[01:20] I need some help updating Kubuntu [01:22] I am using PearOS (Kubuntu KDEPlasma version) and it says I have a update, but when I try to update to PearOS 22.04 LTS it just gives a error saying Upgrade failed with the following output: Checking for new Neon release... Please install all required API Services to run this update. [02:33] hmmm, PearOS is not Kubuntu! [02:34] and pearOS isn't neon either [02:34] sounds like a very mixed message, to say the very least === root is now known as Guest2844 [05:50] Did you get his resolved? (re @IrcsomeBot: on the attempted upgrade I did not let it remove the old files... so was able to boot in using the 23.04 kernel. as long as I removed the 6.5 kernel no issue.. as sooon as it went back in same panic as well as unable to mount / (the uuid for the /)) [05:51] Did you get this resolved? (re @IrcsomeBot: on the attempted upgrade I did not let it remove the old files... so was able to boot in using the 23.04 kernel. as long as I removed the 6.5 kernel no issue.. as sooon as it went back in same panic as well as unable to mount / (the uuid for the /)) === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [10:50] hey guys. is any1 can say how can i reinstall os w/o losing my data/ [10:50] ? [11:45] Hello [14:22] Uzkl === floown_ is now known as floown === lordievader_ is now known as lordievader [16:34] salve [16:36] ho bisogno di assistenza for imac con kubunto [23:43] Anyone have any ideas why I can't boot into a Wayland session? X11 seems to work. I'm running an Nvidia 40xx card with the newest 545 drivers. However, when I hit login after selecting Wayland, I get no output to my monitors. Both go into the 'awaiting signal' idle state. [23:49] i need help using commands on kubuntu but i dont know if help with terminal commands is on topic [23:53] Which version of Kubuntu? 23.10 will be your best bet. (re @IrcsomeBot: Anyone have any ideas why I can't boot into a Wayland session? X11 seems to work. I'm running an Nvidia 40xx card with the newest 545 drivers. However, when I hit login after selecting Wayland, I get no output to my monitors. Both go into the 'awaiting signal' idle state.) [23:54] I'm using 23.10. I should mention that I had a previous install where it did at least let me boot into the desktop environment. However, that install got bricked. [23:54] On this newer install, I can't boot into it at all