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AngryTomWhat is the best gui virtual machine manager for Qemu?00:56
topcat001virt-manager is quite easy to use01:13
AngryTomI will check it out.01:26
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lp2skylineHi, I'm having this weird error when installing Ubuntu 23.10.1 to my Surface Pro 4. It says "request to /storage/v2/guided crashed with ValueError" when I select "Erase disk and install Ubuntu"02:53
lp2skylineWell, it says that when I go to report the problem02:53
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kuckleheadWhy is the bashdb package not available for jammy?04:59
ravagehttps://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=focal&section=all&arch=any&keywords=bashdb&searchon=names does not return anything at all05:01
kuckleheadravage,  Yes, I am aware of that. I have been planning on creating some advance scripts and would prefer to have a debugger on hand. The --debugger flag is disabled and the source code from github has not been updated for awhile now. I am trying to figure out why they removed it or have not added it. I have thought about manually installing it, however, I would prefer to install it from a repo of some sort that has it up to date as of this year. I05:10
kuckleheaddid find a repo that last updated in 2021 i think05:10
ravageit never existed05:11
ravageat least not on any release supported right now05:11
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ravageso it was removed after 16.0405:13
ravagei guess today you would use something like https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=rogalmic.bash-debug05:14
ravageor https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck05:21
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phr34khello, I am a bit confused about extglob. Basically, I have directory of files that I want to move except for one i.e.       "mv !(test) test" is that it skips hidden files.09:23
phr34kI'm just not really how i can make my behavior work.09:24
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YoYHello all09:52
YoYi have an old notebook i want to know what are the alternatives for it ?09:52
AngryToma new notebook?09:55
ravageYoY: we need a little more information. what are the specs?10:03
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Yakovsometimes getting 200~ word preceding my commands in gnome-terminal, how to fix it?14:36
jeremy31Yakov: sounds like a copy paste issue from internet browser14:39
jeremy31Yakov: https://superuser.com/questions/1532688/pasting-required-text-into-terminal-emulator-results-in-200required-text14:40
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mortWhat are some tricks for disabling or reducing logging in Ubuntu?14:57
mortI have Ubuntu running from an SD card on an SBC, constant writes to SD cards destroys them14:57
Parisdid you check the writes? cause things are firtuakized sometimes like /proc /sys, maybe it is possible tobhave /var as a RAM virtual partiton? very unsure too, and complicated. It must be possible to reduce with config options in /etc maybe, i mean reduce log stuff to necessary, move your /tmp folder too then,symlink to a another storage things like that.15:02
mortI don't want logs eating up my RAM either though15:03
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Yakovhow to locate ~/.inputrc file (need to edit lines for ~200 brackets set enable-bracketed-paste On)15:22
seereYakov: just as you named it - right in your home directory. If not there then create it.15:51
Yakovseere ty16:01
fwehtwhy are all folders from my home on my desktop, i thought only files and folders from the desktop folder are supposed to show up?16:06
rboxmort: what logs do you want to disable16:19
ppnmi got a zombie process https://tfaq.cc/uZ5OtO16:22
ppnmafter kill the orphan ... when log in they run again16:24
dg_Can I ask for help with hostapd?16:44
rboxi dont know, can you?16:44
dg_I tried set up an Access Point, but it stops broadcasting after a short while16:45
mortrbox: all sorts of stuff that writes to files in /var/log16:58
rboxfor example16:58
seereppnm: to get rid of a zombie kill the parent. if there are other ways to let the parent collect the exit state of it's dead children then use this. But usually there aren't any as zombies mostly are from programming errors in the parent (not wait(2)-ing for their children)16:58
mortjournald, nginx, sshd, apt, syslog, ubuntu-advantage stuff, dmesg, cloud-init, apport, ...16:59
rboxthe journal has config files for controlling how much and where it logs17:01
rboxsyslog controls most of that other stuff and you can configure that17:02
WhyDItGoHello! Does anyone know if the two recent base updates reverted the new App Center back to Ubuntu Software? Is there info I'm missing? App Center was just there yesterday. Booting my machine this morning, it's back to App Center.........17:31
rbox"the two recent updates"...17:34
