
=== SamGreenwood117 is now known as SamGreenwood11
kaseyi need help badly00:58
kaseywith installing win3200:58
kaseymy bad wine3200:58
=== kasey is now known as kasey__
=== kasey__ is now known as CrystalRajel
=== CrystalRajel is now known as kasey
tomreynkasey: what have you tried so far, what does not seem to be working, which kubuntu version are you on?01:36
=== jj5_ is now known as jj5
user|77so I logged out from my plasma session (x11) and logged in again on plasma (wayland), i get a notice =04:40
user|77IBus should be called from the desktop session in Wayland. For KDE, you can launch 'systemsettings5' utility and go to "Input Devices" -> "Virtual Keyboard" section and select "IBus Wayland" icon and click "Apply" button to configure IBus in Wayland. For other desktop sessions, you can copy the 'Exec=' line in04:40
user|77org.freedesktop.IBus.Panel.Wayland.Gtk3.desktop file to a configuration file of the session. Please refer each document about the "Wayland input method" configuration. Before you configure the "Wayland input method", you should make sure that QT_IM_MODULE and GTK_IM_MODULE environment variables are unset in the desktop session. "04:40
user|77I managed to find Input Devices" -> "Virtual Keyboard" section and select "IBus Wayland in settings , clicked apply04:40
user|77then i got04:40
=== lexandrop_ is now known as lexandrop
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
BluesKajHi all13:18
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
IrcsomeBot_<enrico89> E0OJ20:47
IrcsomeBot_<enrico89> E00J20:47
IrcsomeBot_<enrico89> E0DJ20:47
IrcsomeBot_<enrico89> 5BBV20:47
IrcsomeBot_<enrico89> Hello, anyone knows if the Kubuntu Backports PPA will receive Plasma 6 in the next weeks? I would like to try Plasma 6 on kubuntu for testing purposes20:49
mparilloNo, Kubuntu Backports PPA needs to have a Qt version compatible and tested with the larger Ubuntu project, so Plasma 6 will not come to Kubuntu backports in coming weeks. To test on Kubuntu, you would want to compile Qt 6.6 first, then KDE Frameworks, and the Plasma (I think). At that point, it is no longer recognizably Kubuntu.23:20

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