
geniibray90820: Does:dpkg --print-foreign-architectures    result in: i386    ?00:00
bray90820genii: Can you send that again without pinging me00:01
geniidpkg --print-foreign-architectures00:02
bray90820it says i38600:02
bray90820So yes it's installed00:02
geniiOK, so you have multilib00:02
bray90820So anything else I can try?00:04
geniiIdeally you want to get the system in a state first where it's not complaining of broken packages00:05
geniiHm, I think the syntax is the -f before the directive ( of upgrade/install/whatever)00:07
geniiI think try: sudo apt-get  -f install and see if it does anything00:08
bray90820genii: Do you mean sudo apt-get install -f00:08
geniibray90820: Try putting the -f before the  "install" this time, order might matter in this case00:09
bray90820Both commands run but none of them install anything00:09
geniiWell, they wouldn't. Did you run recently the: sudo apt-get upgrade    ..?00:11
geniineed coffee back in a bit00:12
bray90820I did yes00:12
geniiDid it complain about packages not able to be installed when you ran sudo apt-get upgrade ...or did it complete without groaning/errors00:15
geniiSo it complained?00:15
bray90820Oh sorry It compleated without errors00:16
geniiOK, good. Then try: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade     ...and see if that finishes without a problem00:17
genii..upgrade bumps application versions up to the top minor revision of the major version they are already at, dist-upgrade is able to bump major version numbers of an application00:18
* genii sips fresh coffee00:33
ooberbananacoffee makes me sleepy..  well one cup does.... more than one then i am up all night.00:35
geniibray90820: Did you run the dist-upgrade, and if so, did it complete successfully00:36
bray90820I did run that and it did run sucessfully00:36
bray90820But i still get errors when trying to install wine3200:38
geniibray90820: Please pastebin the output and give us the link00:40
bray90820Oh shit I think I broke it00:42
geniiThat makes little sense because if those packages are broken then sudo apt-get upgrade and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade should never have successfully completed without errors00:43
bray90820That's wjat I was thinking00:43
genii!info libselinux1 jammy00:44
ubottulibselinux1 (3.3-1build2, jammy): SELinux runtime shared libraries. In component main, is required. Built by libselinux. Size 73 kB / 207 kB. (Only available for linux-any.)00:44
geniithat package seems to figure prominently but in your paste it's complaining of a much lower version than what is available00:45
geniiwhat does: apt-cache policy libselinux1    ...report?00:46
Bashing-ombray90820: apt policy libselinux1 ??00:46
bray90820I'll do that in a few minutes I kinda broke spmething so letting things fix themselves00:46
bray90820Oh wait nevermind00:46
geniiBashing-om: Sometimes I forget that apt-cahce and apt-get are now just amalgamated into a single apt command ....00:47
bray90820Bashing-om: Can you send the command without pinging me?00:47
Bashing-omapt policy libselinux100:47
Bashing-omgenii: Took me too a while to wean off apt-get --- but apt-get still has it uses :D00:49
geniiMaybe after selinux upgrades it needs a reboot to be the actual running version00:50
geniiOtherwise I can't see why it complains it needs a version higher than 3.100:50
Bashing-omgenii: A thought - corrupted mergelist ?00:51
geniiThat would suck :-/00:51
bray90820Anyone know what I should do next?00:55
geniiBashing-om: Googling stuff like "restarting selinux without rebooting" lead me to believe a reboot is required00:56
geniibray##### I would suggest a reboot and return here after00:57
Bashing-omgenii: Agreed - reboot resets lots of libs :D01:00
Bashing-ombray90820: ^^ when you come back -- might be instructive to see ; dpkg -l libc6:i386 .01:01
bray90820Can you send me that command without the ping?01:02
Bashing-omdpkg -l libc6:i38601:03
bray90820I'll try the command in a minute01:03
Bashing-om!info libc6:i386 jammy01:03
ubottulibc6 (2.35-0ubuntu3.4, jammy): GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Built by glibc. Size 2,942 kB / 12,479 kB01:04
geniibray90820: The point of directing a particular command to a particular user is partly so that other users in the channel know who it's for, and once in a while a user just entering could enter the command idly. If the command is dangerous this could end badly01:07
genii( also the point of directing a message to a specific user is to make sure they see it by being highlighted/pinged/otherwise annoyed) lol01:08