WhyDItGoBASE updates - I figured the name implies a "Core Base" that every Ubuntu system runs. I'd appreciate help instead of mocking quotation17:37
WhyDItGoWhere can I check/what can I provide to try to help figure out what, and when, it happened?17:38
rboxfigure out what17:39
WhyDItGoMy apologies, my original post has a mistake: My 'App Center' (New with 23.10) reverted back to old 'Ubuntu Software'17:40
WhyDItGoApp Center was there just yesterday; this morning booting up (after installing a second prompted 'Base Update(s)' for the second day in a row), App Center has been replaced with Ubuntu Software17:41
rboxso the title changed?17:41
WhyDItGoThe whole app17:41
rboxso you're just using 2 separate things...17:42
WhyDItGoHere's the full story17:42
WhyDItGoI first found this chat & learned to connect after I upgraded a FRESH 22.04 install to the detected 23.10 update available. No errors or anything; system updates.....everything but Ubuntu Software to App Center (the main touted benefit of this update). User here was able to help me narrow it down to the old Ubuntu Software having a process running that wouldn't close & was stopping replacement of US to AC17:46
WhyDItGoClosed the process, ran the update, Ubuntu Software was uninstalled & App Center installed and working(ish, I figure the small things I've found are just bugs to iron out later; nothing major. Until this morning)17:47
WhyDItGoThis happens right as I'm trying to force myself to let go of a nasty cycle of building & destroying so many Ubuntu installs because "something went wrong; something else *might* be wrong, let's burn down the house & build a new one17:48
rboxthe main benefit of updating ubuntu is a different installer app?17:49
centHOGGi know17:49
WhyDItGoBUT: It was literally a freshly installed 22.04 that I spent maybe 45m-1H configuring Settings, when the system prompted it found the 23.10 upgrade (just days after it's release)17:49
centHOGGlive and learn, LTS ftw17:50
WhyDItGoSo, if I can't trust a freshly installed system to not break RIGHT OUT OF THE BOX like that...that's just another confirmation that I /am/ valid in burning down the house & rebuilding (because I don't have to worry about actual materials spent ;P)17:50
centHOGGless is more with linux17:51
rboxif you can't trust a freshyly installed system... who can you t rust17:51
WhyDItGocentHOGG Very much this. I get the release cycle; I get a lot of things behind it's development. But...man...this is just the same sh*t happening more than a decade and a half later (more?) after learning about Ubuntu in high school. It's gone through A LOT of aesthetic changes, and sure it finally is (mostly) slick looking. But how TF does the main part of an upgrade just...not upgrade? Not have privileges to end the old17:55
WhyDItGosoftwares process to install the new? To act like everything went fine with no errors. Blows my damn mind17:55
WhyDItGo@rbox Lol, great. Keep pushing me into my burn the house for the spider ;D17:55
centHOGGWhyDItGo: troodat. Stick with the LTS (forexample 20.04). Then purge stuff after you've setup desktop style17:56
centHOGGshouldn't take long at all17:56
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WhyDItGoI could go on laughing & ranting (thanks for the humour; needed it), but I do want to try and get to the bottom of how it replaced itself (in case of potential security issues). Is there a (human readable) go-to log for general App Installs?18:02
centHOGGwell, why not lookup the problem on the internet and maybe something will come up (guessing)18:03
rboxyes, something defintely hacked you18:03
rboxWhyDItGo: apt logs are in /var/log18:03
dtg01100i've had the snap-store also downgrade to the version in latest/stable instead of the channel i'm tracking in latest/stable/ubuntu-23.1018:07
WhyDItGoThank you rbox. Odd, only entry is for an update to gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock, but I know there were more changes through apt (and possibly the one's I'm looking for were made outside apt & possibly not show?). Also, this entry was supposedly held back (which I thought was odd) as reported in a Terminal window18:10
WhyDItGo@dtg01100 Can you elaborate please? I do know there are different release channels - are you suggestion something might be pointing to "22.04 Latest" versus "23.10" latest? Where can I check this?18:11
dtg01100running "snap info snap-store" in a terminal18:12
WhyDItGoI usually check all sources of installed apps out of curiosity/occasionally needing a [newer] version. Since App Center didn't fully upgrade, I could see where something might be pointing to an old resource18:12
centHOGG99% of resources in linux are open-source18:13
dtg01100the paste of my output is at https://dpaste.com/B22DPZX5C18:14
dtg01100it's been acting the same for both of my computers, so it's not an issue with that single install18:15
