=== blackboxsw_ is now known as blackboxsw | ||
blackboxsw | javier-fs: to answer the question you posed Friday, that fix will for Ubuntu Pro fips enablement will be in 23.4 which will be cut and released to Ubuntu Nobel this week, the plan is then to SRU that back to Focal, Jammy, Lunar and Mantic after we cut the release this week. We are only holding the release 23.4 to wrap up reviews on pull requests tagged "23.4" | 16:59 |
blackboxsw | https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+label%3A23.4 | 16:59 |
blackboxsw | Noble rather than Nobel | 16:59 |
javier-fs | That sounds great. Thanks for the information, I really appreciate it | 17:28 |
=== dbungert1 is now known as dbungert | ||
Roman | Hello, is it possible to configure cloud-init in a such way that cloud-init would install some packages defined in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/cloud.cfg Or if I want to install packages I have to defined them in a file placed in Data source ? | 17:50 |
blackboxsw | holmanb: falcojr one last https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4631 for 23.4 on permissions errors for non-root user too. | 18:09 |
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4631 in canonical/cloud-init "schema: non-root fallback to default cfg paths on perm errors" [Open] | 18:09 | |
blackboxsw | Roman: thx for the question, typically to provide supplemental configuration to cloud-init to install packages, that would be done by providing user-data in a cloud-specific way so that cloud-init can see the #cloud-config\npackges: [your, package, list] during initial boot. | 18:10 |
blackboxsw | Roman: While packages directives can be sourced in an image from /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d that is not typical because any end-user could provide their own #cloud-config containing a packages directive which would override anything placed in "base config" in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d | 18:11 |
holmanb | blackboxsw: is there any reason not to use read_cfg_paths() by default? | 18:12 |
blackboxsw | Roman: the packages user-data schema looks like this https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/modules.html#package-update-upgrade-install and generally is provided by user-data, if you are in the business of adding a dropin in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d to install packages in a created image, you'd probably instead want to just run those pkg install commands yourself in that image to ensure the golden image has them | 18:13 |
blackboxsw | holmanb: it's possible, though very unlikley that an image had overridden the paths: | 18:14 |
blackboxsw | cloud_dir: /var/lib/cloud/ | 18:14 |
blackboxsw | templates_dir: /etc/cloud/templates/ | 18:14 |
blackboxsw | holmanb: in base config files | 18:15 |
blackboxsw | so the loading of the cached datasource gives us access to that merged system/base config | 18:15 |
Roman | blackboxsw ok, thank you for explanation | 18:16 |
blackboxsw | community-notice: Ubuntu 23.3.3 just got released by the SRU team to Focal, Jammy, Lunar and Mantic with a couple bug fixes affecting boot time to SSH in environments which have seeded snaps. Expect daily images which carry /etc/cloud/build.info dates > 10272023 in the coming days to see some performance improvements on Ubuntu. | 18:42 |
blackboxsw | I see no further 23.4 labeled issues or PRs. holmanb falcojr if we don't have anything else pressing for 23.4 by tomorrow, I'll just kick off some final jenkins jobs with tip of main and ensure we are in good shape for release | 19:25 |
blackboxsw | if we get clean bill of health from jenkins test runs, then I think we can cut 23.4 upstream release tomorrow right? | 19:25 |
falcojr | blackboxsw: sounds good to me! | 19:26 |
holmanb | blackboxsw: +1 | 19:28 |
meena | blackboxsw: I haven't had time to do much work for this release | 21:43 |
meena | (I'm mostly working on a new contract / timeline for my project) | 21:44 |
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