bray90820Welp now the desktop won't evben boot just stuck at the ubuntu logo01:10
bray90820I can ping it tho01:10
Bashing-ombray90820: A thought: From grub - advanced options >> boot an older kernel ?01:13
bray90820Yeah I'll try that... if I can01:15
bray90820Ugh nope that won't work because of my stuped GPU not supporting BIOS01:19
Bashing-ombray90820: From grub >> Recovery mode ?01:23
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bray90820Yeah it's my stupid GPU01:23
bray90820I'm getting an upgrade tomorrow tho so it will actually work properly01:23
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loganleehello $ ping -c 3 logan-swift.local works but not $ ping -c 3 logan-swift04:13
loganleei want ping -c 3 logan-swift to point to the same machine
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mmjCan I install Ubuntu on a laptop with GTX1650 Mobile graphics card06:11
guivercmmj, you can try before installing on hardware;  https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/try-ubuntu-before-you-install06:18
toddc!nvidia | mmj06:19
ubottummj: Drivers for Nvidia graphics cards: (A) No gaming/CAD/CUDA needed or legacy hardware? Use "nouveau" (open source, lacks many features). (B) Otherwise, "nvidia" (proprietary driver, fully featured). Install using "ubuntu-drivers" CLI or apt - not from nvidia.com. Driver series, hardware support (release notes): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ - Latest drivers !PPA: https://pad.lv/ppa/graphics-drivers06:19
guivercdo note, the kernel stack provide on an ISO for an LTS changes; I have some old hardware that performs well on GA or older kernel stacks but can have issue on newer stacks; so often I test a number of ISOs of a LTS release & get different results (but that tells me which will work with my hardware!)06:19
Biapyhi, i'm running a dist upgrade from jammy (without firefox snap) to mantic, and the upgrade process is stalled on "Unpacking firefox (amd64)" with message "Checking connectivity with the snap store" . How can i unstall it06:58
joeknI had issues with my NVIDIA drivers for a GTX 3050 TI series07:20
joeknhad to disable wayland and revert to 470 driver to get 4 monitors07:20
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alocerHello Trying to install Ubuntu on G10 with ubuntu jammy from ubuntu.com, i get usb device is not authenticated. is there any way to install with secure boot enabled?08:10
ograBiapy, it is part of ubuntu-desktop, so the updater will indeed try to install it (and should succeed unless you did any hacks that prevent this) ... just remove it after the upgrade again08:13
Biapyogra: this is not the issue... the issue is that when network fails during installation, snap stall because it can't connect to the snap store... a good kill "solved" the thing.. but............08:29
ograBiapy, ah ... so you should probably file a bug ... ubuntu-bug snapd ... or ubuntu-bug update-manager08:30
ogra(though how do you get your debs for that update when not online ???)08:30
Biapyogra, if I have time after solving the mess08:30
Biapyogra: I was online  when starting the install, the network was brought down during the deb packages installation (a dns issue i think)08:31
ograBiapy, ah, that is definitely an update-manager bug08:53
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:26
inckieI'm facing an issue with my workplace's recently updated Cisco VPN server. Since the update, I can no longer connect using Network Manager / OpenConnect in Ubuntu 22.04. It seems there are changes to the AnyConnect protocol, as discussed here: https://gitlab.com/openconnect/openconnect/-/issues/66510:18
inckieAdditionally, a bug report was filed at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-openconnect/+bug/2039070, but it has been marked as invalid.10:18
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 665 in openconnect/openconnect "Send user-agent string compatible with newer Cisco servers" [Opened]10:18
inckieIs there a way to update network-manager-openconnect to a version where this issue is resolved, or could someone suggest an alternative solution? Thanks in advance!10:18
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2039070 in network-manager-openconnect (Ubuntu) "[BPO] network-manager-openconnect(-gnome)/1.2.8-3 from lunar to jammy" [Undecided, Invalid]10:18
zetherooWhat's to be done about the following error msg? 'the compiler differs from the one used to build the kernel'10:18
elias_azetheroo: What are you trying to do?10:19
