
lubot[telegram] <teward001> arraybolt3: what repos/data *exactly* did you need from Phab?  Excluding the wiki, I have Simon and Dan working on that stuff02:39
arraybolt3I was trying to get the "old art" repo out.02:39
arraybolt3(also, nice timing :P just was working on setting up an RPi and was thinking about some things we had discussed on Linux Saloon last night)02:39
arraybolt3That was the only repo I was interested in, everything else except of course the Wiki I didn't use.02:42
lubot[telegram] <teward001> arraybolt3: https://git.lubuntu.me/lubuntu-restricted/oldart/ see if you can access that02:52
lubot[telegram] <teward001> yep02:53
lubot[telegram] <teward001> double check becuase i just privated it02:53
lubot[telegram] <teward001> see if you can still reach it02:53
lubot[telegram] <teward001> old art is still there02:53
lubot[telegram] <teward001> opening the individual files tries to show thumbnails, etc. that were on S3 but it's not accurate so02:54
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i had to do some chaos :P02:54
arraybolt3@teward001: 404s.02:55
arraybolt3My RPi's case also seems to be giving me a 404 error (i.e., I lost it)02:56
lubot[telegram] <teward001> hah02:57
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i need to add you to the proper permissions group then02:57
lubot[telegram] <teward001> stdby02:57
lubot[telegram] <teward001> try now02:58
arraybolt3hmm, I may need to sign in :P02:58
arraybolt3alright, now I can see it02:59
lubot[telegram] <teward001> yep03:00
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *returns to the abyss*03:00
tsimonq2Good morning.15:11
=== kgiii is now known as Guest6992
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Good afternoon😁😁 (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <tsimonq2> Good morning.)16:38
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Commit c3a161d in ubuntu-cdimage "Remove Colin Watson from the Daily CD Health Check emails"16:53
tsimonq2Related: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cdimage/commit/?id=0d7c2b6840cfcfcdb30c841b761ae948cec4668b16:54
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Commit 0d7c2b6 in ubuntu-cdimage "Bump lubuntu jammy size limit per tsimonq2"16:54
tsimonq2arraybolt3: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/redshift-qt/0.6-217:44
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Seeding as a Recommends.17:44
tsimonq2lubuntu-meta upload done following that. I demoted a *lot* to recommends.18:16
tsimonq2Once that all migrates (read: 2-3 hours), I'll respin the daily to pick up these changes.18:17
tsimonq2arraybolt3: I think our next step just in terms of redshift-qt is to add some kind of desktop entry, and then ping Lyn, asking her to add it to the manual.18:19
tsimonq2Right now, the only way to launch redshift-qt is via the CLI.18:19
tsimonq2I worry about translations for that desktop entry, so maybe there's an existing redshift one we can use.18:20
tsimonq2/usr/share/applications/redshift-gtk.desktop looks promising.18:20
tsimonq2Yeah, that would be a good idea, it does have translations. I'll open an MP on Salsa once it's all done and uploaded.18:21
tsimonq2Anyway, in the meantime I'll be getting into some $dayjob stuff.18:22
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Upstream redshift-qt has a desktop sans translations18:24
tsimonq2I see. So it does.18:25
tsimonq2Also, upstream has not pushed a commit in three years. Do we want to fork it?18:26
tsimonq2Maybe make it Qt 6. :P18:26
tsimonq2(Alternatively, Qtilities might want it.)18:26
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> That all makes sense to me. At least initially.18:27
tsimonq2Sweet. In the meantime, sometime before EOD I'll patch the Debian package to both include that .desktop file and include translations from redshift-gtk (citing copyright properly).18:28
arraybolt3Fork it sounds good.18:28
arraybolt3Oh, and o/18:28
tsimonq2o/ arraybolt3 18:28
tsimonq2It did pick up some steam on Twitter, too: https://twitter.com/LubuntuOfficial/status/172855365137802038518:28
