=== ivoks_ is now known as ivoks === blackboxsw_ is now known as blackboxsw === ted_ is now known as ted [08:22] Hi, can anyone take a look at my bugfix? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups-browsed/+bug/2028172 [08:22] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2028172 in cups-browsed (Ubuntu) "Cups-browsed cannot bind to port 631 as non-root user on Ubuntu 23.04" [Undecided, New] [12:22] kjerome: I would suggest subscribing ubuntu-sponsors to your bug so that it eventually appears in the sponsoring queue (http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/). Someone (e.g., a patch pilot) should pick it up from there. [14:25] LocutusOfBorg: Hi, sorry I was on break. I don't have upload permissions to lua5.4 in Debian, but I'll go ahead and send in the changes then attempt to get them sponsored, then I'll merge into Ubuntu [14:26] lvoytek, as said, I can sponsor for Debian, once you have a bug with a patch :) [14:26] oh... https://salsa.debian.org/lua-team/lua5.4/-/merge_requests/3/diffs [14:26] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Merge 3 in lua-team/lua5.4 "Update to lua 5.4.6" [Opened] [14:26] so maybe you can just update the merge request and open a bug pointing to it! [14:27] we don't get notifications about new merge requests... [14:27] Alright will do! [14:27] :) [14:28] the maintainer looks active, so this is probably a case of "no email received" [14:58] @pilot in === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: tsimonq2 [14:58] ✈✈✈✈✈✈ [14:59] Oh nice, 22. Mostly white rows, one yellow, nine red (four of which are still security). [15:01] ogayot: Something's up between our installed quilt versions... figuring out what exactly that is. [15:01] ogayot: So, for example... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qkrdp9QjYz/ [15:04] ogayot: All of this is entirely personal preference, I'd say. I'll bikeshed further in the Patch Pilot Discourse thread, but I follow a guide with some great recommended defaults for quilt. It doesn't have that Index line, and keeps it pretty minimal. I'd recommend doing a little work on your ~/.quiltrc ;) [15:05] https://raphaelhertzog.com/2012/08/08/how-to-use-quilt-to-manage-patches-in-debian-packages/ [15:09] Protip for sponsors, that I'll also put in my Patch Pilot response: if you find yourself manually specifying `-k`, just set DEBSIGN_KEYID= in ~/.devscripts - this will pick up your key every time. [15:09] (TODO low-hanging fruit if someone is working on a packaging guide ^^^) [15:10] ogayot: khmer> Uploaded. [15:10] I'll keep an eye on it, in case something fails again. I really appreciate your followup work on this (document it in your application for upload rights! ;)) [15:24] tsimonq2: Thanks for uploading! Hopefully this is the right fix now :) [15:24] tsimonq2: oh that could be the -pab (or absence of) that I use inconsistently when playing around with quilt, I assume [15:29] tsimonq2: I'll check the how-to! [15:30] ogayot: No worries, thanks again! [15:30] TIL git-ubuntu doesn't grab the source tarball from the archive for use with debuild, which Sometimes doesn't match the tarball uscan gives you. [15:32] ogayot: python-ulmo> Uploaded as well. [15:32] Not gonna lie, I did type python-elmo to start, as a mistake. :P [15:33] (First kitty, now elmo, ogayot really does find the interesting packages... ;) ) [15:35] ogayot: Just for your reference, I fully support filing a bug for tracking, but if ~ubuntu-sponsors is requested as a reviewer, no need to create two queue items by also subscribing -sponsors to the bug. ;) [15:35] (I guess it does work as a fallback.) [15:37] tsimonq2: ah, I remember adding ~sponsors to the bug. But I believe the automation added it to the MP. Nice asciiart though! [15:38] ogayot: Got it, thanks :D [15:38] @pilot out === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: N/A [15:38] For the next Pilot, I'd recommend bug 2035561 as a starting point. Might need a beefier SRU template. [15:38] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2035561 in OEM Priority Project "[SRU]crash when installing tp-smapi" [Critical, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2035561 [15:39] * tsimonq2 goes to bikeshed on the thread, I'll post a link here after [15:42] adrien: Hey, you should add your @canonical.com email address to your LP profile, so your uploads can be linked to you. ;) [15:42] * tsimonq2 looks at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/1.22.1ubuntu3 and the ghost profile [15:44] I think it's there but it's not the "main" one; I "only" need to move away from