WhyDItGo@dtg01100 I understand what your saying. Mine's tracking 'latest/stable/ubuntu-23.10', so sounds like we've experienced similar18:15
dtg01100the only thing i've found online is a couple of reddit threads that were posted earlier today18:16
dtg01100thinking of putting a post in the snapcraft forum to see if anyone knows what happened18:17
Yakovhaving some crappy popups in my firefox browser like adds which blocks for a while ability to click with mouse any tab18:20
Yakovhow to disable it and protect against new?18:20
xanguaUblock Origin* addon for Firefox18:21
WhyDItGo@dtg01100 Bingo, ours "refreshed" around the same time. I'm going to upload my output. Might check the other install and see if/when it refreshed - looks like a process that waits until "late at night" (21:00, 22:00) to trigger. My machine was off the charger and died, but would've happened HOURS after the refresh18:24
WhyDItGoActually, 22:25 PST for me possibly is when that base update triggered & I installed it through the 'Software Updater' tool18:25
WhyDItGoFeel free to reference that in any posts you make18:26
WhyDItGo@Yakov Are you sure this is limited to just a plugin & not malware? You can type 'about:addons' (without single quotes) to get to the management view where you can remove. If you're not sure which, disable all and turn them on one at a time. @xangua is correct; there are many ad blocking services; Go with Ublock Origin18:29
WhyDItGoAdditionally, there are labs that review anti-virus/malware products & generate data to see which are best - if you browse questionable territory on the internet, this is recommended if your hardware won't be bottled down with one for Linux18:32
WhyDItGo@dtg01100 Thank you very much for your help! This helps narrow things down; and it helps to hear you have more than one machine experiencing similar. Only other question: Were you able to successfully force it to upgrade back to App Center instead of Ubuntu Software?18:34
dtg01100@WhyDItGo you can try running "snap revert snap-store" to roll back the last update18:40
dtg01100@WhyDItGo If the previous version isn't available on your system. You can also run "snap refresh snap-store --channel latest/edge" to follow the absolute latest versions, but that may be unstable.18:45
YakovWhyDItGo, it looks like malware, ad blocker does not help18:45
YakovWhyDItGo what should I do?18:45
WhyDItGo@Yakov Did you disable all Add-on Extensions to confirm the issue was still happening? If so & it's persisting, you generally gave two options: 1) Try and save the system or 2) Backup Data for sanitization later & nuke/re-install system18:49
WhyDItGo@Yakov Option 1 I personally would image the drive where Ubuntu is installed just to have a copy. Then, there are special USB-based rescue tools (do an internet search for which you care to use; don't pay - there are plenty of free one's that are reputable/have been around awhile18:53
YakovI think I just reinstall system18:53
WhyDItGoBefore you go18:53
WhyDItGoBackup data to a "blank" USB you want to keep and SANITIZE THE FILES before moving them back to your computer. Most likely isolated to Firefox, but, you never know & it's best to be safe. Good luck!18:55
disgruntSorry for the newb question but searching the Internet has been of no use for me... I'd like the apt system to automatically install all documentation packages, how is that properly accomplished?19:01
rboxwhat documentation packages19:05
disgruntrbox:  Any related to the package being installed.  man, info, doc, etc.19:07
rboxman pages are always installed19:07
disgruntrbox:  There are often seperate -doc packages as well as info, etc, etc.19:07
WhyDItGoIf you mean documentation per piece of software, I believe that's explicitly up to the person that packages it. In my experience, to keep a lot of software light, they'll include basic commands if not installed by default19:08
disgruntWhyDItGo:  I'm aware.  I'm wondering how to get the apt system to autoinstall and -doc packages.19:08
disgruntFor a start.19:08
rboxwhat makes you think it can do that19:09
disgruntrbox:  Because Debian could in the '00s.19:09
rboxby doing what19:09
disgruntrbox:  If I remembered that, I'd probably have my answer.19:10
disgruntPerhaps another question... On 24.04.3 is there a way to have an encrypted /boot that isn't a major hassle?19:13
WhyDItGo@rbox You come off rather abrasive & unwilling to help for, well, the #ubuntu HELP chat...19:25
kwhat4Hi, I have been using ubutnu for some github actions and the cross compiler I was installing not longer works.  The same process I use to install as part of the CI process seems to work on my local image.  Does anyone know what maybe causing this: https://dpaste.com/HANWQKTAP ?  The installation process I am using: https://dpaste.com/HJDMY5MCY19:25
rboxkwhat4: and what version are you using19:27
rboxand when did this stop working19:28
kwhat420.04 for both, local is at 20.04.4 and I am not sure what the remote exact version is. How can I determine that? is there a /etc/release file on ubuntu?19:29
