=== Wimpy_ is now known as Wimpy [20:39] waveform: a doubt about LP: #2037326. Can I add the debdiffs for lunar and jammy now or shall I wait till the SRU for Mantic has been accepted? [20:39] -ubottu:#ubuntu-motu- Launchpad bug 2037326 in alacarte (Ubuntu Mantic) "[SRU] Alacarte requires python3-cairo, however it is not listed as a dependency" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2037326 [22:45] @part [22:48] vorlon: ↑ Mlock for the redirect has been set! [23:00] Unit193: Kick/forward everyone? 😈 😁 [23:02] That tends to cause more confusion than help, and this gives people a chance to correct their windows first. ;P [23:03] Ah, fair. Well... I guess I won't let the door hit me. 😁 See everyone in #ubuntu-devel! [23:26] sudip, entirely up to you; if you want to wait for the mantic SRU that's absolutely fine [23:28] ==== G'day! This channel has been shut down and now redirects to #ubuntu-devel, please see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2023-October/042825.html for further info. Thanks! ====