zetherooRun ESET.10:19
elias_azetheroo: What is ESET?10:20
cbreakinckie: --useragent=AnyConnect on the openconnect cli doesn't help?10:20
zetheroohere is the full output https://pastebin.com/0mrVMW7X10:20
inckiecbreak most likely, I'm referring to the GUI, where setting useragent is not an option10:21
elias_azetheroo: Seems like you have no GCC installed. Is this correct?10:21
zetherooI don't know. It's a "fresh install" of Ubuntu 22.0410:22
elias_azetheroo: You are not running software. You are trying to install it. Check the needed dependencies, install them and try again.10:23
zetherooThe software is already installed, but won't start https://pastebin.com/q8vHiCmB10:24
imihi, what does atop do? is it safe to apt purge atop?10:27
inckieGiven that the bug report network-manager-openconnect bug report found on Launchpad was marked as invalid regarding useragent issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-openconnect/+bug/2039070. I'm wondering about the proper procedure for reporting such issues. Could there have been a misunderstanding or a mistake in marking10:29
inckiethis report as 'invalid'? Any guidance on this matter would be highly appreciated.10:29
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2039070 in network-manager-openconnect (Ubuntu) "[BPO] network-manager-openconnect(-gnome)/1.2.8-3 from lunar to jammy" [Undecided, Invalid]10:29
elias_azetheroo: I have no clue with this information. Clam antivirus works out of the box if that would suffice.10:35
zetherooI uninstalled and reinstalled the software. Still I get this 'compiler differs' error10:48
tuxinatorHi guys, at the moment i am trying to understand how journald sends the stuff to syslog on Ubuntu/Kubuntu, any hint on it? journald seems to not have the forwardtosyslog option set by default11:14
zetherooelias_a: the solution was to install gcc-12 :)11:30
elias_azetheroo: Well I said you don't seem to have GCC installed. :P11:43
elias_azetheroo: Good you got it sorted. :)11:43
zetherooYes, thanks!11:44
elias_azetheroo: If you really are virus scanning files it would be nice how ESET compares to ClamAV. :)11:47
zetherooWe need something which is centrally managed, which is the main reason we are not using ClamAV11:48
elias_aI don't do regular scanning. Mostly when I am helping some poor devil windows user to copy OS and data to a new, bigger SSD...11:49
ben_ hi all11:55
ben_hi zw1d11:58
zw1dHi ben_12:01
zw1d_KaszpiR_:  well well well12:01
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zetherooSince about a week the system sound comes out of my laptop speakers instead of my BT headset.12:15
zetherooBut if I make a call the audio output comes through the headset12:15
zetherooSettings > Sound > Output Device = BT headset12:16
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Negao_boladoBom dia mundo12:44
Negao_boladocade o polvo?12:45
xangua!pt | Negao_bolado12:50
ubottuNegao_bolado: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.12:50
ph88how can i put a window in another workspace ?13:17
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BluesKajHi all13:33
ph88when i try to install this https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/3737/hue-lights/ it says Open With.. No Apps Available. I'm on ubuntu 23.10 this used to work on 22.04 how can i make it work ?14:13
dumbledoorIs there a method like invisible() instead of hide() that i can use in this gnome extension: https://pastebin.com/EpNNCYSS The goal is to hide the time but still let the calendar/notifications be accessible by click.14:32
dumbledoorin gnome14:35
nteodosiodumbledoor, you might get faster assistance in #gnome.14:35
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neteffecthi happy friday.  say i can't get my cd rom to work after i upgraded15:31
neteffectits a usb external dvd drive15:33
neteffecti do blkid and i do not see my cd rom drive15:34
neteffectwhen i do sudo lshw -class disk, i do see my cdrom! it even says itś /dev/sr015:35
neteffectlsblk doesn´t show /dev/sr015:37
neteffectoh now it does15:37
neteffectfdisk -l doesnt show my cdrom drive sr015:41
Menzadorneteffect: parted?15:43
neteffectparted i dunno15:44
Menzador`sudo parted -l`15:44
neteffecti inserted a working cd into the internal and i see that is wroking now.15:48
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neteffectis it possible to use external usb cdrom drive in ubuntu?15:48
neteffectwill my usb cdrom be sr1?15:50
MenzadorIt could be, depending on how many optical drives are already installed15:54