tsimonq2(Not as much as the idea of a Windows 11 theme, though. :P https://twitter.com/LubuntuOfficial/status/1725270913204006934 )18:29
tsimonq2Also on the list, we should look at why sddm-conf doesn't pick up any default settings. Maybe it needs to be ran with pkexec / lxqt-sudo.18:30
arraybolt3I did some research last night since I had a slightly crazy idea - having an official RPi image sounds very handy, but what if we also were the first *desktop* RISC-V flavor?18:30
tsimonq2(Probably the former, so e.g. Ubuntu Studio could use it.)18:30
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Show me the money / show me the hardware ;)18:30
tsimonq2I'd love to, though.18:31
EickmeyerPlasma has its own sddm configuration kcm.18:31
tsimonq2Well, since apparently people like Windows 11, why not ship both, in the spirit of Windows? :P18:31
* tsimonq2 runs18:31
arraybolt3Heh, the one I had in my sights was a VisionFive2, but it seems that the 2GB variant is hard to find...18:33
arraybolt3I thought they were going to be super cheap but I see some of the ads faked me out:P18:36
arraybolt3I wanted to make a new Lubuntu theme but after seeing so many people call Lubuntu polished, I think everyone's happy with our existing theme. Which is nice, means we know something to *not* change so we don't make lots of people mad.18:39
arraybolt3I like the new optional themes though, a lot.18:39
arraybolt3If we could get a Windows-y Openbox theme to go with that might make it "complete".18:40
arraybolt3I know what theme I'd pick for that too, so I might take a break from Universe maintenance to package it.18:40
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Here's the two lines in my ~/.bashrc that I *think* do it:20:11
tsimonq2shopt -s histappend20:11
tsimonq2PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a;$PROMPT_COMMAND"20:11
arraybolt3seems to *sorta* work20:12
arraybolt3but I have to open a new terminal to "unlock" history from other ones20:12
tsimonq2arraybolt3: That likely has the complete command you're looking for ^^^^20:13
arraybolt3almost works...20:14
arraybolt3but now I have to do *something* in a new terminal to get it to re-read the file :P20:15
tsimonq2*Almost* is better than *not at all*. :P20:15
arraybolt3true :P20:15
arraybolt3and I can just hit "enter" to force a reload now20:15
arraybolt3one thing I have learned to do is to split my one terminal into multiple panes in Konsole. Very handy.20:18
tsimonq2You can split windows into multiple components with tmux/byobu too, or QTerminal supports the same, or Vim supports it too. ;)20:21
arraybolt3tmux is awesome, but Konsole's terminal panes are just a bit more convenient20:21
arraybolt3(and I daily-drive Kubuntu)20:22
arraybolt3I may end up getting to daily-drive Lubuntu in the near future, which would be awesome, but right now I don't have enough drive space to be comfortable with dual-booting, nor do I have the right drive setup to make it easy, and I need Kubuntu for some of the things I do.20:22
* arraybolt3 wonders if you can put two partition tables on one disk...20:23
tsimonq2Probably not, probably not. :P20:23
arraybolt3something something NVMe namespaces20:23
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Just install LXQt ;)20:23
arraybolt3anyway, tsimonq2: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1056780 look at the last message, review the thingy in the GitHub link if you could please :)20:24
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1056780 in openmsx "openmsx: Source-less Windows binary in source package (and other packaging issues)" [Serious, Open]20:24
arraybolt3tsimonq2: ERR:NOT_THAT_BRAVE20:24
arraybolt3(I've never installed two DEs on one Ubuntu system before except in a VM where it went very poorly. I know guiverc is famous for being able to do that sort of thing without issues but *I* need a bit more stability than that.)20:24
arraybolt3(and I'm on Jammy for reasons)20:25
tsimonq2Holy hacky setup, Batman.20:25
arraybolt3w.r.t. the GitHub link? Yeah. #BlameGoogle20:25
