[05:56] xubuntu noble daily; clicking installer icon & get report that it's 'untrusted' (I'm ignoring it; want report) [05:59] ^ maybe only transient; outdated package on daily I suspect [06:01] libsepol2 ^ [06:08] This was the Desktop one? [06:16] sorry, yeah [06:17] on boot, the maybe-ubiquity try/install dialog crashed; it was ubuntu-bug reporting that where it told me libsepol2 was outdated [07:53] https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/-/issues/963 oh right, this btw. [07:53] -ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Issue 963 in xfce/thunar "Improve 'Untrusted Application Launcher' Dialog" [Closed]