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BluesKajneteffect, sudo blkid should list all connected drives with a descrption15:55
neteffectok i check15:56
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neteffecti see an sr0 in blkid15:58
neteffecti see an sr0 in blkid15:59
neteffectitś a usb cdrom16:00
neteffectso it wont be sr device will it16:00
BluesKajdisconnect the cdrom and run blkid again to see if it's listed or not16:01
neteffectok i see an sr0, and that is the internal drive, as it has a disk in there I see16:02
neteffectplug the usb back in and do blkid again?16:05
BluesKajyes, and make sure you a disk in it16:05
neteffectam i looking for sr1?16:05
neteffectok disk in it16:05
BluesKajthat depends16:06
BluesKajis there a disk in the internal cdrom drive16:07
neteffectyes and it is valid16:08
neteffectit is a readable disk16:08
BluesKajblkid should show both cdroms with loaded disks16:09
neteffecti only see the sr016:09
zetherooAny idea why my output audio for Chrome is going to my laptop speakers instead of to my bluetooth headset?16:09
jeremy31zetheroo: Try switching it back and forth in sound settings, make sure BT output is A2DP16:11
zetheroojeremy31: really strange - I had it on A2DP but the audio was terrible - super quiet and scratchy16:14
zetherooI switched it back to laptop speakers and then back again to bt headset and now it's suddenly working16:14
zetherooI've gotten the sense since a while that the info in the settings doesn't always match the actual mode the headset is in16:15
zetherooanyway, it's working again ... for now16:15
neteffecti tried the command sudo lsusb and i did not see my usb cdrom drive16:15
neteffecti think it just came online16:16
neteffectyeah its working16:16
neteffectthank you BluesKaj16:16
neteffectthank you Menzador16:16
neteffectfor the record i kept messing around with inserting disks and turning the drive on and off and reinserting the usb cord.  I do not know what ultimately caused the drive to be recognized.  This was an external usb cd drive.16:17
neteffectty amazing to have it working as i will eventually need it16:17
BluesKajneteffect, I use a usb outboard drive that has all my media stuff on it ... use it's UUID to list it in /etc/fstab16:20
CrinCan someone hep me with a weird issue where i can't SSH into my ubuntu machine right after booting it up, but if i wait 20 minutes and do nothing it fixes itself iand i can ssh into it?16:38
rboxwhat does "i can't ssh" mean16:38
rboxwhat does the journal say in those 20 minutes16:38
Crin1: connect to it through ssh client16:39
Habbiehow does (1) fail?16:42
Crinim trying to find that out16:44
Crinthe issue is after it resolves itself it wont come back untill the next day16:44
Crineven after a reboot16:45
Crinbut it oes come back every day16:45
rboxsounds like a network issue then16:48
rboxnot a linux issue16:48
Crinmaybe but there mus be a way to tell16:50
iomari891greetings, when checking my boot.log after booting, I see about 15 error lines like "Failed to mount snap-battalion-27.mount - Mount unit for battalion, revision 27".16:50
iomari891Different snap mounts of course.16:51
rboxsure, answer those 2 questions16:52
ograCrin, what ubuntu version ?16:53
ograi.e. see https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/sshd-now-uses-socket-based-activation-ubuntu-22-10-and-later/3018916:53
Crin22:04 LTS16:57
Crininteresting thanks17:00
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kooldaddyim running kubuntu and i have no sound when playin a game but do have sound when watching youtube thanks17:19
kooldaddyi did have sound at one time it just quit working last night17:22
kooldaddythe sound is working on my laptop which im using linux mint17:27
rogierSo I got a nice mid 2011 27inch imac from marktplaats for not to much money. Good deal 32GB, SSD. Used macOS for a day and fuck it. Installed Ubuntu based KDE Neon on it. Everything works perfect18:58
rogierOnly brightness controll doesn't work. Anyone has an idea how to fix this?18:59
ph88My screen freezes on ubuntu 23.10 regurlarly. On windows i didn´t have problem. Is there anything i can do to troubleshoot the problem ?19:00
rfmrogier, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1295423/ubuntu-20-04-on-imac-mid-2011-cant-adjust-brightness has a bunch of suggested fixes (most of which seem to be kernel/driver based so would apply even in later ubuntu versions)19:01
lavaballcan i upgrade to newest release via ssh? i did it once and it said ssh wasn't a good idea.19:06
johnfghi folks19:10
