
lubot[telegram] <lynorian> Thing is with discover some terminal applications don't show up. Like if I put cowsay, inxi, or nbsdgames I don't get anything showing up02:38
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Interesting.02:45
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I guess we need to dust off the welcome application02:45
lubot[telegram] <lynorian> I mean I think way back in the lubuntu software center days I think that also did the same02:45
lubot[telegram] <lynorian> But we also shipped synaptic way back in the gtk days02:48
lubot[telegram] <lynorian> Did we ship muon because we used to ship synaptic on gtk02:52
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Probably02:52
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> It is  ton lighter too02:52
* arraybolt3 didn't know we even had a welcome screen prototype until tonight03:05
arraybolt3I helped build an entire welcome wizard in the past so I could probably help out with that.03:05
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Yeah, there is a fallow repo there.03:06
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> It needs some help, my skills aren't that strong.03:07
arraybolt3That was fun :)03:11
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> It really was.03:12
arraybolt3The Discover stuff reminded me that we have a bug in Discover that only affects Lubuntu - many app icons render black for some reason.03:12
arraybolt3So while I don't expect we'll drop Discover any time soon (and don't think we need to since it's not a background process in Lubuntu), it might be nice to track down whatever dependency is missing and get it added.03:13
arraybolt3(if there is a missing dependency at all)03:13
arraybolt3Also was glad to see I wasn't the only one to notice https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-panel/issues/1958 - I helped do a bit of debugging in the background and added a new comment on it.03:15
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Issue 1958 in lxqt/lxqt-panel "Application menu occasionally 'freaks out' while trying to search for a program" [Open]03:15
arraybolt3(I tried to mention it a couple times but YouTube was eating my link, not sure if anyone else saw it)03:15
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> Yeah, you have to be a mod to post links.03:45
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> That is interesting, I wonder what Tsujan will come back with.03:46
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> Ah, that explains it.03:46
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> What I was alluding to on stream was, I really think another child object is spawned (best case scenario), worst case scenario I see a clean-ish memory leak03:59
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> ls18:00
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> oops18:00
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Unapproved: rejected lubuntu-update-notifier [source] (jammy-proposed) [0.5.1~22.04.5]18:01
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> XD18:03

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