kwhat4rbox not exactly sure when it stopped. It was working about 3 months ago19:29
boxrickHello folks!19:31
WhyDItGoFirstly there are broken packages that need to be fixed. You can follow the suggestions here: https://phoenixnap.com/kb/ubuntu-fix-broken-packages and possibly craft your own. Then, you'll want to check for any remaining dependencies that aren't met; you may be able to install using an apt command19:33
rboxwhere is 22.04 coming from then19:33
boxrickI'm running a modern x570 system with a (fast 980pro) NVME disk and a fresh install of 22.04. The latency seems high for that disk, so I swapped it out for an even faster one (Hynix Platinum P41) which was the double the size. Did another fresh install and still same issue. https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/CKjgh4Oh/IMG_7003.PNG19:34
boxrickI'm running a modern x570 system with a (fast 980pro) NVME disk and a fresh install of 22.04. The latency seems high for that disk, so I swapped it out for an even faster one (Hynix Platinum P41) which was the double the size. Did another fresh install and still same issue. https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/RkgSthdC/IMG_7002.PNG19:34
boxrickOh it double sent the text.... Anyway you get the point19:34
kwhat4rbox lsb_release -a on the remote instance shows buntu 22.04.3 LTS (jammy)19:38
rboxwell that explains why you're seeing differences...19:38
YakovI just copied some snap binaries from one machine (where it was built) to other machine, I need to add new app to snap list and run using absolute path, how to proceed?19:40
dtg01100@WhyDItGo I've now reproduced the snap-store version issue with a fresh vm19:48
WhyDItGo@dtg01100 I'm curious! General steps to reproduce? As in, you had it "downgrade/revert" itself?19:49
dtg01100@WhyDItGo Installed a fresh vm, attempted to switch channel to latest/stable/ubuntu-23.1019:50
WhyDItGo@Yakov Sorry, this is a bit beyond me19:51
dtg01100this was an attempt to remove any possibility of my setup being the problem19:51
WhyDItGo23.10 direct install, or 22.04->23.10?19:52
dtg01100my own machine was a 23.10 direct install, the vm is a 22.04 install19:54
kwhat4Is there a way i can specify a GCC slot to install ?19:54
rboxkwhat4: what do you mean slot19:55
kwhat4like 12 or 11 instead of the exact version19:55
rboxyou can't pick the version19:55
rboxyou get wahts in the repo19:55
kwhat4why on earth is it trying to install both 11 and 12?19:55
rboxwhre is it instaling 11 and 1219:57
seerethere are some gcc-XY in the repos.19:57
rboxkwhat4: i just spun up a 22.04 container and your script worked fine for me19:58
seerekwhat4: maybe packages depending on an exact gcc version?19:59
kwhat4Setting up gcc-12-cross-base (12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04cross1) ...followed by Setting up gcc-11-cross-base (11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04cross1) ...19:59
kwhat4I have no idea why this GitHub image stopped working.19:59
WhyDItGo@dtg01100 To clarify, I suspect my path (Fresh 22.04, almost immediately upgraded to 23.10 BUT failed to upgrade properly) was what had to do with then the 23.10 reverting itself (once I fixed it not being upgraded lol)20:04
WhyDItGo@dtg01100 22.04 is shipped with Ubuntu Software; App Center is new in 23.10. If I understand correctly by what you typed, you forced a 22.04 fresh system to install 23.10, and it reverted back to 22.04 Ubuntu Software from 23.10 App Center?20:07
dtg01100@WhyDItGo Ubuntu Software and App Center are rebrands of snap-store, it updates independently of the rest of the system. I think the store issue just had really unfortunate timing in your case.20:11
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kwhat4turns out M$ has added their own repos to their images20:50
Yakovneed to completely purge/reinstall valgrind without reinstalling OS20:52
Yakovany clues?20:52
kwhat4For some reason i need deb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ubuntu-toolchain-r/test/ubuntu/ jammy main with their container20:56
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kwhat4Yakov cant you just apt remote valgrind && apt autoremove and then reinstall?20:59
Yakovupdate db && locate, rm -r does the trick21:28
MrMobiuscan I change the color of colors in the terminal in ubuntu server running in console mode? I don't mean the terminal program since I'm not SSHing in from another computer and I'm not booting into a GNOME or a GUI with a terminal program. I mean the actual color on the LCD when it boots directly to the terminal. The shade of regular blue for directory names, for example, is so dark it's hard to see on the black background23:27
rboxMrMobius: LS_COLORS is the colors ls uses23:31
MrMobiusrbox: ls is just an example. I'm hoping to change the rgb value of that shade of blue for anything that writes to the screen23:32

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