[09:41] Hello all, i have an aspire one d255e with intel atom 1.66ghz , 2 gb of ram ... i saw on the internet that 32bit are no longer supported, what happens if i install the last 32bit version ? thanks in advance. [09:42] and what are the alternatives please. [09:55] Hello YoY, consider it as installing windows xp and surfing the net [09:56] I have a few intel atom netbooks running 64 bit lubuntu [09:56] its insecure [09:56] if you have x64 processor, install x64 [09:56] if it boots the 64 bit lubuntu installier on USB, you should be fine to install [09:56] if not, i could suggest debian 32 bits [09:57] debian 32 ... [09:57] is it installed manually or the easy way ? [09:58] I have been using lubuntu on the netbooks for many years, as lxde is pretty good on the low end hardware, and lxqt is not bad either [09:58] YoY: it has an installer too [09:58] from what i heard and remember, it uses the same setup, calamares [09:58] installer , community ..etc ? [09:58] which is very intuitive [09:59] i will install lxqt on it [09:59] That is my suggestion ::) YoY [10:00] thank you LimeOn for your suggestions now it is clear :) [10:01] Your welcome, good luck ^^ [12:34] * guiverc whispers to YoY, fyi: Debian offers two installers, the *live* ISOs use calamares, and the traditional installer uses di (debian-installer); you pick which you use at download time