tsimonq2Why... just why... did you put tarballs in a Git repository and throw them on GitHub. :P20:25
arraybolt3Google refused to let me send them as file attachments :(20:25
arraybolt3something about a "disallowed file type"20:26
* tsimonq2 slaps arraybolt3 with a wet fish20:26
tsimonq2Anyway, reviewing.20:26
arraybolt3I think probably it tore open my .tar.gz, saw something about openMSX it found fishy, and then decided to slap me for it.20:26
arraybolt3https://support.google.com/mail/answer/6590?visit_id=638366438731975290-1734539295&p=BlockedMessage&rd=1 (was the link Gmail handed me when I tried to send)20:26
tsimonq219.1+dfsg-2 can be 19.1+dfsg-1 since adding the suffix is a version bump in and of itself.20:27
tsimonq2"Use debhelper 13 rather than debhelper 10." Did you have to make any changes as a result of this, or "no changes needed">20:27
arraybolt3I think it was a "no changes needed" thing.20:28
arraybolt3I just bumped the debhelper version.20:28
tsimonq2I see you bumped Standards-version, where's your changelog entry? :P20:28
arraybolt3I did not intentionally bump it.20:28
arraybolt3It was at 4.6.2 when I started.20:28
tsimonq2Oh, cool.20:28
tsimonq2As for debhelper, yeah I'd just note no changes are needed, tbh.20:28
arraybolt3(Wait until you see the copyright file. It's awesome.)20:28
tsimonq2What the heck is the BSL? :P20:30
arraybolt3Boost Software License20:30
tsimonq2Oh. Cool.20:30
arraybolt3(Not Business Source License thankfully!)20:30
tsimonq2Is this the only .dll in the directory? Contrib/codec/Win32/zmbv.dll20:32
tsimonq2Are these DFSG-compatible source-side?20:33
tsimonq2  rm -rf Contrib/dmk/build/20:33
tsimonq2  rm -rf Contrib/tsx/build/20:33
* arraybolt3 checks20:34
tsimonq2"Overhauled copyright file." was it at an older format, or just rehauled?20:34
arraybolt3I literally don't have those directories in my tree.20:34
arraybolt3"was it at an older format or just rehauled?" Yes.20:35
tsimonq2Okay cool, so they're generated during the build.20:35
arraybolt3(the formatting was very bad)20:35
arraybolt3(and the data was inaccurate)20:35
arraybolt3so I guess just rehauled20:35
arraybolt3but it felt like having to bring it up-to-date formatting-wise too20:35
tsimonq2Well, if it's an older format, guess what, you need to note it :P if the formatting just looked like garbage, what you have is cool.20:35
arraybolt3I didn't change the Format line at the top, so I think just the formatting looked like garbage.20:36
tsimonq2Running it through my automated gauntlet, let's see how bad Lintian shrieks in pain. :P20:36
arraybolt3it looked like it was the same format as the files I've always worked through.20:36
arraybolt3tsimonq2: won't shriek as loudly as it did at me :P20:36
tsimonq2hah :D20:36
arraybolt3also unless you own a Ryzen 9 or a modded M3 Mac Studio, expect the build to be a while :)20:38
tsimonq2I mean, it takes 22 minutes on Launchpad, my computer has more RAM and CPU power than a Launchpad builder, so :P20:39
arraybolt3it's the autopkgtest that takes a long time :) but yes, I suppose if you skip that it won't be that bad.20:39
tsimonq2Oh, I should probably run the autopkgtest, huh. :P20:39
arraybolt3(builds take like 45min for me with the autopkgtest included.)20:39
tsimonq2I'll let you know how long mine takes, so we can swap notes ;)20:40
tsimonq2arraybolt3: So... is it a Lintian bug? :P20:44
tsimonq2arraybolt3: I might make you fix this for core-dev down the road XD20:44
arraybolt3in Lintian? :P20:50
arraybolt3I'm pretty sure it's Lintian's fault since every stanza has a different license assigned to it, so I may dig into Lintian and try to fix it.20:50
tsimonq2Yes :P20:50
arraybolt3But I don;t know Perl...20:50
tsimonq2I've patched Lintian before XD20:50
tsimonq2Bah, any programming language is easy once you know one20:50
tsimonq2Except PHP. Never PHP. :P20:50
* tsimonq2 runs from teward 20:51
arraybolt3PHP wasn't that bad :P20:51
arraybolt3I've fiddled with it before20:51
tsimonq2I'm sorry, JavaScript type definitions are definitely worse. :P20:51
arraybolt3JS != PHP20:52