johnfgIs it best to use clonezilla from a usb stick?  If so, what is the pkg that can be installed on the system?19:11
rfmlavaball, the thing is if there is any problem, you can end up being disconnected and not able to get back it, thus a bricked system.19:11
rfmlavaball, at one time people would run the upgrade in a tmux/screen session so they could reconnect, but this was by no means perfect19:12
ioriait also opens the session in a new port iirc, so needs to disable fw or add rule19:14
rogierI need to create a Win 10 USB stick on Ubuntu. Whats a good program. I prefer gui19:21
rud0lfWoeUSB, rogier19:24
topcat001rogier: Take a look at this https://askubuntu.com/questions/1295423/ubuntu-20-04-on-imac-mid-2011-cant-adjust-brightness19:49
topcat001You might need to try more than one approach19:50
ph88How can i switch to a different kernel version ?19:55
rboxwhat version do yo uwant to switch to19:55
ph886.5.3  6.5.5  6.4.16 6.1.53 6.5.12 6.6.2 6.7-rc219:58
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds19:59
ph886.1.63 as well19:59
rboxyou want to switch to 8 kernels?20:00
ph88if i install from the Mainline PPA can i then later go back to the normal kernel that gets security updates20:00
ph88rbox, yes one after the other of course20:00
rboxinstalling extra packages doesnt change what you can do in the future20:01
lavaballrfm, so ubuntu isn't meant for remote servers then? or how is that supposed to work?20:01
ph88rbox, on that linke genii send it says therefore if you install them manually via the Mainline PPA, you will never receive a security update or patch for that version.20:02
rboxyes, for that version20:06
rboxyou are instlaling a specific version20:06
rboxthat doesnt effect other things you have20:06
geniiThat's correct. You'd need to uninstall the mainline kernel(s) manually and reboot to to the default system kernel before it would then be able to update pathches or newer default kernels20:06
rfmlavaball, it's the same problem with remote systems regardless of OS; either you need a way of accessing the console remotely, a way of cloning the remote system to upgrade it so can restart on failure, or procedures to configure a new install remote system (and just never do release upgrades.)20:07
ph88rbox, how do i go back to the normal version after that ?20:08
geniiWhen the system checks for updates and sees a later version kernel installed than one it has patches for or it has a lower versioned kernel available to upgrade to, it won't do those updates because it sees you have one later than what it has available20:08
ph88oh ok so multiple versions of kernels exist alongside each other and then i would have to uninstall the mainline versions and the default version would work as before ?20:09
geniiph88: Once you've installed a deb file manually, the system can uninstall it using apt20:09
geniiph88: You could still boot to the older default kernel but updates to kernels higher than that one but lower than the mainline kernel you install will not be applied20:10
genii( until you uninstall the mainline kernel, reboot to the old one, ane runn all the standard updates)20:11
ph88sounds good20:13
ph88how do i put a window on another desktop ?20:20
ph88oh i think i found it ctrl + shift + alt + arrow left or right20:23
ph88and super + shift + arrow left or right does the same20:23
ph88when i try to install this https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/3737/hue-lights/ it says Open With.. No Apps Available. I'm on ubuntu 23.10 this used to work on 22.04 how can i make it work ?20:24
tomreynph88: normally, all you'd need to do is to toggle the on/off switch at https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/3737/hue-lights/20:45
ph88oh my bad i didn't install the browser extension20:45
tomreyni think this is installed by default20:46
ph88i used the minimal installation option20:47
tomreynanother option would be to place the downloaded file in ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/20:47
tomreynhmm, yes, maybe minimal would cause this20:48
puff`Afternoon.  I'm at my cousin's house and something weird is going on with the wifi.  I can connect my laptop (ubuntu 20.04.1) to the wifi but I can't get on the internet.20:49
puff`I can connect my android phone to the wifi, and get to the internet, and when I put my android phone in hotspot mode and connect my laptop to the hotspot, I can get on the internet.20:49
ph88oh i love this https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/6382/week-start-modifier/20:51
