
daftykinscooling down up north?12:32
penguin42nod; it was -1c last night, it's only got upto 4c now12:34
penguin42bright, clear day12:43
daftykinsmmm i've got the sun streaming in the window and 10 deg C12:43
daftykinsbbs got a router OS update to apply12:45
zxmpitwas a smidge nippy this morning. thank the gods for leccy blankie13:12
daftykinsso tough to leave when there's nothing urgent to do13:14
daftykinswell i made a mistake on an ebay order, a replacement motherboard for an old lemon iMac i am fixing up... got one without the heatsinks and the graphics chip is different, so i'd crush some SMDs if i mounted the cooler13:14
daftykinsgot to try again13:14
* penguin42 is trying to think of some bits to add to a digikey order; I really just want a few tiny connectors for a camera that I'm ruining^Wtrying to repair13:47
daftykinsnothing on ebay that's a close match that you could pinch from?14:02
zxmpia 2nd entire camera to use for the parts you break? :-P14:03
penguin42daftykins: So the problem was originally corrosion on the display backlight LEDs, due to rain14:11
penguin42daftykins: I tried to replace one of the LEDs, but it was SMT and on flex cable14:11
penguin42daftykins: I bought a replacement display module; and when fitting that the flex connector on the board disintegrated14:11
daftykinsooh nasty14:11
penguin42the gripper bar on it up and went14:12
penguin42and that came off mostly OK https://cdn.mastodon.org.uk/media_attachments/files/111/461/071/736/221/875/original/9267adaf4d888f19.jpeg    one upset pad; but that thing is SMALL14:13
daftykinsooh yeah, micro stuff14:15
* penguin42 is going to switch to recapping my Model B's PSU - at least I can see the components14:21
daftykinsBBC? neat!14:23
daftykinsok i've gotta hit the road, client tells me their broadband is down14:23
zxmpiby smoke signals? :-P14:30
daftykinslol got there, clicked 'reconnect' on the struggling web interface, came straight back up16:54
zxmpiprobably still quicker than trying to walk them through clicking it over the phone :-)16:57
daftykinsyeah i wouldn't have had a clue from memory as well, as i have some cheap Mikrotik toy at this place and i never got on with it17:04
daftykinscan't be bothered to learn a whole new router OS17:04

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