/wtmp and such === SoniEx2 is now known as Soni