ph88puff`, can you try ping
puff`ph88: I can disconnect from my hotspot, connect directly to the wifi, and try that.20:52
ph88yes directly connect to wifi then ping
puff`Hm, I get a response from, so I guess that suggests something weird with the DNS server.20:54
puff`11.06ms ping time.20:54
tomreynand when you ping one.one.one.one you get?20:55
=== puff` is now known as puff
lavaballrfm, i updte other systems all the time. no issues. so this is just being overcautious. well, thanks for explainin.20:55
pufftomreyn: ping: one.one.one.one: Temporary failure in name resolution20:57
tomreynpuff: so you were right, it's a resolver issue20:57
tomreynyou could override the resolver in the wireless connection profile, setting it to, e.g.,
ph88alt + ` to switch windows of the same application does not work for me in ubuntu 23.10. I already tried super + ` .. does someone know a fix for this ?21:05
puffHm, this is annoying.  Setting the DNS to, seemed to work for a bit, then didn't.  I'm not sure if that's some sort of false positive because I'm switching between the house wifi and my android hotspot.21:26
puffI popped up settings/network, selected the wifi network here, clicked the tab for IPv4 and edited the DNS field, left the buttons on "Automatic (DHCP)" and DNS: Automatic.  Did the same on the IPv6 tabs.21:27
puffJust did it again, although, oddly, it's not turning the "Apply" button green.21:28
tomreynyou're not overriding the DHCP provided DNS this way21:32
tomreyndisable the "automatic" switch on the DNS line, "apply" to close the window and reconnect by clicking on the wireless connection21:34
tomreyndisable the "automatic" switch on the DNS line, "apply" to close the window and reconnect by clicking on the wireless connection21:34
puff``tomreyn: Thanks.21:34
=== puff```` is now known as puff
puffHm, this is rather crazy making.21:41
puffIt sorta seems to work, but then not.21:41
puffI originally set the dns to:,
puffCould the space cause a problem? I've tried multiple times to edit and remove the space, then click "Apply" (which does turn green after I edit it, in the IPv4 tab but not in the IPv6 tab). But it doesn't seem to actually save it.21:43
puffOkay, I *think* it's working now. I realized one red herring is that I apparently can only connect to libera when I'm on my android phone hotspot (to be clear, it's ubuntu laptop -> android hotspot -> house wifi) with whatever default DNS, rather than connected directly to the house wifi with the DNS overridden (to,  Weird.21:51
WaVIn regards to connecting to the home wifi, I don't think phone hotspots work that way, but I could be wrong. I think when you connect to the phone hotspot, it uses the cell connection for your Internet, not whatever WiFi network the phone was connected to.21:53
ben_hi all21:54
puffWaV: Good question, all I can say is that on the Internet dropdown, the phone says it's on the wifi.  I don't know if the phone hotspot routes through the wifi or not. I wouldn't be surprised if the answer is "not".21:57
puffThanks again folks, guess I'll have to live without IRC until I get home.21:57
bray90820Hey if I were to change my CPU and motherboard could I boot ubuntu properly still or would I get errors?22:50
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tomreynif it's the same architecture and boot mode, and you configured your mainboard firmware to boot from the same disk / ESP, it should still boot.22:54
tomreynwebchat3: hi there. please disable caps lock first of all.23:29
tomreynwhich ubuntu version are you trying to install?23:29
tomreyni'm guessing this can be too old, try a newer release23:30
webchat3let me try installing the newer version.23:30
tomreynyou may also need to install with the failsafe graphics option23:31
webchat3will this option come while installing ubuntu?23:32
tomreynit should be on the first screen which says "Grub"23:32
webchat3i will try installing and come back in 10 mins23:33
robin0800you may need to boot in uefi mode and not bios23:33
tomreyna bios update can also help23:35
webchat3it is in uefi mode. i press f12 option pop up for me choose which drive i have to boot. i select USB drive. that is it right?23:37
robin0800when I do it has uefi in front of the usb23:39
tomreynyou could disable compatibility support mode/module in bios, if you hae this setting, to be sure you only have uefi targets listed on the boot menu23:39
tomreynmake sure "hybrid graphics" is enabled in bios at least for the installation23:47

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