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/9afe6dd3/file_10162.jpg20:52
arraybolt3dynamic type casting gone wrong20:53
arraybolt3tsimonq2: build finish?21:19
arraybolt3If so and you're OK with the state it's in, I'll push a version number change and add one extra changelog snippet about the debhelper version.21:19
arraybolt3(Given the complexity of that package, I'll be really happy if the only things I missed were the version and the changelog since I learned new things about both.)21:20
arraybolt3Anyone else noticed that their Noble box hasn't popped up an upgrade notification in a while? I keep manually launching the upgrader when I boot up my VM.21:28
guiverci noted a few no-upgrades on my regular checks; but I check multiple times a day (3-5 common) so tend to ignore, but yeah, more than expected21:30
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Yup, just waiting on the autopkgtest.21:43
tsimonq2arraybolt3: updates> Nothing has changed there quite yet IIRC, but it does only prompt once a day, and it's on a bash loop with a sleep statement, so :P21:43
arraybolt3I'm just used to it popping up almost immediately when I boot.21:44
arraybolt3autopkgtest for openMSX Works On My Machine(TM) so I expect it to go smoothly. Expectations differ from reality all too often though... so here's hoping it works21:47
tsimonq2arraybolt3: What happens when you manually walk through that Bash script on the command line?21:51
tsimonq2It could be one of two things...21:52
tsimonq2a) apt-check isn't picking up new packages, due to either a malformation in sources.list or some other reason21:52
arraybolt3It gripes some about missing things w.r.t. sha256, and then it prints out a bunch of "Hash found" messages.21:52
tsimonq2b) it's not successfully running21:52
arraybolt3wait... what bash script?21:52
arraybolt3it's the hash checker right?21:52
arraybolt3the one in debian/missing-sources21:52
arraybolt3oh that one21:53
arraybolt3totally different script XD21:53
arraybolt3I thought I botched something in openMSX21:53
tsimonq2So, if you run `sudo apt update`, you get these same errors, right?21:53
arraybolt3The only errors I get when I sudo apt update is the fact that "devel" and "noble" don't look like the same suite to apt, but it works anyway,21:54
arraybolt3hmm, does lubuntu-upgrade-notifier dislike apt *warnings*?21:54
arraybolt3My VM is a Mantic system upgraded to Noble by hand from early in the cycle.21:54
arraybolt3and yes, I intentionally put "devel" in sources.list, not "noble" since "noble" wasn't assigned a name yet21:55
teward(so s/devel/noble/ now?)22:51
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Well, I would expect apt-check to return differently if there are apt warnings, yeah.23:05
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Do those warnings actually *block* a full-upgrade? Like, can you still run Apply Full Upgrade and have it work? Or is it just a no-op?23:06
arraybolt3I can still manually apply full upgrades, yes.23:06
tsimonq2When it's next available to you (when you have updates you can apply), can you check whether apt-check still outputs the same when there's apt warnings?23:08
tsimonq2Handling an error code interrupting things is one thing - if there's an entirely *different* output that doesn't include the information we need, yeah, we should know about that.23:09
tsimonq2I also wonder, just briefly, if apt-check is in Python, and if we can simply import and use that in a Pythonic way. That'll take out the UX middleman.23:09
tsimonq2Yeah, it *is* in Python, it's just not in a class-based structure. Not the biggest deal in the world.23:11
tsimonq2We *could* try to upstream a patch throwing that into some kind of class structure. We could also go upstream and do some slight refactoring (if we have to) to ensure it *can* be ran from a different file.23:11
tsimonq2In that case, I think the ideal UX would be, still *prompt* the user even if there's apt warnings, but let them know about it.23:12

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