gmail-cannot-sort-emails-but-it's-a-feature-not-a-bug [15:49] I mean, you might be able to merge the ghost one into your actual profile, too. [16:12] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/patch-pilot-hand-off-24-04/39509/23 [16:12] TODO: ubottu should support Discourse previews, too. :P [16:17] mkukri: It's awfully quiet for a Monday morning (knock on wood...), so I'll hop in and take care of your two latest items. [16:21] tsimonq2: ubottu requests are a ping to Unit193 *cough* [16:21] adrien: phpmyadmin> I generally disagree with "well, because symphony doesn't have a delta, this means it should be synced," per what the last uploader just commented. That being said, I'll give you an opportunity to follow up before I take that. [16:21] Eickmeyer: Thanks. ;P [16:24] tsimonq2 thanks [16:25] mkukri: Of course. While you still need a few more uploads, I'll extend the same offer to you regarding endorsing your future application. https://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?render=html&sponsor=&sponsor_search=name&sponsoree=Mate+Kukri&sponsoree_search=name for your ref :) [16:26] mkukri: nix uploaded for you as well. [16:26] I left a comment on the MP regarding the approach, perhaps for a future merge. [16:26] (Debian allows autopkgtests to access the network?!?) [16:26] tsimonq2: I didn't touch phpmyadmin nor symphony, nor anything PHP :P [16:26] * adrien will have to leave in a few minutes [16:27] adrien: I mistakenly pinged you instead of mkukri, sorry. :) [16:27] I'm pretty sure we have a bunch of autopkgtests that access the network and debian has the same afaik [16:27] adrien: Thanks for your quick response :P [16:27] appreciate it, and yeah im well aware im not there yet, but definitely working towards eventually applying [16:27] adrien: Hmmm. Interesting. Curious on that nix delta then. [16:28] mkukri: Of course. :) If there's anything I can do to help, I'm happy to! [16:28] * adrien starts laughing frantically [16:29] I mean, *builds* can't have internet access, maybe the autopkgtest is ran during the build. :P [16:29] (I've made the general assumption thus far that autopkgtests Generally don't access the network.) [16:29] hmm phpmyadmin is getting comments that it should probably not have any delta anymore [16:30] mkukri: Right. What's your take on it? [16:31] I've seen a number of autopkgtests access the network and sometimes fail due to network issues :P [16:31] hahahahaha :D [16:31] assuming the commenter is right, ig just disregard the merge and im gonna request a sync [16:32] My original hesitation is around compatibility with PHP 7, but I see we haven't shipped that since Lunar, so I think it should be fine to sync. :P [16:33] oh, not really. IIRC the php 7 support was an upstream request [16:33] (Or earlier... don't have a clear view... ubuntu-server may be able to fill in the blanks on my knowledge. I only write in 8 anyway, when I have to do PHP ;) ) [16:33] filed LP: #2044817 [16:33] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2044817 in phpmyadmin (Ubuntu) "Sync phpmyadmin 4:5.2.1+dfsg-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2044817 [16:34] we will sync it once the symfony transition is complete though [16:34] athos: Thanks for the insight, could you please comment on the bug when you can? ^^^^ [16:34] I'm happy to sync it now, just don't want anything unnecessarily tangled, so I'll hold off. [16:35] although we do not ship it in noble, the php community likes to use ondrej's repositories and there are lots of ppl running php 7 from it AFAICT [16:36] I have bad memories of upgrading nextcloud on a debian container: exactly one upgrade path... [16:37] athos: Are you suggesting it would be wise to merge it as originally proposed? [16:37] I mean, in an ideal world, ondrej would just ship this patch in their PPA, we'd sync, everyone is happy. [16:37] if we sync it now williamdes_ (upstream) will probably get lots of bugs filed in their bug tracker - that's what we are trying to avoid with the delta [16:38] tsimonq2: I suppose a merge would be better for now [16:38] mkukri: Are you cool with that? ^ [16:39] yeah of course, have no stake in this, not my area of the system, im just trying to keep universe up to date :) [16:40] Sounds good! It's my key signing this upload, so if upstream disagrees strongly enough and suggests a different approach, or if ondrej starts deciding to ship this patch, I'm happy to promptly follow up. [16:40] athos: Thanks again for your advice! [16:50] mkukri: Uploaded, FYI. :) [16:50] ta [16:55] LocutusOfBorg: Alright, I've sent in a bug for lua5.4 with an attached merge request - https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1056991 [16:55] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1056991 in lua5.4 "lua5.4: Add packaging improvements from Ubuntu to Debian" [Minor, Open] [17:06] ive been stupid enough to look at xserver-xorg-input-synaptics and i cannot unsee the horror, fake native package with patches in the tree but applied in git ubuntu in actual reality. turned it into a quilt package and rebased all the ubuntu patches, but it's just all awful because debian is also doing the same horrible thing [17:07] is there even any point merging that horrible thing as is, and/or fixing it? or just let it die and make everyone use libinput? [17:09] Looks like ubuntukylin still seeds it, but I don't see handsome_feng here... your call. May need some further discussion if the conclusion you come to is "just let it die." [17:09] In general, I [17:09] *I'd support an upload making things better. [17:09] (Plus, it's an example of packaging resilience, hint hint upload rights ;) ) [17:11] the problem with fixing it is that the debian version is similarly bad, so it wouldnt really be a merge but rebuilding the quilt package for ubuntu [17:12] It is in Salsa, and I'd sponsor a (delayed!) NMU if the xorg team is unresponsive (which I highly doubt): https://salsa.debian.org/xorg-team/driver/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics [17:12] Again, up to you if you feel like spending the energy on it. If you've gotten this far, why not :) [17:13] ill take a look [17:13] Cool! [17:13] basically the only path to making this nice in ubuntu is fixing debian first [17:14] The only recommended path, yes ;P === dbungert1 is now known as dbungert [17:56] tsimonq2, i've left an MP on salsa to see what the maintainers think: https://salsa.debian.org/xorg-team/driver/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/-/merge_requests/8 [17:56] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Merge 8 in xorg-team/driver/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Turn this back into a quilt package" [Opened] [18:13] mkukri: Thank you! [18:14] tjaalton: If I'm remembering correctly (I could totally not be), you would know who to ping ^^^ [18:31] tsimonq2: looks like it got reviewed already [18:32] tjaalton: Rather ping and not need it than not ping and need it :) thank you for your quick response! [19:01] !dmb-ping [19:01] bdmurray, kanashiro, rbasak, seb128, sil2100, teward, utkarsh2102: DMB ping [19:04] hmm looks like i was misunderstanding how the upstream package is maintained and was wrong about where the ubuntu package's problems were coming from. closed that MR for now, and will check if i actually need to do something about it upstream tomorrow or just fix the ubuntu package [19:58] lvoytek, can you please also add my patch for debian bug: #1034800? [19:58] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1034800 in liblua5.4-0 "lualib5.4 is missing expected symbols" [Normal, Open] https://bugs.debian.org/1034800 [19:59] sure thing [19:59] you need also to remove the duplicated symbols file because the debian package now in sid dropped the patch 0003-* making the symbols file half useless (c++ symbols are the same as c symbols) [19:59] and my patch of #1034800 is adding obviously 4 new symbols to symbol file [20:01] lvoytek is a full fledged core dev now. (/me sends stuff for sponsoring 😈 😁) [20:04] Looking forward to getting to do a patch pilot session once I'm a MOTU :P [20:05] though I'm going to have to get faster at packaging - tsimonq2 can burn through stuff in moments that oftentimes takes me 25% longer or so. Hopefully speed will come with experience though. [20:09] mkukri: Thanks again for your efforts on this! [20:09] arraybolt3: Wanna know the secret? Ctrl + R in Bash. Lets you search for previously-typed commands. [20:10] My Bash history also saves as soon as I execute the command, not after I close the terminal. [20:10] Already use that almost daily :) [20:10] Oh, the latter trick I didn't know. [20:10] Okay, nice, so maybe there's another secret I'm not even aware of. :P [20:10] that would be insanely handy, I'm constantly "losing" history between terminals :P [20:11] arraybolt3: Let's continue bikeshedding on this in #lubuntu-devel where it belongs. ;P [20:12] (For context, we keep #lubuntu-devel fairly loose in terms of technical content; it's a good channel to lurk in, but I'm biased. :P) [20:13] lvoytek: congrats! [21:10] lvoytek <- core-dev; congrats! \o/ [21:44] Thanks all :) [22:04] LocutusOfBorg: I updated the merge request with your patch and the updated symbols file