[00:11] Done lots of hardware raids over the years. Tomorrow I need to make a dd backup of a firmware raid prior to wipe, reload os, and restore data. Looks like I use dmraid and mount to get it mounted. Do I need to add anything to the live usb after I burn it? Also, can I not use if=/dev/mapper/ with dd and not mounting? [00:14] well you defeintly dont want to dd somethign thats mounted... === HIA is now known as truepack [01:36] How would I boot ubuntu into a terminal [01:37] bray90820: At the grub menu press 'e' to edit - Append: systemd.unit=multi-user.target to the linux line. [01:39] Bashing-om: Not what I meant idk how to describe it [01:39] rbox: Copy, and thanks. Never really had to think about the method with hardware raid, just id the /dev and do it. With firmware raid, seems different as I didn't find it in the usual place to mount and verify volume before umount and dd. If I'm reading right, that's what mapper is for. [01:39] Maybe the emergincy terminal [01:43] Aaahhh I figured it out I can just use recovery mode === puff`` is now known as puff [03:18] does ubuntu have any sort of automatic write protection for external hard drives? [03:19] the permissions of your filesystem [03:20] permissions are fine [03:20] i think [03:20] lemme check again actually [03:21] yea it says i have the permissions [03:21] any other ideas for potential causes? [03:22] i can read files i just can't seem to edit them [03:31] nevermind i can figure it out later === Rahoul3 is now known as Rahoul === five6184808 is now known as five618480 [04:43] hello everyone [05:15] So I'm trying to install wine32 on ubuntu but getting errors [05:15] https://pastebin.com/raw/z9AZWFNk [05:16] you got external ppa's added on your system bray90820 ? [05:16] ifd I understand you correctly the answer is yes [05:17] please purge your external ppa's first, then try again wine install [05:18] How can I list my external ppa's [05:18] bray90820, you've not said what release; but I see `libmount1 | 2.37.2-4ubuntu3 | jammy | amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, ppc64el, riscv64, s390x` & later for 22.04 & later if that's what you're using [05:19] (sorry; I see you've been here awhile bray90820 ; if you said it earlier ^ I missed it) [05:19] Yeah it's 22.04 [05:19] I just asked about the question so don't worry [05:19] 22.04 x86_64bit [05:19] I'd likley `apt policy libmount` & see if it shows; I'd expect it to show as per my prior post [05:20] libmount/libmount1 ^ (ignore my typos sorry) [05:20] and ensure you get no errors or warning when you run `sudo apt update` ... otherwise problems can be expected.. [05:20] guiverc: https://pastebin.com/raw/N98msZDh [05:21] No errors when I run sudo apt-get uopdate or upgrade or any of that stuff [05:22] :) That's what I'd expect; alas your wine32 [appear to] want higher?? (what lotuspsychje referred to as 3rd party package most likely) [05:32] bray90820: you are the admin of your system, you should recall wich external packages/ppa's you installed ? [05:35] lotuspsychje: I am the admin and if I remember correctly it was Virtualbox, Firfox, Teamviewer, and wine [05:36] bray90820: teamviewer might have external ppa's as its not on the ubuntu repos by default [05:36] Yeah teamviewer does [05:36] And I deff installed the firefox ppa [05:36] purge them and try again bray90820 [05:37] I'll do that in a few minutes gonna shower first [05:37] good luck! === nncanepa1 is now known as nncanepa [05:39] so I downloaded the latest version of Ubuntu 23.10, the PC in question is currently running Ubuntu connected to the internet just fine. It gets an IP address from my router but for some strange reason it shows a ? on the wired Internet connection and wont actually connect to the Internet. [05:40] I dont understand what I need to do but I guess I am not updating until 24.04 or y'all figure this out [05:41] Guest42: it might be your network card driver not recognized? check sudo lshw -C network [05:41] I edited the resolv.conf to add the line nameserver and still no internet [05:42] lotuspsychje its getting an ip address [05:42] it shows up [05:42] works currently with 23.04 [05:42] its just the new live usb [05:42] did you add a firewall? [05:42] no [05:43] is there a way to file this bug? [05:43] I can wait til april I suppose [05:44] Guest42: before filing bugs, we reccomend to troubleshoot here with the volunteers here first [05:44] its going to require a lot of rebooting etc [05:44] as it affects the live iso [05:44] https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/PRO-Z690-A-DDR4 [05:45] here is the motherboard in question, it is very Linux friendly [05:46] I could go into the other room and pull the wifi card out of the secondary PC but that would put my media center out of commission [05:47] I know the wifi card works because its currently running Ubuntu 23.10 [05:48] if you give me a list of things to try, I will snap a picture with my phone, and reboot to the live iso, give em a shot, then report back [05:48] Guest42: some hardware might not be recognized, or have bugs in an ubuntu iso, but once you update your system from the installer, things might get sorted [05:48] how can I update things if it has no internet [05:48] ;) [05:48] thought that would be obvious [05:49] Guest42: most people have both wifi and eth these days to try to update, and updating system is a need after install [05:49] lotuspsychje I did a lspci and the network card shows up and it is getting an IP address from the drop down menu [05:50] well the only wifi card I have is currently in use by my wife watching tv lol [05:50] I could do it later [05:50] Guest42: allright, have you readed the !23.10 releasenotes, to see if there are similar known bugs around? [05:52] ive been googling this for about an hour on my phone [05:52] the only thing remotely close was trying to add a nameserver to resolv.conf and that did nothing [05:53] Guest42: usualy ubuntu needs to bring up networking by default, if not you have to investigate the root cause, maybe keep a journalctl -f open while you search [05:53] I have never had wired internet fail on Linux before lol [05:55] looks like there is a possible fix by changing /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-globally-managed-devices.conf [05:56] and adding except:type:ethernet to the end [05:56] but I would have to chance installing and finding out lol [05:56] lotuspsychje: Nope still getting the error when trying to install wine32 [05:56] guiverc: [05:57] bray90820 do you have 32 bit linux kernel modules enabled? [05:57] Yes [05:57] so what error are you facing? [05:58] been trying to work out the 23.10 network issues lol [05:58] bray90820 have you removed php-sury packages? [05:59] they cause issues with 32 bit wine [05:59] note anything that relies on php will cease to function [06:00] remove php-sury packages then sudo apt-get install libssl1.1=1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.7 libssl1.1:i386=1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.7 [06:00] it should restore php functions and let you use wine32 [06:01] it seems that 23.10 is full of a LOT of issues imma skip until 24.04 comes out [06:01] Guest42: you can already test an early 24.04 daily if you wish, see if you can reproduce your issue [06:01] !next [06:01] Noble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality. [06:01] orly lotuspsychje I will give it a shot and play around [06:02] Guest42: Yes [06:03] lotuspsychje downloading now and I will see if it resolves my direct issues [06:03] good idea [06:05] etcher flashing now [06:05] so glad I never do a dist-upgrade [06:07] Guest42: join #ubuntu-next if you want to discuss 24.04 issues [06:07] will do [06:08] I am actually surprised to see this issue in 23.10 on the iso, like how was this overlooked lol [06:09] I could resolve this by buying another wifi card I suppose [06:09] the router is 3 feet from the pc though lol [06:16] Guest42: Yes I did remove php-sury packages [06:16] sudo apt-get install libssl1.1=1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.7 libssl1.1:i386=1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.7 [06:17] now re-add them but the lower version ones [06:17] then flag them NOT to update when you do a apt update [06:17] Guest42: Nope that didn't work [06:17] https://pastebin.com/raw/Fv8T6qM8 [06:18] oh boy they removed my old trick from working lol [06:18] most likely because 18.04 is no longer supported [06:18] thats poopy [06:19] Got any other ideas? [06:20] have you tried running your program in proton? [06:20] I find vanilla wine to be ... incomplete [06:21] if I were in your shoes, I would reinstall Ubuntu, install steam, re-enable i386, and use proton [06:21] or winetricks [06:21] luitris [06:21] etc [06:22] I literally run Photoshop in proton-ge [06:22] the latest CC version etc, it just activates with my login credentials and just werkz [06:23] tried to run it in wine directly and had all sorts of issues [06:26] Yeah idk i'll think of something [06:26] Thanmks for trying [06:27] I wish you could just use proton without steam [06:27] there was a project aiming to do that but it died [06:28] I think it was determined that the steam client did a LOT of the heavy lifting and it wasnt worth doing [06:29] alright gunna try 24.04 [06:34] the network bug has persisited inti 24.04 [06:35] rofl [06:36] absolutely no internet, lshw -c network shows the network card and I get an IP [06:52] Guest42, do you know what kind of Wi-Fi security using your router [06:55] Guest42,and did you install any software like protonvpn [06:55] ugh he is gone [07:22] hi, what's the chan already ubuntu-discuss ? [07:22] offtopic? [07:22] !chan [07:22] !ot | oxfuxxx [07:22] oxfuxxx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [07:23] or #ubuntu-discuss if it is Ubuntu related [07:23] ok === realivanjx1 is now known as realivanjx [10:22] hi [10:28] . [11:25] Hello [11:29] what is up === realivanjx0 is now known as realivanjx === PasiZ1 is now known as PasiZ [12:42] Kubuntu 2204: How to check that "Unattended upgrades" is active? apt upgrade reports "Canonical released microcode updates for both Intel (CVE-2022-40982) and AMD (CVE-2023-20593). ‘Unattended upgrades’ provide security updates by default. Ensure it remains enabled to always get all updates as they become available." [12:42] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Information exposure through microarchitectural state after transient execution in certain vector execution units for some Intel(R) Processors may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable information disclosure via local access. [12:42] -ubottu:#ubuntu- An issue in “Zen 2” CPUs, under specific microarchitectural circumstances, may allow an attacker to potentially access sensitive information. [12:43] "Ensure it remains enabled" : How? [12:44] Did you explicitly disable it ? [12:45] ogra: I have no idea. That's why I'm asking. [12:46] 22.04 was released over a year and a half ago. [12:47] How would I explicitly disable it? [12:50] What is "apt upgrade" asking me to do when it outputs, "‘Unattended upgrades’ provide security updates by default. Ensure it remains enabled" ? === madmax__ is now known as madmax [13:03] pickanick, well, it is disabled by default, if you did not explicitly edit some config files for it it is still on ... so dont bother 🙂 [13:03] err [13:03] *it is *EN*abled by default ... [13:23] anyone knows if/how HDMI ARC works? e.g. TV connected via HDMI with ARC to a notebook/pc/raspi how would one get the TV audio on the linux side? [13:50] Hi all [13:53] BluesKaj: hi! [13:54] BluesKaj: funny meeting you here [13:54] man I had dreams of trying to install a KDE desktop on straight Ubuntu [13:54] s/dreams/nightmares [13:54] computers just /don't/ work right in my dreams [13:54] ever [13:55] I spend so much time in my dreams wrestling with their administration [13:55] a file doesn't want to open. I forgot my password. A .deb doesn't want to install. I've misplaced the airpods I had just taken off my ears, etc. [13:56] hi Roey [13:58] :) :) [14:24] The command { yelp info:info; } shows { man info; } instead of { info info; } [14:26] d === yecril71pl1 is now known as yecril71pl [14:30] hello [14:30] ddf [15:21] cannot get gdb to download sources [15:21] Download failed: Zły argument. Continuing without source file ./io/../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c. [15:25] hi. I' looking to convert exr files on cli, I guess I should ask around graphics communites rather, is there a channel here? If someone happen to know: I need to get rid of luminance/chrominance compression in existing exr files as NVidia dropped support for that on their render [15:26] !alis | deadrom [15:26] deadrom: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http» [15:34] ty [15:34] list *image* [15:34] list #*image* [15:35] yecril71pl: is your issue ubuntu related, if not you can try #linux for commands help? [15:35] augh sorry konversation did not switch tabs :) I can talk to bots ;) [15:36] gdb downloads sources all right on openSUSE [15:36] but it fails on Ubuntu [15:36] yecril71pl: can you describe the full story of what you are trying to do please, so the volunteers can better help you? [15:36] !details [15:36] Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [15:37] I am trying to find out why { yelp info:info; } ends up as { yelp man:info; } [15:39] Ubuntu 22.04, there is no error but the result is wrong. [15:41] yecril71pl: both commands launch the manpage of 'info' here (im on 24.04) [15:42] and that is wrong, { yelp info:info; } should show the info page of Info [16:12] So, at the server I need to image. Is an intel software raid created with and running windows server 2022. The objective is to take a volume image. dmraid -r -> no raid disks, dmraid -l does show isw support. dmraid -b does list the physical volumes. all forms of dmraid -s -> no raid sets. Am I trying to do the impossible or am I missing something? [16:12] what does ubuntu mean? [16:18] for everyone [16:19] mybalzitch, that at me? [16:20] yes, I'm pretty sure thats what ubuntu means [16:20] is it an english word? [16:20] oh maybe not [16:21] humanity to others [16:21] Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'. It is often described as reminding us that 'I am what I am because of who we all are'. [16:21] ah thought it sounded african [16:25] !discuss | ecapi_ [16:25] ecapi_: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [16:36] I have confirmed that sda and sdb are the physical volumes in the mirrored set. The set in healthy and not damaged in any way, so there are no concerns there. [16:36] s/set in/set is [16:46] Currently, the debuginfod service only provides DWARF information. There are plans to make it also index and serve source-code in the future. [16:47] Oopsie :-< [16:49] It would seem there is no way to get linux to even recognize an isw array created with windows, much less to take an image of it. I am thoroughly screwed. [16:50] did you tray googling or checking on forums [16:52] For two days. What I have come up with is all sorts of things on building/managing arrays in linux, but nothing on mounting/cloning said arrays. It may be possible to create an iso using dd, but I am concerned about a viable restore should it become necessary. [16:52] For two days. What I have come up with is all sorts of things on building/managing arrays in linux, but nothing on mounting/cloning said arrays if they were created under windows. It may be possible to create an iso using dd, but I am concerned about a viable restore should it become necessary. [16:54] dd doesn't "create an iso" [16:54] that makes no sense [16:54] This is why I hate software raid. [16:57] dd will take an image of an existing drive and store it in an iso that you can mount, but not boot. Of course, since I can't mount this drive in the first place... [16:57] dd copies bytes... it doenst magically make any isos [16:57] True. [16:58] Although I believe it makes a 'bitwise dump of a disk or partition' [16:59] it copies bytes [16:59] doesnt care about bits either [17:00] technically it copies blocks [17:00] blocks of bytes [17:01] Ah, right you are. I had forgotten that. I forget where I read the other and what utility it was. [17:02] At any rate, windows doesn't want to play nice. I can't address the array, therefor I can't take an image of it in any event. === respawn_ is now known as respawn [17:25] how can i increase my scroll speed in ubuntu 23.10 ? [17:43] Problem solved. Client has authorized purchasing a smaller drive for a system volume, eliminating the need for destructive os load. I like that better anyway. [17:45] Thanks for the help and cudos to the well written articles on dmraid, blkid, and mdadm. [17:45] Later [17:48] hello ubuntu ask me to help devs at begining, how to remove that [18:02] Hi! [18:03] Is it possible to install a diff version of something like gnome-calculator? For isntance, from a 'testing' stream ? [18:04] there might be a ppa or a flatpak or a snap for random stuff [18:04] but the ersion of gnome calculator usually matches the version of gnome installed [18:06] rbox, hmm. ok thanks. It shipped with a bug that seg faults every time. [18:06] (It's a fresh install with no radical changes aside updates) [18:06] 23.10 [18:06] just use speedcrunch [18:06] I'll wait and do math by hand. :p [18:06] its superior to every calculator [18:07] :p [18:08] a bit overkill [18:10] overkill to use a superior app? [18:12] precisely [18:21] It actually took me years to understand that "better" isn't always "best". Also, "superior" is disputable. [18:28] hi [18:29] i nedd help to install linux ubuntu [18:39] .oO(first reboot already for harkonen or why did he left so fast) [18:45] Good afternoon, I would like to know how to set a fixed IP on the Ubuntu server [18:47] Good afternoon, I would like to know how to set a fixed IP on the Ubuntu server [18:47] netplan [20:15] test [20:15] How woulls I show and reset the packages instaleldthrough backports? === yecril71pl1 is now known as yecril71pl === PasiZ8 is now known as PasiZ [21:41] jl;djf [21:41] ff' === yecril71pl1 is now known as yecril71pl